Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Easter Eggstravaganza!

Proverbs 17:6
Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

Holidays bring back memories of precious times spent with family, and Easter is no exception.  I find myself recalling all the Easter egg hunts that my husband, Danny, and I host for our granddaughters.  I locate photos from the last several Easters, though for some odd reason, there are none for 2014.  Go figure!  Please allow me to share some of these special moments with you.

Virginia's first Easter

What a special occasion that was!

By her second Easter, she's old enough to hunt outdoors.

Savannah joins in for the first time!

Alexandra is just taking in her first Easter.

Now, all three have at it!

And the last Easter together?  Virginia has discovered who the true Easter Bunny is, so she volunteers to hide the eggs for her sisters to find.  So grown up!

Virginia at our church Easter Egg Hunt last year.

Virginia wasn't too thrilled when I ask her to pose with her sisters!

Now that they are all living far away from us, and with the travel constraints imposed by the Covid-19, seeing them, or anyone else for that matter, on Easter is prohibitive.  Still, I'm hoping that my daughter, Sarah, and her husband, John, will be able to hold their own Easter Eggstravaganza for the girls.  Can't wait to add their photos to my collection!

Have a blessed Holy Week, my friends!


  1. Loved the walk through time with you Martha. As a grandparent those times are so precious and so important. ours is now 13 and not much interested in things "childish" but man, is he a joy! Just think how beautiful it will be to see them after this is all over!! Have a blessed Resurrection Day my friend. Love to you and Danny.

    1. Yes, Bill, it will be such a beautiful thing to see all of these precious ones once the virus has passed! They do grow up so fast, don't they? But no matter how old they get, grandchildren will always give us such joy, just like yours does for you. May your Holy Week be blessed!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Great memories! Love the photos! Love even more the stories that surround them. Have a wonderful celebration of our Risen Savior!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the photos and the stories, Ryan. Hope your Holy Week is a wonderful one for you and yours!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Wonderful memories of years past, Martha, but also, full of hope and joy for wonderful memories still to be made and good times to have. Let us trust in God. All will be well, I'm sure.

    God bless you and your family always, my friend.

    1. All will be well, Victor, I have no doubt. God's got us in His hands. And yes, I'm looking forward to making more memories with my girls in the future.
      Love and blessings!

  4. So sweet, Martha. Those first photos gave me a glimpse of what they looked like when younger. Precious memories. I had photos from Easter pop up in my FB memories recently. My grandson Foster was so little and his sister wasn't born yet. :-)

    1. Isn't it great when those memories pop up on Facebook? Especially if they include our grandchildren. Glad you enjoyed the post, Karen!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Love that Proverbs verse! This medley of beauties is a treat to the senses … thank you so much for sharing your loves!

    1. Thanks so much, Myra, for your kind words here! Yes, I thought sharing photos of the girls would be a way to take everyone's minds off the current situation and, hopefully, bring smiles to many faces.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh, lovely, lovely, Martha! This is the perfect time to sift through those old photos, to recall those wonderful celebrations.

    I hear what your saying about the grandchildren. I am missing them so much ... and have no idea when we'll see them again. Trusting God with this, too ...

    1. It is the perfect time to go through old photos and rejoice in sweet memories, Linda. I know you miss your grands terribly, as I do. The not-knowing when a reunion is possible can be depressing, but when we trust in the Lord, we can rise above our anxious feelings.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Your grands are precious. I too will be missing mine this Easter, but love hearing their family plans for the day via Facetime.
    Easter Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Thank you, Loralu! Hang in there this Easter, my friend, and enjoy seeing/hearing your beloved family via Facetime. We're actually planning a session later this afternoon. I'm so excited!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Just caught up on your last several posts. A belated happy anniversary! You and Danny are a good team.

    Yes, these are strange times. I wonder how we will look back on this year 10 years from now. What will be the things that stand out to us? How will we feel about ourselves and how we handled things?

    I'm sorry that you are away from your grandkids. I know that is hard. I'm wondering what God will bring to you and Danny to fill up the time that was spent with them? Some great new opportunity awaits you, I think. Perhaps even now during this time of external slowing down and staying put.

    1. I'm glad you were able to catch up on the posts, Galen. :) I, too, wonder how we will look back at this time in our nation's history. It truly feels surreal for us, and there are moments I have to remind myself what day of the week it is - lol! Yes, I do miss the grands so much, but even if they were still close by, we couldn't see them. The distance does make it a bit easier, and we are using FaceTime once a week at least.
      And thanks for the anniversary wishes! We had a quiet one, but that's okay.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, the trip down Memory Lane tugged at my heartstrings! Thank you for sharing. Although is is difficult to be physically away from our loved ones during these times, I am grateful for technology like Skype, and facetime.
    Wishing you and your precious family a Blessed Easter!

    1. Glad you enjoyed this trip with me, too, Beckie! We just did Face Time yesterday with Sarah and the girls, and it is so consoling to have this technology in this day and time.
      May you and yours have a marvelous Easter!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Such precious memories, Martha. Maybe your daughter will carry it on and can FaceTime the hunt this year. Your heart must ache for them, but as you said before, there's a silver lining in them living far away during this time. Especially the younger ones would have a hard time understanding why they can't go to Gammie's if they still lived nearby. I long to once again hug my grandkids to my heart! I'm sure you do, too! Love and blessings of a hope-filled Easter!

    1. Oh, Trudy, yes, I hear and feel the longing in your heart to be able to hug your grands. It is a hard time for everyone, but we will get through it, stronger than ever! And Face Time is a God send, as far as I'm concerned. We use it at least once a week.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Beautiful photos of beautiful children, Martha. I think the Lord Hod is teaching us many things at such an important time in our nation's history.. may we look to Him to learn thses things, how important family is for example.
    Sorry for late visit! 😊
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and all you love, and keep you well in uncertain times. In God we trust.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Shaz! Yes, like you, I believe God is using this time to instill powerful lessons in our hearts and minds. May we use what we've learned going forward to His glory.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Such precious memories...and beautiful granddaughters. They will have a wonderful Easter, I am sure. And maybe when you do get together again you can have another Easter egg hunt just for the fun of it! Who says it has to be on Easter? I have a feeling many people will be having all kinds of celebrations to make up for lost time when we can all be together again. Until then, pray, call on the phone or skype or whatever people do. This time will pass soon. God bless you.

    1. You know, Pamela, that is a marvelous idea! Why not have another egg hunt down the road? So true that many of us are missing out on customary celebrations, but it doesn't mean we can't enjoy events together when the all-clear is finally given. As I've said before, thank goodness for Face Time!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Children grow up so quickly. What lovely memories you have.

    1. Sadly, they do, Kathy, and going through these photos gave me fresh perspective on just that. Good advice for simply enjoying and savoring each and every moment!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Love seeing Virginia's Easter pics. I know you miss getting to be with her. :( Hopefully it won't be too much longer when we can reunite with our sweet grands!

    1. I know, Lisa, this separation is no fun! Glad you enjoyed the photos, and yes, we miss Virginia and the other girls so very much.
      Love and blessings!

  15. How precious is your family, Martha. God's Blessings upon your life is apparent. Celebrating our Lord's Resurrection will be so different this year. All of Holy Week is. May we all "hole up" with grateful hearts and be with Him this Easter. God bless you!

    1. Thank you, Diane, for your kind words. Yes, we count our grands as some of our greatest blessings.
      Yes, Easter will be different, that's for sure, but it will be one we will always remember.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Oh, how life has changed! It is unreal, and if anyone had told us last Easter how different life would be this Easter, we would have had a hard time believing them. Thank you for sharing your photos of happier days gone by, Martha. God bless you this Easter!

    1. Yes, Cheryl, if anyone had even suggested last Easter that we would be where we are now, we'd have laughed them off. But here we are! It's been good for my heart to look through these memorable photos, and I can hope for better times to come.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Your granddaughters are beautiful. Thanks for sharing the delightful pictures thru the years!

    1. Thank you, Barbara, for your kind comments here! Yes, I miss them, as I'm sure you do yours. But together, we will weather this storm with God by our side.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Aww...thanks for sharing these adorable photos with us, Martha. Your granddaughters are lucky to get to celebrate Easter with their grandparents. I bet you will visit as soon as this quarantine is over!

    1. You bet we will, Laurie, as I'm sure Bill and you will do the same! Glad you enjoyed the photos and hope your Easter is blessed.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Martha, thank you for sharing this precious memories of past Easters with your granddaughters. This Easter will be a special one in many ways, I think.

    Christ is Risen!

    Love and blessings!

    1. You are so welcome, Kim! Yes, this Easter will definitely be different, yet we can all rejoice in the risen Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  20. Lovely pics and memories. Hopefully you can facetime or zoom to see them soon.

    1. We have been using facetime at least once a week, Jean, and it does help in so very many ways. What would we do without it?
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...