Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Stones Will Cry Out!

Luke 19:38-40
"Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!"
"Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!"
"I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

All across our land, people have compliantly adhered to the CDC rules of self-distancing, hand washing, and in cases of high risk, self-isolating.  Most of it has been accomplished without complaining.  No small feat for a nation founded on the God-given right of individual freedom.

And all this has come at a dreadfully cataclysmic economic cost.  We have watched a boom drop to a bust in a matter of two months.  Not sustainable!

But there is hope . . .

With the recent proposal of a way for states to reopen their businesses, many governors are answering the call, chomping at the bit for citizens to return to work.  Others, whose states have seen a greater impact from the Covid-19, or who are enamored with a newly found draconian power, are less than eager to make a positive move.

And in these particular states, peaceful protesters, who fully understand the complications of this virus, are insisting that their fundamental rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, be restored and upheld.  They take into consideration the sacrifices they have made over these long, interminable weeks, but are more than willing to take the risk necessary to reopen their businesses.

After all, isn't that something inherent in the spirit of America?  Risk-taking?

No amount of government assistance can ever replace a thriving American economy.  Ultimately, it should be up to the entrepreneurs and the workers to decide what is best for them and their economic futures going forward.

The once complacent stones are crying out!  And they will not be silent.

For as our Declaration of Independence states, the government does not grant us the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Only God does.



  1. The world is in turmoil right now and it seems every country is tackling, (or attempting to tackle), this crisis in their own way and according to their own customs, traditions, laws and beliefs. It is a proper Tower of Babel out there! Yet, I can't help feeling that amidst the noise and confusion in the world today, God is attempting to speak to us. I doubt that many are listening though!

    Wishing you and your family well, Martha. I pray that you are well health wise and may God keep you safe.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, Victor, I believe God is speaking to us in the midst of this turmoil, and I pray that people will wake up and listen to His voice! Danny and I, being in the high risk group, choose to self-isolate, but there are so many able-bodied people who can and should be permitted to get back to work, and resume as close to normal a life as they can. May God keep you well and safe, too!
      Love and blessings!

  2. It is indeed an interesting dynamic to watch play out. Once popular politicians are feeling the wrath of people and those who were not very popular at all are seeing a rise in their ranking. We were willing for a short amount of time to make sacrifices but that time is about over. People for more reasons than one are chomping at the bit to get back to a semblance of normal. I, for one, believe it can be done with wise choices and wise approaches. Good thoughts Martha. Stimulating.

    1. Yes, Bill, I believe that we can get back to a semblance of normal and redeem this floundering economy. People have had enough of the overreach, and with good reason. Lessons learned about hygiene and distancing can be carried back into the workplace, and I think the vast majority of folks will be safe in returning.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Good blog Martha, you said it well.
    We (I am not an American) did it well, but only for so long. it is time to get to work again!

    1. Amen, Marja, I agree wholeheartedly. It IS time to get back to work!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Interesting perspective, Martha.

    My whole family is living in states where the virus is in full swing. My 90 year old mother is surviving at home because of the aides that come in and out. We are very concerned about her health and well being.

    We are unable to get basic supplies like toilet paper. The number of people who are ill is climbing daily and I'm doubting that life as we knew it will return any time soon. We are adjusting to wearing masks in public, washing our hands, sanitizing, staying apart, staying in touch via our screens.

    I have no idea when we will see our grandchildren again. We haven't seen the 4 oldest since Thanksgiving.

    But God knows all these details and He gives grace and hope. Nothing surprises Him ... and I'm looking forward to see what He will do in us and through us as we reach out to those affected most.

    He's always inviting us to something deeper, isn't He.

    Be safe, friend ...

    1. Linda, thank you so much for sharing in such detail where you and yours are right now in the midst of this virus. Some locales are definitely hit worse than others; here in Georgia, some restrictions on businesses will be lifted starting this coming Friday. Does that mean Danny and I will jump back into the social scene? No way, since we are at higher risk, but I'm so glad that the younger and healthier folks will be able to return to work.
      Have you tried looking online for toilet paper? Yes, it's a hit or miss deal, but Danny was able to get some just the other day off of Amazon. If you keep checking, you might hit the jackpot!
      You stay safe, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I have tried twice now two type a response that after reading felt it was a bit antagonistic. So I will keep my response brief and simply say... I don't think we are out of the woods yet.

    1. looks like I should have re-read that response as well and caught the grammatical error.... two-->to

    2. Ryan, I completely agree that there are many areas in the country that are still at high risk for the virus, but there are areas, such as here in Georgia, that are much more in the clear. In fact, our governor has given the okay for many more businesses to reopen this coming Friday. I think that with all we've learned about hygiene and social distancing, we can make it work.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Well said, my friend! I find myself empathizing with different sides at different times. How burdensome to be in a position of authority these days. Praying for wisdom.

    1. Praying for wisdom in our leadership, too, Myra. Sadly, there are people out there who are getting "high" off controlling people's lives a huge overreach that's clearly unconstitutional. That has to stop!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I'm glad you and Danny will continue to play it safe, Martha. I'm keeping my eyes on what happens in Georgia since it's our neighbor. I appreciate all those who have quarantined to keep the numbers down so far (including myself!); it made a positive difference, and we will never know how many lives it might have saved by not overloading our medical systems.

    I'm not sure how many people will be willing to risk their lives by going out so soon to patronize the businesses that reopen. I fear that it's going to be a long recovery ahead no matter what, with many fits and starts. Praying for grace for all.

    1. No doubt, it will be a long recovery, Lisa, but I have faith that all will turn out fine in the end. Here in Georgia, Governor Kemp has slated many types of businesses to reopen by the end of this week, so things are looking up here. No, we won't be patronizing any of these places for a good while yet to come, but I do think that the young and healthy need to get back to work, taking the proper safety precautions at every turn. And the flattened curve looks like we haven't and won't overload the hospital system. There's some good news!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Excellent Post, Martha. I believe that MOST of our government leaders are trying to ease back into "life" carefully, a little at a time. No one is forcing anyone to jump back in before it is safe. But the time has come to at least get started. Otherwise, our country will die from something stronger than the virus...another revolution. Yes, we must take it one step at a time, one day at a time, and use caution, but at least get our feet wet in the water. Thank you for your excellent post.

    1. Pamela, I so appreciate your kind and heartfelt comment here! I absolutely believe we have to get started in reopening the economy, and I'm so proud of our governor here in Georgia for doing so. We, in the more compromised groups, can choose whether or not to patronize the businesses that are opening, but at least we are able to judge the risk and freely make that decision. So many in the younger working force have been hard hit, and we need to trust that they will open as safely as possible. And you are spot on about another revolution if we don't do so.
      Love and blessings!

  9. The word "common good" is often used - and you know what is meant by this. Yesterday on our local news, a woman was saying that everyone, every city, every locale, everywhere, must remain in quarantine for however long for the "common good." Never mind that some places have felt little impact, far less than others like New York. So where is common sense in all this? Lord have mercy.

    1. Debra, I read today that all the actions our country has taken thus far has been in light of what is happening in NYC. How many places in America depend upon mass transit and sardine living as much as New York does? Nada! "Common good" are simply buzz words for those who would make us feel guilty for attempting to revive the greatest economy we have known in our lifetime. I'm so proud of our Governor Kemp for having the courage to take the first step in opening Georgia's businesses and giving so many of our citizens hope and promise for a brighter future ahead.
      And yes, may the Lord have mercy!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I am thankful for all our mayor and governor have done to try to flatten the curve and keep from overloading our hospitals, Martha. I can't imagine the stress they're under. It's bad here in our county. Sioux Falls is the worst hit in our state. Numbers keep climbing. :( Our governor urges the importance of social distancing and hygiene again and again, but she's also made it clear that she's asking South Dakotans to follow those guidelines, not telling them to. She believes we should be responsible. She believes "Our constitution ensures that the citizen's right is protected." So far the curve is flattening, but we still haven't reached the peak. :( Keep safe, my friend! Love and blessings to you!

    1. Oh, yes, Trudy, flattening that curve, so that hospitals won't be overrun in this time of crisis, is of utmost importance. I'm so sorry to hear your numbers in Sioux Falls are so high! Hoping you will reach the peak sooner than later, and begin to decline so that people can get back to work. And it's so refreshing to hear that your mayor and governor are turning the ultimate responsibility over to "we the people" instead of laying extra restrictions upon them. You are very fortunate in that! We feel the same way here in Georgia, loving our governor for trusting us to make the right decisions as we open the economy in stages. Thanks so much for sharing!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, thank you for sharing your perspective on this. I'm really not sure what to say...particularly since you used a Scripture from the Bible...(the context of this verse is vastly different than what you shared here).

    I'm not sure we'll ever get back to what we once had (sort of like the new normal after 9-11).

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, this scripture hit my heart when I was reading about the peaceful protests of those in states where the governors have placed over-reaching prohibitions on citizens that didn't simply comply with the CDC guidelines. We have been cooperative as a people in light of what we have been told about the possible spread and danger of this virus. But when families can't make their house payments, rent, or put food on their table for their families, or worst yet, in some of these states, can't leave their homes to visit with family and friends, that's just beyond the pale. We've been stones long enough, and we will cry out with prayer, repentance and trust in the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Sad but regardless of any way each state decides to go there will be unhappy people. Such a hard call to make as a governor. It is times like these where people need to tap into the wisdom of God for clear direction. I pray that those that have lost jobs or businesses that they will find God working things in their favor and eventually come out better than when they began. This has leveled the playing field and I am sure many are understanding that having money does not guarantee one from being immune to hardships. Help us Lord and pave the way to safety and direction!

    1. Yes, Valerie, this has been such a hard, sad time, and money never makes anyone immune from hardships. I am so glad, though, that Governor Kemp had the courage to permit certain businesses who want to reopen to be able to do so. We all need a light at the end of the tunnel, don't we? And yes, I join you in prayer that God will work everything to His good and His glory!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Martha, thank you for this thoughtful post. Praying for wisdom of local, state, and national leaders. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to be happy.

    1. The question is, Beckie, will anyone at any given time be happy? What I'm hating most about this situation is the political stances people are taking for their own aggrandizement. We cannot base opening the economy on what has happened in NYC. Every state needs to assess its risk, and then act appropriately. Praying for the wisdom of our leaders, too, each and every day!
      Love and blessings!

  14. So thankful our dear Lord is ultimately in control, and no matter what right or wrong decisions are made, His plan will be carried out in the lives of those who love and serve Him. I think so often of Jehoshaphat's cry, "Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee." Our answers do not lie in government - they are mere mortals who don't know any more than we do about what the future holds, but our answers like in the One who calls the stars by name and who holds our world in the palm of His mighty hand. SO thankful we are His children, the apple of His eye, and He has been whispering to me often that we will be so glad we have been faithful to Him. I believe His coming draws nigh! What a glorious thought to know we are almost home!

    1. Oh, Cheryl, what precious and wisdom-filled words you have shared here! May we, like Jehoshaphat, fasten and fix our eyes on the Lord, who holds all the answers to our prayers. I am giving thanks that He can call me His child, and I'm praying daily for those who don't know the Lord, who have chosen to ignore Him as other idols have replaced His presence in their lives, that they will once again turn to Him in repentance, faith and trust. I believe we will see God's miracles yet again!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I am glad to hear you will be staying safe, Martha. Our state is definitely not out of the woods yet. I will be staying home.

    1. We are staying home by choice, Laurie, because of Danny's precarious heart condition. I'm so sorry to hear your state is still suffering from this virus. Praying daily that more and more states can begin the stages of reopening their economies, and that the virus will not escalate whatsoever. I worry so for the families out of work and at a loss as to how they are going to survive without being able/permitted to make a living.
      Love and blessings!

  16. These are difficult times for so many people Martha, and you are right, we want to do what is best for our neighbor, but when we see our rights being infringed upon in the process, that is the thing that makes this very difficult. I pray for wisdom for all of our leaders, and for safety for all those who are on the front lines, being exposed daily to the virus. May God help us with wisdom, knowledge, and give us His protection from this thing, and at the same time, I pray that people will turn to the Lord in the midst of this dilemma, and seek His help. Much love to you dear friend, I enjoyed your perspective very much today :)

    1. I'm so gratified to know, Marilyn, that my perspective shared here has touched your heart. As these days linger on, I, too, am praying for our leaders to make the right decisions, for those in the medical profession, and for the now 2.6 million folks who have applied for unemployment benefits. This is simply not sustainable! We have seen an economy of enormous proportions dwindle into numbers close to depression, and more and more people sinking into a state of despair. May they all know the healing and restorative power of God on high through His Son, Jesus, and find the strength and resolve to make it through this crisis. With God's help, we can!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...