Monday, July 19, 2021

Birthday Blues


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may find peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33

Back in April, after daughter, Sarah, son-in-law, John, and the three grands visit over spring break, my husband, Danny, and I promise to see them during the summer.  What's that old saying?  If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.  Yep!  Turns out to be all too true.

What with Mom's extended illness, and all the post-death chores dumped in our laps, time for vacation and reuniting with our distant family is out of the question.  It is especially wrenching for me this week as both Virginia and Alexandra are celebrating birthdays.  We missed being there last year due to Covid, and now, having to miss another one?  Talk about birthday blues!

Of course, we will do the tried and true FaceTime this week, but as we all know too well, it's no substitute for being with family in person.  Sarah will be sure to send us photos of the birthday festivities, and that will have to suffice. >Sigh!<

I must admit, there is a part of me that simply no longer wants to plan ahead.  It seems that every time we craft a strategy these days, we're met with roadblock after roadblock.  Yet, I have to keep faith that the Lord has a reason for all of this stalling.  So, I'm going to keep praying, and when the time is right, I'm sure God will open our eyes to His opportunities.

Yes, there will always be trouble in this world, but we need to remind ourselves that Jesus has already overcome them all.  We will continue to abide in His peace and love, and do the best we can to share that peace and love with others.

In the meantime . . .

Happy Birthday, Virginia!

Happy Birthday, Alexandra!

Gammie and Papa love you both up to the moon and back!  (And Savannah, you know we love you, too!)



  1. As someone has said, "I know whereof thou speaketh." Even though our distance from our grandson is nowhere close to what your distance now is, it is heart-wrenching when events happen and you just can't be a part of them (in person). And pictures are nice but can't come close to that in person hug. Your girls are sure growing up but one thing I know: they know their grandparents love them. I guess that will have to suffice for now. (Sad face). In all of this though I pray you know God's presence and peace.

    1. Yes, it is very hard, Bill, and I know you can certainly identify with that since your grandson isn't right around the corner either. The girls do know how much we love them, and I'm certain the right time and place will open up for all of us in the future.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Your quote from John 16:33 says it all, Martha. Often life can be very hard for us, and whatever we plan does not come to fruition for one reason or another. But God is there, beside us, guiding us. I know how you feel being away from your loved ones at this time of celebrations. I pray for you and your loved ones. Be patient, my friend.

    God bless.

    1. Life can be hard and difficult at times, Victor, that's for sure, but we do know that God is going through it with us, and He cares for our feelings and our pain. That is something in which I take great comfort. I will be patient, and thanks for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh I hear your frustration and disappointment, Martha. I'm sorry.

    Those little beauties look like triplets!


    1. Thank you, Linda, for your kind words. Yes, I can't get over how the girls are growing up so fast, and like any grandparent, I just want to be with them. But God's timing is always best.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I am so sorry, Martha. I know how disappointed you are. Our only grandson, Noah, turned 21 last October, and we had really hoped to go to Maine and spend it with him. But then came the pandemic. Now this year we were talking about trying again for this October, and now I have this neck issue that makes it very uncomfortable for me to travel for any length of time, so scratch those plans too. Although I did get a text from Noah yesterday, who said if we can't come up there then he might just come down I am praying he will do that. We haven't seen him since his H.S. graduation in 2018. That's way too long. I am praying for you and your family. One day at a time...God will see you through this present situation, and soon you will be making plans to visit your sweet girls again. Then maybe you can have a great big celebration to cover ALL the birthdays you missed! (((hugs))) and love to you today, and Happy Birthday Virginia and Alexandra!

    1. Oh, Pamela, I do hope that Noah will travel south to see you all! The physical distance between you is daunting, isn't it? If Virginia was older, we would have put her on a plane to come see us, but this is a perilous world, especially for a young lady traveling alone. At least Noah is of age to make the trip. I'll be praying for your reunion to happen soon! Thanks, my friend, for your prayers and sweet sentiments.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I'm so sorry you have to miss their birthdays Martha. I know that has to be very disappointing for you. I know it's not the same but at least with todays technology you can still be together, so much better than the old days where a card and maybe some photos would be the best we could do. I hope you will be ale to get there to see them in person again soon.

    1. I hope we can see them soon, too, Martha, but we can be thankful for all the technology that allows us to "see" each other in between those personal visits. I'm sure the girls will have very happy birthdays, no matter what.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Happy Birthday to Virginia and Alexandra!!!
    I, too, have learned not to invest so much emotion and energy in future plans. Just look at the Dream Board/Planner I crafted at the beginning of 2020.
    Like my father used to say, it's a bitter pill to swallow. Hopefully, our Heavenly father has something better in mind!

    1. I know God must, Myra, and I'm clinging to that hope. Yes, your Dream Board/Planner for 2020? Perfect example of how any plans we make can go awry. Hoping for the best!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Happy Birthday to your granddaughters!
    Well, in the 38 years we have had to deal with these things so many times over a distance of 85,000 miles with a very hefty price tag attached as well! It makes you appreciate Faith even stronger and we all know, or should know that we remain connected in spirit. Even after death! Sure a good training for saying one's final goodbye as we have done so often to our Parents. In 2014 I knew in my heart that I never would see my Mom back alive... it is heavy for digesting that when flying back. Instead, I did compose my speech as I's supposed to have been in Jakarta, Indonesia in person but I would not have missed Mom's visit and their 65th Wedding Anniversary! Things in life have a heavy price, an emotional price but our final destination will more than make up for all that.
    This is what I focussed on with a heavy heart:
    As for making plans, we seldom do way ahead of time but live day by day and feel grateful for each added day being together alive!
    Big hugs,

    1. You've got it right about living day to day, Mariette, and to be thankful for every moment God gives us. I will certainly try to check out the link you've written here, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Boa tarde. Meus sentimentos minha querida amiga e irmã. Que o nosso Deus possa trazer conforto e consolo ao coração de vocês. Que o Espírito Santo de Deus esteja cada vez mais sobre a sua vida.

    1. Thank you, Luiz. We can use every ounce of comfort He gives.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I'm so very sorry your are missing the birthday celebrations for two of your sweet granddaughters. The summer isn't over yet, so don't give up on that trip. All in God's timing, or sure. Love & hugs to you!! xo

    1. The only problem, Terri, is that Mom's memorial service is scheduled for August 14, and the kids go back to school the following week, I do believe. I'm not insisting to Sarah that they come; they just got a new puppy and it's an eight hour drive. I know my mom would completely understand. Danny and I hope to visit over Labor Day.
      Love and blessings!

  10. The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. I'm sorry you won't be with your littles to celebrate. Keep the faith, because the next visit you have with them will be all the sweeter. Hugs and blessings.

    1. That's exactly the attitude I need to have, Nells. Yes, I will keep the faith!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Oh, Martha--how disappointing! This does not seem fair. I add my condolences to those already expressed and pray you're able to plan a post-birthday trip VERY soon!

    1. I hope we can, too, Nancy, as it is so disappointing. Did I ever tell you that my Mom's name was Nancy, and that Alexandra's middle name is the same? What a great name and legacy to live on!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Happy Birthday young ladies. Oh, what a celebration you will have when Gammie and Papa get to come visit you.

    1. That will be a celebration, J. D.! Right now, I'm simply looking forward to interacting on FaceTime tomorrow. We can always make the best of our circumstances with God's help.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Yep, that's how our plans have been the past several months as well. After the last disappointing change of plans, I told myself I'll never expect a particular visit to happen again until I see the people at my front door. (Although that attitude is too extreme, obviously! ha) We're due for a Facetime visit in the next day or two and I'm so ready for it. Praying for you to get some real time as soon as possible with your grands. After all you've been through the past few months and now losing your mom, those sweet grandbabies will bring you lots of joy.

    1. Yes, Lisa, I sure hear you about those best laid plans, and I'm feeling the same way, though it is a bit extreme. :) We are scheduled to do a FaceTime today as it is actually Virginia's birthday. Even scheduling that becomes a juggling act as we are in the midst of working on Mom's estate. Hope you get to see your beautiful grandchildren soon, too!
      Love and blessings!

  14. This is a difficult season for you already with the loss of your mother, but adding missing these birthdays on top of that can be "the straw". Praying, Friend, that you allow God to support and sustain you during these days and that you remember your hope for a better future. Those girls are precious and THANK GOD! for Facetime!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Yes, it has been a difficult season, Lulu, no doubt about that one. Thanks so much for you support and your prayers, my friend. Somehow, God will see us through.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Martha, they are getting so big! Happy birthday to Virginia and Alexandra.

    1. They are certainly growing, Karen, that's for sure! And Virginia did have a very happy birthday yesterday. So happy for her!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Love seeing their photos and yes I am sad you were unable to see them except through facetime. I know just what you mean about planning ahead. I find myself making decisions and holding back because of all uncertainty and constant changing of plans. I don't want to keep pivoting. it is tiring.

    1. Pivoting is tiring, indeed, Jean. I'm doing my best to let go and let God from here on out. Glad you enjoyed the photos!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...