Monday, July 26, 2021

Happy Birthday!


Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. ~Romans 12:15

Our family has certainly been on a roller coaster of emotions these past two weeks.  Having my mother pass away is definitely a reason to be in mourning, but we can also rejoice in knowing she lived a good, long and healthy life, and is now at peace with the Lord.

And yes, for a time, Danny and I both mourned over our inability to visit with our grandchildren this summer, especially during the week of Virginia's and Alexandra's birthdays, but we can celebrate and rejoice in these photos my daughter, Sarah, sends to us.

Virginia's birthday is July 21st, and she turns eleven!  I can hardly believe it!  Where has the time gone?

She's especially thrilled when she opens the package from her Gammie and Papa.  As many of you know, Virginia is mesmerized by all things space, and this Blisslights Sky Lite, an RGB LED laser star projector fits the bill.

What a star-studded show!  Both in the light,

and in the dark.

Now, Virginia can easily imagine she is a real astronaut exploring space.

Alexandra's birthday is July 23rd, and turns six-years-old.  Isn't she so intent on opening her gifts?

And although her present from us is much more down-to-earth than Virginia's, practical even, it's exactly what Alexandra asked for:

A Paw Patrol backpack, lunch box, pencils pouch, and water bottle.  I'd say she is all set to launch into first grade this year.

But wait, there's more!  Though this little guy isn't a birthday gift per se, Finn is adopted by the family this past week.  All three girls are reveling in their new friend.  The pup is, fortunately, a Shih-tzu, so shouldn't grow too big to be a handful for them.  Isn't this face too adorable?

I foresee many fun and frolicking days ahead for Finn and his family!

So, friends, even in our times of trials and troubles, heartaches and sorrows, we can lean upon the Lord, knowing that this, too, shall pass, and times of happiness and joy will return.  Jesus walks faithfully with us through all our seasons of life, and that is something in which we can rejoice each and every day.


My mother would have turned 93 on Wednesday, July 28th.  Happy Birthday in Heaven, Mom!


  1. Happy Birthday to Virginia, Alexandra and your Mom. May she rest in peace, looking down on you all with pride and pleasure. She is very proud of you Martha, I'm sure.

    God bless you all; and prayers from me.

    1. Thank you, Victor, for your kind birthday wishes for all. I do hope my mother is proud of all of us.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I have watched Virginia grow up with your pictures Martha. Thanks for sharing them. And for sharing the ones of Alexandra. I'm glad, even amongst the heartache, you found something to turn your mourning into laughing. Happy birthday to your mom a day early.

    1. It has been quite the journey watching Virginia grow up, Bill, and a wonderful one, to be sure. Yes, with God's help, heartache can always be turned into joy. Taking off that sack cloth!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh, those faces! Priceless. And yes, life and death are connected. Birthdays in heaven and on earth. Reason to be thankful indeed.

    1. And I am so thankful for it all, Marja! Yes, I must agree that the girls' faces/expressions are priceless. Joy radiates!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Happy birthday, Virginia! Our grandson Cameron turned 11 in March. Teen years are looming!

    1. Teen years??? Perish the thought, Glynn, but yes, they are on the horizon for both Cameron and Virginia. Hope we, as grandparents, help those years to go more smoothly for them.
      Love and blessings!

  5. A roller-coaster of emotions, yes! This so reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3:2, and of course the Byrds splendid song, Turn, Turn, Turn.
    Your new grandpup, Finn is absolutely adorable; and of course, I love seeing Virginia and Alexandra's joyful expressions.
    Happy New Year, little ones. And Happy Heavenly Birthday to your mother tomorrow!

    1. I remember that song well, Myra; one of my all-time favorites. Yes, Finn is a cutie, as are my grands, but then again, I'm biased!
      Thanks for the birthday wishes all around.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Dearest Martha Jane,
    That is a whole row of events, your two grand-girls and your dear Mom! All happy events with lots of new and old memories.
    Finn, no doubt is a lovely addition to the family; to offset the all-girl a little...😉

    1. Finn joins family cat, Henry, as being an additional male in the family, Mariette. And there's daddy, John, of course! Yes, lots of memories are triggered by birthdays; thank goodness they're mostly all good.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Bless your've been through so much these past several months and even last thankful you have the Lord to comfort and keep you and give you strength for each new day. I LOVE the pictures of your sweet girls with their gifts! They look very happy and you certainly picked exactly the right things for them! Wow! Smart Grandma! I love Finn, too. What a cutie he is. I know they will love and cherish him and have so much fun with him. Happy Heavenly birthday to your dear mother tomorrow. I know she will be having a big celebration in heaven, and you can celebrate knowing she is safe and happy and with the more sickness, pain, or sorrow for her. Just cherish her sweet memory and do something special in her honor on her special day. It will help your own feelings a lot. Plant a flower or tree or something that will remind you of your mother...or whatever gives you comfort and peace. (((hugs))) to you dear friend.

    1. What a great suggestion, Pamela, to do something special tomorrow in Mom's honor! You know, she made the absolute best chocolate chip cookies - maybe I could take a stab at that. It would certainly make for some happy sweet-tooths in our family. :)
      So glad you enjoyed the photos of the girls so thrilled with their gifts, but all credit for Virginia's goes to Danny. His intrepid internet skills found the laser light projector, and of course, once I saw it, I was sold on it, too. And no doubt, Finn will keep the family hopping.
      Love and blessings!

    2. I hope you do bake those cookies today! That sounds like a great way to honor your mother's memory, following her special recipes. I sometimes do that with my mother's pie recipes...although they never could be quite as good as hers, but I enjoy doing it in her memory. I've even written about it before. And yes, the family always appreciates the efforts! Have a blessed and sweet remembrance day today.

    3. You've reminded me here, Pamela, that my mother made a pie crust to die for! I never quite mastered it, but now, I'm determined to try. If I can just come close, that will be an astonishing feat! :)

  8. Happy birthday to the girls and to your mom in heaven. It sure looks like the girls loved their gifts! The new pup will keep them very happy and busy now, he's a cutie.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes all around, Martha! The girls did love their gifts, and Finn is sure to keep them all on their toes.
      Love and blessings!

  9. They both seem to be delighted with their presents. The doggie is a touch of love and excitement too. My son had shih-tzu and he looked like the Ewoks in Starwars, so they named him Ewok. Happy Birthday, precious girls, and blessings to all of you

    1. What a cute story about your son's shih-tzu, Nells; they do look a bit like Ewoks, so that was a perfect name. I don't know where Sarah came up with Finn, but somehow, it fits this little fellow.
      Love and blessings!

  10. 'these photos make me smile. Happy birthday!!

    1. I'm so glad the photos made you smile, Jean, and thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes! We all need reasons to rejoice, don't we?
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha,
    I've been out of the loop due to my own health issues. I apologize for not reaching out sooner. I'm so very sorry about the loss of your mother. But oh, how I rejoice with you that she is in glory!

    Happy Birthday to both girls! My two-year-old grandson also enjoys Paw Patrol.
    I love seeing the pictures. Finn is just adorable. I do hope you can see your family soon.

    Much love,

    1. Dearest Beckie, there are no apologies needed! You have experienced depths of which most of us will never see, and yet your hope and faith remains steadfast always. What a blessing that is for you and your family!
      Paw Patrol is such a healthy, helping show for children, and I'm glad to know that Luke likes them, too. I'm so glad that Alexandra hasn't outgrown them yet. Here's to a great first grade school year for her!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Love how you're making the best of it and celebrating your grandgirls' birthdays from afar. May you be able to visit them soon--and celebrate again! Have been thinking about my husband's dad especially today; he was born on this date in 1917, and of course is celebrating in heaven too. We miss his wisdom and positive attitude. When someone asked how he was feeling, he'd always respond, "If I felt any better I couldn't stand it!"

    1. Oh, what a great and inspirational message you've shared from your father-in-law here, Nancy! Might we all take a page from his playbook, and celebrate every moment we are given here on earth. Happy Birthday to him in Heaven!
      We do have to make lemonade out of lemons, and God will be there every step and squeeze of the way!
      Love and blessings!

  13. It is hard to believe how your grands have grown - in just a couple of years. Thank you for sharing those pics - you know how much I love them and often relate.

    I must get one of those Blisslights - what fun for my grandson - thank you.

    Love your cheerful attitude as always.

    What an adorable hew addition to the family - Ewok

    1. I know you can definitely relate with the grands, Carol. I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am to see photos of yours, and hear about their adventures. Definitely look up the Blisslights. I promise you won't be disappointed, and neither will your grandson.
      Cheerful? Only God gives me that gift!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Happy Birthday Miss Virginia. I know you're looking forward to sharing all your celestial discoveries with Gammie real soon! God's blessings little lady.

    1. Thanks so much, J. D.! When the Lord allows, Danny and I will certainly be traveling up to NC where they now live, and spend time with the entire family. We miss them so much! I will make sure that Virginia knows of your birthday wishes.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Such bittersweet times for you and your family. The girls loved the gifts you sent to them and it will be extra sweet when you get to visit in person. The new puppy is adorable. You have my love and prayers, Martha. Keep the joy alive!! xo

    1. Oh, yes, Terri, I will keep the joy alive, with God's help! It is bittersweet, but it's all good - better than good. We have struggles and sadness, but we can rejoice in knowing that's not how it ends. God has assured us of that.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Happy Birthday to your mom in heaven tomorrow, Martha. I know it's bittersweet. It will be her best birthday yet, but a hard one for those of you left here. :(

    And those gifts to your grandkids...You know how to give a good present! I need to take notes.

    1. Lisa, I can't take credit for having the wits about me to choose the perfect gifts for the grands. Danny, knowing that Virginia is crazy about space, found her gift online, and my daughter, Sarah, told me what Alexandra had on her wish list. Actually, these were the easiest birthdays we've ever had to navigate.
      Thanks, too, for your birthday wishes for Mom. Our hope was that she would be here to celebrate, but that was not in our Father's plan.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Your life is certainly rich! Enjoy!

  18. Rejoice ~ again I say ~ rejoice in the Lord always! In good and bad, but especially the joyful! Happy Birthday to your grands!

    1. Absolutely, Lulu! Let us rejoice in God's love for us always and everywhere. Thanks for the birthday wishes to the girls, too.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Boa tarde meus queridos amigos. Que Deus derrame grandes bênçãos sobre a vida dela. Obrigado pelo carinho.

  20. Martha, such a fun-packed and joyful celebration kind of post. Love the birthday gifts for the girls and the puppy!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post, Karen! I so needed to focus on the positive after these weeks of struggle and frustration as we dealt with Mom's ever-changing condition. God does want us to rejoice in all things.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Such fun birthday gifts! I have a Shih-Tzu grand pup and yes, they do love human attention. Lots of fun!

    1. Glad to hear that you have a Shih-Tzu grand pup, Barbara, and that these dogs have such good temperaments. I'm sure the girls will love their little Finn!
      Love and blessings!

  22. What precious grands! I love the gifts. W O W ! Lighting up the room on that cool first gift. Love that pup too. Blessings to you and yours andenjoying my visits here.


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...