Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Stand Up, Christians!


So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ~Genesis 1:27

Traditional American culture, once focused upon God, family and country, has been under siege by radicals who think they have the answers to all life's issues.  They are not beholden to a higher power other than themselves, and controlling others is the byword of the day.  Nothing illustrates this abomination more clearly than the recent debacles surrounding Bud Light and the bargain super-store chain, Target.

Before I go into more details, defending why I take the stance that I do, I want to share with you the confusion and uncertainty I experienced as a young girl entering puberty.  It was all new and frankly frightening to me how my body was changing, and doing so at a rate over which I had no control.  To say I was uncomfortable with this new image is a gross understatement.

I loved being a tomboy:  Playing outdoor games with kids in the neighborhood, exploring the vast woods around our house, climbing trees, preferring to engage in "boy" things instead of settling for dolls, jealous of all the perks my brother got when corrected by my mother - "That's an activity for men only."  What???  Hiking the Appalachian Trail?  You must be kidding!

So, as womanhood was dawning, I found myself wishing I could have been born a boy.  All I could see at the time (pre-women's lib and Title 9) is that guys had all the advantages, and I had none.

If I thought growing up in the sixties was full of angst, I can't begin to imagine the challenges facing children in these demonic times, when they are being  taught indoctrinated to believe that their gender is fluid.  It is a choice.  An irreversible one in many instances that too many will live to regret going forward.  And with once-trusted institutions undermining parental guidance and authority, this perverted world view has become more onerous and pervasive than ever.

What do our children think when they see a grown "man" skipping and romping like a girl, and promoting a brand of beer?  What do we say to them when they question the reason for tuck-friendly bathing suits at Target?  Why is the trans-agenda message printed on clothing designed for toddlers and infants?  And did you know that for years, Target has secretly partnered with an organization whose goal it is to hide children's gender transitions from parents? (GLSEN)

To top it all off, Target's advertising push for Pride Month was concocted by a designer who is a self-proclaimed Satanist.  The devil isn't just in the details, he is everywhere!

My daughter, Sarah, and her husband, John, are well aware of the dangers these radical views present to their daughters.  The youngest, Alexandra, is a tomboy pretty much like her grandmother.  She loves jeans and T-shirts - no frilly dresses like her sisters enjoy wearing.  Toy cars are more important than dolls any day of the week, and though Alexandra has no trouble making friends with girls, her best friend at school is a boy.

Sarah has expressed the fear that woke teachers may pull her aside to provide unsolicited and dangerous advice regarding Alexandra's gender.  Needless to say, her radar is on high alert for anything untoward going on at their elementary school.

The bottom line?  We, as Christians, need to not sit back and be quiet; we need to STAND UP to these twisted, anti-family views, and shout our disapproval to the heavens.  And we need to vote for the leaders in our country who will uphold and promote our moral values, and protect our children from potential abuse.

Let parents do the parenting and the corporations do what they're supposed to do:  turn a profit for their shareholders.

And don't get trampled in the mad rush to exit Target and Bud Light for good.  Because thanks be to God, it's already happening.



  1. As the saying goes: "Upset much?" :) but I'm right there with you Martha. It breaks my heart to see what is happening to our cultural moors and know that we are headed to destruction. I never drank Bud Light (nor any beer for that matter) and I don't really find Target a discount store, but I will do all I can to discourage patronizing either. Kohls is also facing backlash. (that almighty dollar sure is tantalizing). As for the leaders? I'll withhold my words. Someone once said, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." I will choose that route.

    1. I hear you when it comes to so-called leaders, Bill. It's easy to promise everything, but not actually do anything to solve problems we face as a nation. My heart is breaking, too, especially for my grandchildren and all the challenges being thrown in their direction. Praying for a grandiose wake up call in this nation!
      Love and blessings!

  2. The mantra of the medical profession used to be "first do no harm." That's long gone, now.

    1. Regretfully, it is a thing of the past, Glynn. Who can possibly think for a moment that convincing a child to change his/her gender behind their parents' backs is a good thing? Only satan.
      Love and blessings!

  3. This is very upsetting, poor Alexandra. We have to let kids be kids.

    1. Very upsetting, indeed, Christine. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the ludicrous beliefs of a handful of malcontents disappear. Let us depend on God more than ever!
      Love and blessings!

  4. This post talks a lot of common sense. Are we allowed common sense on social media?

    I've noticed there's not much common sense in our Sunday sermons, so why have it on social media?

    Thanx Martha. God bless you.

    1. I'm surprised to hear, Victor, that common sense is lacking in the Sunday messages. Why is that? God hasn't changed, so why have His people? We must stick to the faith of our fathers and mothers. If it was good enough for them, it should be for us.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Unfortunately the world is having a major crisis and lots of people don't even care. They want their agenda at the price of everyone. People must rise above this mayhem and support the ones that will make the changes they want for themselves and their children.

    1. Amen, Bill! To top it all off, I just heard that Lego is producing a trans-gender friendly building kit. Why??????
      Love and blessings!

  6. Amen! Thank you for your candor, expressing so eloquently what many of us are feeling. Unfortunately, there are just as many -- maybe more -- falling into Satan's stream of consciousness. Praying hard for our children and theirs.

    1. Thank you, Myra, for your gracious words here. Yes, let's keep praying for the children - all of them - that Satan won't get a foothold on their innocence and destroy their hopes and dreams. God save us all!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Well written and 100% on 'target'.

    1. Thanks, Danny! I do value your support so much.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I have a grandson who now says he is "non binary" and wants to be addressed as "them/they" it is upsetting and frustrating for me and his grandfather and we both hope this is a passing phase. He sees a counsellor who I suspect supports this rubbish instead of helping him. What is the world coming to........

    1. Oh, Jo-Anne, this news makes me so very sad! I will keep your grandson, and other confused children, in prayer.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha Jane: Thank you for this post. I spent time reading about the end times in my study Bible. We have to stand for God or we won't be standing at all. What we see going on in our world these days was written about in at least the New Testament. I don't have grandchildren, but I am concerned about my friends that do. My best friend has six great grandchildren, two of which go to a charter school. I have not heard of those teachers indoctrinating their students. We REALLY have to pray about the state of our world. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. You are so right, Cecelia - if we don't stand for God, we definitely won't be standing at all. Yes, we need lots of prayer without ceasing these days.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Well said, Martha! I am one of those tomboys who liked climbing trees and hiking in the woods better than playing Barbies. I ran track and played trumpet in band. Happy we didn't have "woke" crap back in my day too. I pray about this daily. Satan sure has a grip.

    1. Satan does have a horrendous grip on this society, Terri, and the only way to loosen his grip is to stand firm with God, faith and family. And I'm glad to know I'm not the only tomboy in my wonderful group of blogging friends. :) We do eventually grow up to be fantastic women, don't we?
      Love and blessings!

  11. I haven't really witnessed anything out in the publics streets in town about this transgender thing. I do know that many years ago I did work in a restaurant where I saw two men dressed as women, but that's as far as my exposure locally has gone. It's really sad that the men increasingly mock themselves before God this way. But that just brings us closer to the Lord!

    1. Mocking themselves before God - that is spot-on, Ed! Let us pray the demonic actions of others will draw us closer to God.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Thank you for speaking up, Martha! Our country/world is in a terrible crisis...we think China and Russia, etc. are our only enemies, when the real enemy is right here in our own country, destroy our people from the inside out, attacking our values, morals, and stealing our children/grandchildren away from us right under our noses. Yes, we must pray for a change in leadership that will help us set things straight, but Satan is on his last ride and he knows it, so he is kidnapping every one he can along the way to his doom. When our churches also fail to preach the truth but actually preach the lies of demons, it is very scary indeed. Yes, we must PRAY, and stand strong in these last days. May God cover our families with His love and mercy and power to fight off the fiery darts of the enemies. May we never stop believing. Amen.

    1. Amen, Pamela! As Christians we know that Satan is going to face eventual defeat, but that never stops him from snatching as many souls on his way out. Let us stand on the morals and principles God has taught us and continue to pray for the lost.
      Love and blessings!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This may be your best post I've read so far, as your heart is so transparent. You shared your own story being tomboy. You shared from the heart. You share your loathing everything false. And this whole world is becoming more artificial by the minute. All things natural are becoming tainted by unnatural weirdness. At this point, I can even be sure that there there will ever be a Mr. Smith in DC again. No one is standing up for righteousness. Well, maybe one or two, but they are vastly outnumbered. The nation has become a freak show. The American Horror Story at its worst.

    1. Yes, Debra, we are unwilling witnesses to a freak show, I agree. Especially now, though, we cannot afford to back down on our beliefs and moral stance we take as Christians. We are under attack from every angle. That is beyond unacceptable. Thank you for applauding the transparency you gleaned here. I hope I can reflect even more of that in blogs to come. It is empowering and freeing!
      Love and blessings!

  15. God bless you, Martha!!! What a gutsy and powerful counterattack against the demonic "trans" movement engulfing our country and the world. If anything was ever clearly straight out of hell, it's this. Nearly every command and divinely ordained principle God gave us to ensure social stability, relational security, prosperity, and personal fulfillment has been mocked, maligned, mutilated, and attacked in every way the devil's crowd can devise.
    I love the way you took it head on and didn't dance around in an effort to sound "moderate." Nobody ever won a war, led a revolution, or delivered an enslaved people by being being moderate. We don't become peacemakers by bowing to the enemy. In spite of your sweet, heartwarming poetry and your beautiful pictures that radiate serenity, you are a warrior at heart. That tomboy stuff is still around and I think she just showed up dressed in combat gear. :)

    1. As Christians, Ron, we know that the Bible is our unfailing guide to living our lives in gratitude and praise to the Lord, and acknowledging the sins that Jesus has forgiven. To see the ultimate truth marginalized by renegade, selfish and hateful people is beyond belief, yet here it is, displaying the middle finger right in our faces, daring us to speak the truth. I've simply had enough of this farce, and plan to use my blog in the future to right the wrongs displayed right in front of my face.
      Love and blessings!

  16. It's painful to watch our country slip further and further away from the Christian values that made it great and strong, including personal responsibility, determination, respect for others, and of course faith in God that positively impacted the way people lived their lives. The deterioration of our largest cities showcase the demise. I just heard yesterday that the homeless population of San Francisco is now estimated at 40,000. There is only one Way to right all the wrongs that plague us: the transforming power of Jesus. With thousands of other Christians I'm sure, I pray it's not too late, that numerous Americans will respond to Him and the madness of crime, drug abuse, depression, suicide, and more will stop.

    1. Amen, Nancy! How can we just sit by and watch others destroy their lives through drugs and homelessness? What happened to serving the least of these? Oh, that's right, no longer politically correct. Just let them have every temptation given to them on a silver platter. That should solve the problem! Really? We know it solves nothing.
      I pray daily for this nation to experience another Great Awakening. We are in dire need! And it looks like Jesus will be coming back sooner than later.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Sad indeed Ms. Martha. Am afraid that what's happened is that Satan has succeeded in distracting so many parents (helicopter parents, latch key kids, etc.) that a void in teaching family values has been created. Add that to the lack of those values being taught anywhere else and we end up in a "moral vacuum." As with any vacuum of knowledge or understanding, the vacuum is most often filled with incorrect or wrong information. Alas, we've arrived at where we are today. Great post ma'am. #TheyCantHaveMyFamily

    1. I think we're seeing a generation that wasn't taught about God and Jesus, J. D., and His saving grace, so they are latching onto any "religious" belief system. The same goes for so-called climate change. When your moral beliefs are grounded in God, you can't be swayed by the societal winds of change. Let us keep praying and remain steadfast in God's love, praying for the souls gone astray and forgiving them for their mislaid priorities. Our God can truly work miracles when we believe on His promises and commit ourselves to doing His will.
      Love and blessings!

  18. I hear you. This is a sad time in America and what they are trying to do in the schools with children. My goodness, I think it was like 7th or 8th grade when they talked about sex education and our periods. Nothing else needs to be taught to these children.

  19. Debby, somehow, my original response got erased. That happens occasionally when I use my laptop instead of my desktop. I apologize!
    I agree with you, of course, that the school needs to let parents do their job and stay out of the personal arenas, especially when it comes to gender. I remember, too, that even back in our day, there were those who felt the school shouldn't teach about puberty at all. I think they were right.
    Love and blessings!

  20. Hi Martha, I agree with all you have said. I would not want to be brought up in this era. I was a tomboy in my young life too, but would never consider changing from being a girl to a boy. The world has become anti God, and no wonder it says that Jesus will return for the remnant
    We even see trans gender happening within the 'church'. God bless you for your honesty.

    1. Thank you, Brenda - I truly appreciate your support! Yes, too many in the world are turning their backs on God, but I truly believe they are NOT in the majority, but are simply louder than the conservative base. It is disturbing, though, that they seem to be in control of the marketplace and have negatively influenced the medical community. Dangerous!
      Love and blessings!

  21. Agree, Martha, with the gravity of what is happening and importance of not being silent on these issues, but taking a clear stance backed up by the Word of God. It's scary for our grandkids to be exposed to these ungodly ideas. Let's stand up, stand up for Jesus.

    1. Karen, I do so worry for our grandchildren every day, but I trust that God will help us to protect them from the lunacy around them. To say the world has gone mad is an understatement. May God change the hearts of these miscreants that they would see the error of their ways!
      Love and blessings!

  22. Bravo, Martha.
    Morals and values are fast deteriorating in our world.
    I shudder to think of my children's children and the other generations to come.
    Everyday, I pray for God to live in the hearts of all nations that they may be preserved from disaster, degeneration and war.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thank you for your wise input here, Veronica. I, too, pray for a reawakening of moral, faith-based values in this country and others. We know that all people are sinful, but more and more are succumbing to evil influences, and leading others shamelessly astray. Let us pray!
      Love and blessings!

  23. Well said my Friend. Thanks for not staying silent. I share your sentiments and was definitely a tomboy in my formative years, much preferring building forts and climbing trees to dolls. Thankfully no one was trying to coerce me to question the way God created me. I feel quite sure that both genders struggle in the "tween" time to navigate body changes, hormones, and developing at different stages than their peers. However, I think that struggle is a natural part of growing up and not a type of dysphoria. I am a firm believer also in the development of the frontal lobe where logic and reason so squarely reside. It doesn't fully form until somewhere around 25-ish. I am a person of Faith and believe that God does not make mistakes. Even if one does not subscribe to a higher power, to encourage, coerce, support, or pressure to cause radical life decisions in young people is a crime against humanity.

    1. It absolutely is a crime against humanity to think, and act on, the rationality of gender mutilation no matter what "dysphoria" our children appear to show. I'm with you about it being a natural fallout of puberty itself; we must allow our children to outgrow the negative and embrace the positive in their own God-given time.
      And like you, I cannot be thankful enough that these radical, evil ideas weren't even a subject for discussion when we were in the midst of our natural, hormonal growth. What is wrong with so many parents these days that they would entrust their minor child with a potential destructive decision? Yes, our brains certainly aren't fully developed until we reach our twenties. If someone wants a gender change after that? It's a free country (at least it was when we were coming up.
      Love and blessings!

  24. Dear Martha! Thank you for speaking the truth here. How any Christian could ever walk into a Target and hand them money is beyond me. We boycotted Target back when they started letting men go into women's dressing rooms. We signed the boycott and haven't given them one red cent since. We don't drink Bud Light or any other alcohol for that matter, but I am SO proud of Travis Tritt, Kid Rock, and the many others who have stood up against the woke cult and who are influencing others to do the same and boycott them. Kohl's, too, and all the others who have caved to the woke agenda. I have never in my life seen evil triumph as it is doing now, and it is just heartbreaking to watch. God's Word warned us that evil seducers would wax worse and worse, and we are seeing it all play out before our very eyes. Surely Jesus is coming soon. I look up into the heavens and beg Him to. One day, all of this will be behind us, and we will be with Him for eternity. I am SO thankful HE will never change, His Word will never change, and we can continue to look to Him for all we need. Praise His holy name.

    1. Amen, Cheryl! We are boycotting, too, and praying for all those who are standing firm in light of this evil influence permeating society today. When Jesus comes, He will most certainly put all to rights. Come, Lord Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  25. Bom dia, Marta
    Ótima postagem, precisamos falar a linguagem bíblica, o que Deus não aprova, precisa ser dito, um forte abraço.

    1. Yes, we do need to speak up for God's Word in the midst of this chaos and, I would say, criminality, Lucinalva. The human race has always been prone to commit sin and follow false prophets. Only Jesus can turn us around to His truth.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Thank you for posting this. I happened across your blog while visiting
    "Somewhere in Ireland" blog.

    1. I'm so glad you are here, Henny - welcome!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...