Monday, November 13, 2023

Ours in Abundance


Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. ~Jude 1:2

Nestled here in the forest, the trees surrounding us are wearing their autumn best before falling to the ground in abundance.  Isn't this sugar maple gorgeous?

I'm thankful to be able to watch the turning colors, so bright and cheerful, in the afternoon sunlight.

'Tis the time for leaf blowing, even though in this season, it can seem like an exercise in futility.  Here is our driveway just one hour after Danny clears it of all leaves and debris.

Still, it has to be done before it gets totally out of control.  There's nothing worse than not being able to correctly navigate our very steep drive because the pavement is wearing camouflage.  

The constant fall clean-up just comes with the territory of woodland living.  It's a much-preferred activity as opposed to having to mow grass in the heat of the summer.  Our "lawn" is made up of moss, and Danny is always repairing the patches created by squirrel paws and robin claws; for him, it's a labor of love!

Yes, we certainly have abundant leaves at our house, and when they descend to the ground, we can feel overwhelmed at times.

But what if we view this seasonal reality in an optimistic and grateful way?  For each leaf we witness floating to the ground, let's recount a blessing that God has so graciously given to us?  After all, this is the traditional season for giving thanks, though many of us do so all year-round.

When we give thanks each time a leaf falls, I know that mercy, peace and love will be ours in abundance.  God just works that way!



  1. I bet they're beautiful Ms. Martha. I remember raking the fall leaves and all the work that came with them. These days, it's pine needles and pecans. The large paper shell pecans aren't great this year. Two years of drought has taken its toll I'm afraid. Maybe next year will be better. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos ma'am and tell Mr. Danny not to go at it too hard. We ain't as young as we used to be.

    1. No, we're certainly not as young as we used to be, J. D., and Danny knows when to throw in the towel if necessary. Today, the wind is up and the leaves are furiously falling once again. He will have to let it all go until the wind dies down. I know he's happy for that!
      Love and blessings!

  2. The first few years we lived in our house, the only leaves I had to worry about were some oaks across the street. Our trees were too small to produce much. But that was 36 years ago, and now I can clock the season by our two river birches (fall starts here), the neighbor's ornamental cherry, our Trident maple (relatively small but productive), and finally the Aristocrat pear (last but certainly not least).

    1. I love that you have so many different trees in your yard and the yard of your neighbor, Glynn. And they all tell their unique stories both in the fall and the spring. Enjoy them in every season!
      Love and blessings!

  3. The falling leaves have a purpose in life. They are taken into the ground by worms where they are used for feeding, or they decompose slowly releasing goodness and moisture retaining quality to the ground. When God created the world and all its intricacies, He knew what He was doing.

    God bless.

    1. God certainly knew perfectly well what He was doing, Victor, when He designed our incredible creation. There is a story in every leaf, isn't there? Let us listen for God's voice in every leaf that falls.
      Love and blessings!

  4. oh that simple verse from that little book says it all, doesn't it. happy leaf raking to you and Danny, friend!

    1. The verse does say it all, Linda, that's for sure! Right now, the leaves have not required raking, just blowing off. Easier to do when one doesn't have grass to grapple with!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Falling leaves is a natural, seasonal element. It does good to the soil, and it's not much of an inconvenience to Man. We should be peased about them and not rant about the needed raking.

    1. I couldn't agree more, Duta! Complaining is an absolute waste of time. Instead, let's rejoice in the rich beauty of God's creation and all His blessings on us.
      Love and blessings!

  6. The odd neighbour here doesn't rake and their leaves blow over to other's yards. I am lucky hubby rakes.

    1. Yes, you are fortunate, Christine, to have a husband who cares for the yard like yours does. Enjoy the leaves as they fall!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Your sugar maple is still perfect. Ours was on Friday evening when we were waiting to be picked up by friends. Admiring its beauty from the Rose Suite patio. But next days it rained and that did knock down its beauty for 2023...
    On Monday the yard crew came and they blow off the driveway and patios and all the leaves get mulched so they become food for the next load...

    1. Rain has a way of doing that, Mariette. We're having high winds today, and the effect is pretty much the same. When leaves are ready to fall, it doesn't take much provocation to push them in that direction.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha Jane: We have one tree in our yard. It is a Dogwood, and it is dying. I watched some trees right across the street from us that changed color more and more each day. There are two trees nearby that still have their leaves, bright red. I so enjoy this time of year. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I love this time of year, too, Cecelia. I'm not surprised about the dogwood - we used to have several, but in the last couple of years, they have succumbed to a blight spreading among dogwoods. Such a shame as their blossoms are so beautiful. Bright red leaves are always stunning.
      Love and blessings!

  9. My family’s home was nestled in 5 acres of trees. Nothing has ever topped that! Enjoy that beauty!

    1. Wow, Lulu, that sounds like paradise to me! Trees, trees and more trees.
      Love and blessings!

  10. What a wonderful suggestion!
    Tom's run the mower twice now (to mulch the leaves), yet our yard's still blanketed. Regardless what other's may think, I'm still filled with joy watching the leaves fall ... the squirrels dancing in delight.

    1. Ah, yes, Myra, let's rejoice in the dance of the leaves and the squirrels! Wouldn't Racer love that? And mulching the leaves is a good idea as they add nutrients to the soil.
      Love and blessings!

  11. As a kid growing up, I had many days of enjoyment playing in the piles of leaves. Their coveringon the grass and fields adds colour and beauty. I always enjoy the season when they first start to fall.

    1. I think Autumn is my favorite time of the year, Bill, in spite of the piles of leaves that have to be addressed in some way. I remember those days, too, of jumping into the raked piles of them. We knew how to have fun when we were kids, didn't we?
      Love and blessings!

  12. See this reminds me why we don't have trees. But then you get to enjoy the beauty of God's creation in a totally different way. Good application Martha. God's love, mercy and grace in abundance. Sure beats leaves. :)

    1. Yes, they sure do, Bill! And the best part? They are available to us no matter what the season of the year!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Wonderful attitude of gratitude, even for the falling leaves! I love that you live in the midst of such beauty!! I would love that as well! Thank you for sharing this with us today. Here in Florida our autumn leaves are scarce, so it is neat to see what others are enjoying! Thank you for your wonderful comments on my posts. You always have such thoughtful and positive things to say! You are a blessing to me!

    1. And you, Pamela, are such a blessing to me! I know your fall in Florida differs from many zones in the States, but you can enjoy each thing of beauty that you see at Still Waters Pond every day. That is a huge perk!
      Love and blessings!

  14. We too are surrounded by numerous trees, though not as many as you and Danny have! Thousands of leaves drift down, starting in August and continuing through November. Thinking of each leaf as representing a blessing, I'm reminded of Psalm 40:5--"Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare!"

    1. Amen, Nancy, too many to declare, indeed! Using falling leaves to begin to count His blessings is just that - a beginning. May the Lord be praised in each moment of every day.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I am happy to not need to rake anymore but it is a beautiful season. Being able to blow the leaves instead of raking makes life a little easier. I'm glad your driveway is cleared for safety!!

    1. I'm glad for that, too, Terri. And yes, this is a beautiful season, and overall, I appreciate every moment of watching the leaves change and fall.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Our leaves are everywhere too, but yes they are a gorgeous reminder of God's grace.

    1. God's grace, indeed, Lisa, and in abundance!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Martha, the sugar maple is so beautiful. I think woodland living is wonderful, who needs a lawn. :-) Grateful for God's mercy, peace, and love in abundance. God bless. Karen Friday

    1. We sure don't miss having a lawn, Karen, that's for sure. Yes, I always look forward to the turning leaves on our sugar maple - truly a magnificent sight!
      Love and blessings!

  18. A damn good post, we need trees but there are none in my yard but plenty around the complex

    1. Thank you, Jo-Anne; I'm glad you enjoyed it.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Can't say I envy you for the annual leaf clean-up, but it is a beautiful time of year. I enjoy riding my bike over the acorn caps that litter the street from the many Live Oak trees.It makes a pleasant popping sound.

    1. Our acorns are plentiful, too, Barbara. They do make quite the satisfying crunch underfoot or under wheel. LOL! Yes, this is a gorgeous time of the year, that's for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  20. What a splendid sight! Abundant leaves, color, the whole circus-bright display. It reminds me of quote I love: The leaves are showing us how beautiful it can be to let go.

    1. Oh, I so love that quote, Debra! I made that same point in a poem several posts back. It's actually titled "In the Letting Go."
      Love and blessings!

  21. Sorry to be so far down on the list of responses from your grateful fans, Martha, but I loved the uplifting narrative accompanying the pictorial stroll down your driveway. It brought back memories of many decades of fighting back against the leafy assault that came every fall. Your post was convicting because it reminded me that all my complaining never moved a single leaf and it robbed me of the blessing I could have enjoyed if I had just paused in my whining long enough to enjoy the beauty of God's creation and the ingenious way He arranged the seasons so that we could enjoy watching the transitions unfold. Thanks again, dear sister. We don't have as many trees now, but I'll try to look at leaves a bit differently this year. :)

    1. I'm so glad to hear that this post inspired you to look at the leaves differently from now on, Ron. What help has complaining about something ever given us? The sooner we learn to stop whining and look for God's hand in all of His work, the better off we will be.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Love your attitude and joy in embracing your place! and it looks so lovely too.

    1. Since posting this, Jean, our sugar maple has shed almost all of its gorgeous leaves. I'm so glad to have snapped the photo when I did!
      Love and blessings!

  23. Bom dia, Martha
    As árvores que rodeiam sua casa são lindas, gostei da dica: para cada folha no chão, vamos contar um bênção, é muito gratificante ter o coração grato, um forte abraço.

    1. It is so satisfying to live with a gratitude attitude, Lucinalva. I wouldn't have it any other way!
      Love and blessings!

  24. I love maple trees! We have a maple tree in our yard which we affectionately call the Sarah maple, because my parents planted it when my sister was born. :) The leaves are gorgeous. In south Florida I don't see many trees changing color, but I'll never forget visiting South Carolina once with my mom in the fall and seeing tons of changing trees was just gorgeous.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    1. They are so brilliant in the fall, Ashley, and provide such wonderful shade in the heat of summer. I love that your parents planted a maple when your sister was born. Such a great way to honor someone when they come into this world! My daughter's name is Sarah, too, so I will easily remember your story here.
      Maybe, in the future, you can plan to travel north to actually experience the colors of fall!
      Love and blessings!

  25. The maple leaves are stunning. The tree looks like a big peacock embodying one of the greatest autumn beauties.
    I can understand your surprise when you looked it up.

    1. I love what you said about the tree reminding you of a peacock, Crane - what an apt description! Unfortunately, so many of those gorgeous leaves have fallen since I took this photo, but that's the way it goes in the fall.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Love your positive outlook, appreciating even the beauty of falling leaves. Where I live, we miss out on experiencing the vibrant colors of Autumn. It's wonderful to see someone cherish the small things like that.🍂🍁

    Hugs and blessings, Martha

    1. Thanks, Veronica, for your kind and thoughtful words here. I learned a long time ago that it's the small things that can make the biggest difference in our lives.
      Love and blessings!

  27. What a wonderful thing to do to praise God each time we see a leaf fall! I trust you are doing well, sweet friend. Many blessings to you.


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...