Thursday, November 2, 2023

Hair Raising!


"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things.  I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share in your Master's happiness!'" ~Matthew 25:23

Nothing says "fun" to a child more than dressing up and trick-or-treating on Halloween night.  Above is a shot of the grands (Savannah is partially hidden by her witch sister, Virginia) nearing a welcoming, well-lit home in a nearby neighborhood, known for its generous residents and cautious drivers.  Sarah and John find the perfect area to take their girls!

I know I sound a lot like Scrooge, but because our driveway is enormously steep, with lots of bumps created by thriving tree roots, Danny and I close our blinds and dim our lights so no errant goblin will venture our way on Halloween.  Fortunately for us, this works beautifully.  I do miss the little ones with their eager, made-up faces and oversized bags begging to be filled, but that's just the way it is.

I don't go in for horror flicks, and I'm no fan of the creepy and spooky, but I see something on my computer that shocks the living daylights out of me.  Maybe, you've seen this, too?

A group comprised of both children and adults (yes, adults!) approach a doorstep.  The home owners have left out a bowl chockful of candy.  The unwritten, but universally understood law of Halloween, is to take one treat and leave the rest for others yet to come.  I observe with disgust how the entire hoard empties the bowl into all their sacks - deliberately and with glee!

What message are these parents sending to their children by being complicit in the act of stealing?  Rudely taking what they instinctively know isn't for them alone?

If you, like me, are wondering what this world is coming to, look no further than how children act even when their parents are around.  Crass and brazen barely begins to describe them as they mimic their parents' despicable behavior.

I don't think there's room for a please or a thank you in such an uncivilized atmosphere.

Jesus tells us clearly in the parable above that God expects us to be found trustworthy with the riches He has given us in this life.  We are not to cheat, lie, steal, or defraud our neighbors.  Instead, if we love them as we love ourselves, and invest in their futures, our riches will return to us ten fold with blessings beyond compare.

To witness this polar-opposite behavior is downright hair-raising.  (Did they forget about Ring doorbells???)  Let us pray daily that this errant nation sees the light of God's love and turns, returns, to Him.

And Him alone.



  1. Amen! Sadly, so many children are not being taught Christian values and virtues in their homes anymore, and certainly not in the public schools! It is a very sad state of affairs and is leading our nation and world into a self-centered Godless society that will totally undo our great nation. I pray for our young people and world every day. I really don't know how much longer Jesus can wait to come back...

    1. I don't know how much longer He can wait, either, Pamela. When God is removed from society, society collapses. It's inevitable. I do pray it's not too late for our nation to mend its ways.
      Love and blessings!

  2. For the second year in a row, we had zero trick-or-treaters. But even when we did, we never had a problem like that, or much of one, because no one left a bowl out. Here in St. Louis, it's the tradition for trick-or-treaters to tell a joke for their treat. So we'd greet each one to hear bad puns, awful jokes, and sometimes real gems.

    1. I've never heard of that tradition, Glynn, but it sounds like a great one! Sorry to hear you had no goblins this Halloween to entertain. There are so many good Dad jokes out there to share!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Haven't seen this Ms. Martha, and don't think I want to. Hear in "Lower Podunk", we never see children at Halloween. Of course, that's no surprise as we sit hundreds of yards off the dirt road we live off of. We shut the large steel gates and turn off the outside lights. Here, if I hear my hidden driveway alarm, the visitors will be met with a shotgun. Our church does give our children and those in the surrounding area an opportunity to enjoy candy, fun, games, and a Bible story or two on that evening.

    1. I love what your church does on Halloween, J. D. - safe and sweet! Yes, I imagine that living in a remote area certainly has its benefits, and no, you do NOT want to see that video. It does nothing to restore one's faith in mankind, not that I had much to begin with.
      Love and blessings!

  4. That's incredible and does not surprise me at all. The world I grew up in would not tolerate this behavior, my parents would have made me apologize as I returned the candy. Lesson learned and not to be repeated.

    1. Mine would have done the exact same thing, Bill. As far as I'm concerned, we were raised right. I blame the lack of the Lord at the center of these folks' lives to be a big contributor to such callous behavior. Let's hope and pray things change!
      Love and blessings!

  5. As my Grandmother would say, “What’s the world coming to?”

    1. Your grandmother sounds exactly like mine, Lulu. As I said to Bill above, we were raised right!
      Love and blessings!

  6. We are raising an "entitled, undisciplined, arrogant and selfish" generation. The youngsters of today believe that they are owed everything. And their parents cannot say "NO". Probably because they too were raised to be selfish. Hence the materialistic society.

    God bless, Martha.

    P.S. I am trying to work out what this new Substack is. What are the benefits of it? And how much does it cost? I could not read your posts there; so I came here. I hope you don't leave Blogger as it is easier to read here.

    1. I'm trying to figure out what it is, too, Victor. I only signed up because I didn't see any other way to follow my friend Linda Stoll at her blog. No worries - I'm keeping my own blog right here!
      And you are so right about having raised an entitled generation who is both selfish and coddled. When God takes a back seat, all of human failures take the wheel, much to their own demise. We can only pray, Victor.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Thank you, Martha. You echo my thoughts. I searched the Substack website and it looked complicated to my simple mind I I did not want to join yet another social media platform to be able to comment on Linda's posts. Then I saw you there too and got worried, because I follow your blog and would not want to lose it to Substack. (It sounds like a burger sandwich to me; or is it a coffee chain of stores?).

      I worry about future generations. God is out of the lives of many.

      God bless my friend.

    3. I hear you loud and clear about future generations, Victor. But if you'll scroll down to Trudy's contribution, it is sure to brighten your day!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I did see that video, Martha. It saddens me to see adults acting like greedy children. We had two adults come to our door for candy on Halloween--each one with a different group of children. The first didn't say anything, just held out her bag. Perhaps I shouldn't have, but I said, "Aren't you a bit too old for trick-or-treating?" She just looked at me sheepishly. The second woman said the candy was for her baby. (Should babies even be given candy? I don't think so!) I didn't say anything this time, but hesitated a moment before putting candy in her sack. I suppose if we refuse to indulge these people our house will be egged--or worse.

    1. You do have to wonder, Nancy, when adults act like spoiled children and I fear for how they are probably raising their own, if they have any. I, for one, am glad for what you said to her. She should be ashamed of herself for not acting her age. And no, babies should NOT be given candy under any circumstances.
      It gets harder and harder to actually be the adult in the room, doesn't it?
      Love and blessings!

  8. thecontemplativecat here. There were two waves of treaters: little kids with parents, and parents with their teens. One year I put a sign up saying that the candy was for those under 12. No adults, and they were confused. I guess no one had ever said NO to them.

    1. That's the problem, Susan. Too many of these entitled "kids" have never heard the word "no" in their entire lives. They think everything is owed to them. And how can a sign as plain as the one you posted cause confusion? It says what it means, and means what it says!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I haven't seen that video, Martha, but this recap sickens me. I agree with what Victor calls an "entitled, undisciplined, arrogant and selfish" generation -- and that's just the parents!
    I pray Jesus will return, sooner rather than later.

    1. You're fortunate NOT to have seen it, Myra. It left me feeling empty and almost hopeless for the next generations coming up. I loved what Victor said, too - he's hit the nail right on the head!
      Love and blessings!

  10. So very sad. I haven't seen the video and don't want to. Satan sure has a grip.

    1. Too firm a grip, Terri. Let us keep praying!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I'm not a fan of Halloween, but I do love seeing kids have fun and giving them candy. We kept the light off though this year. Our local news channel shared a camera video of someone who put a big bowl of candy on a chair and wrote "Help yourself and smile for the camera." Someone stole the whole bowl. Then a group of children came along. Thinking the people had run out of candy, they decided to each put some of their candy there so the next children could have some. Then the children smiled and waved. The news asked parents if they recognize their children to let them know. So in the end the news interviewed the children. It was so refreshing. One child said, “I feel like that just gives other people hope that there is still people that are very generous and that they are very giving and kind-hearted rather than other people where they think that oh the world is such a bad place.” Sorry this is so long, Martha, but it always encourages my heart when I hear things like this and I wanted to share it with you. :) Love and blessings to you!

    1. Trudy, I so appreciate you sharing this heartwarming story with me today. It gives me such hope for the future, as some children have obviously been taught right from wrong. Not only that, they have empathy for others in a big way. Oh, so encouraging! I'm glad your local TV station thought this incident was well worth covering.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha Jane: I have participated in two "Trunk or Treats". The first one was a bit scary for me. We had hecklers come by and say some uncalled-for thoughts. The second one was at a different church; the parking lot was well lit, and the parents brought the children. We have not had very many children live in our area for quite some time. Here, some parents used to drive the children to other parts of town, it got ridiculous for us to pay out good money for candy and not have any children come.

    1. I hear you, Cecelia, about investing in all that candy only to be stuck with it at the end. When the grands lived close, we all went to the trunk or treat hosted annually by my former church. It was held in the daytime, so there was never a problem or issue. It was just plain fun!
      Love and blessings!

  13. There are things I am glad I have not seen this would be one of those

    1. Amen, Jo-Anne! This is one thing I wish I could un-see.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Wouldn't it be wonderful if love and courtesy and community became popular again! Aloha!

    1. Absolutely, Cloudia! Let's pray for that to happen sooner than later.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Indeed, my friend...and I will add its a sad sad world we are living in, sigh.

    1. This world, and this country, are in a sad state of affairs, for sure. If you want to feel better, scroll above and read Trudy's comment.
      Love and blessings!

  16. I saw that video, Martha, and about choked with disgust at the parents who were acting like they were the only ones around. Is it any wonder the kids act like they do? I hope they are recognized and chastised (as they should be). Then again, if they act like that, they would probably just laugh at the person saying something. Also, I'm with you on all things creepy. Yeah...not for me.

    1. I'm sorry you happened to see that video, Bill. As I said above, it's something I can't un-see, but I wish I could. Trudy, however, had a great story to tell, and I thanked her for the encouragement here. Maybe, all is not lost!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Sorry to be late to the party, Martha, but I wholeheartedly agree with your perspective (again). Diane and I have learned not to put a bowl out and expect the spooky scavengers to honor the instruction about how much to take. We greet each one with the bowl in hand and tell them they can choose 3 items, and no more. Since we came to TN, none have challenged the restriction and most are quick with their expressions of gratitude. But our last few years back in VA, we had some who would try to grab double handfuls anyway. Our response back then was to simply bow out and quit offering anything except for a few of our neighbors' kids that we'd tell to come a little early.

    Like you, we don't do horror movies with demonic kinds of garbage in them. I see enough horrifying evidence of human depravity in the news reports every day, and it is not the product of fiction writers and special effects.

    God bless you for having the courage to boldly address the problems underlying the deplorable attitudes and behaviors that even the youngest members of the next generation are displaying every day. Keep planting the seeds, my treasured friend. Some won't reproduce and contribute to the harvest, but many will.

    1. Oh, Ron, I do hope God will allow me to spread the seeds of what will become a fabulous harvest for Him! Our entire world, it seems, has gone off the rails, and there is enough horror in the news to make us all worried and troubled. So grateful that I know my God will one day put all things to right. Until then, we must do our utmost for His highest.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Praying with you for this next generation. Hugs xoxo

  19. Martha, like you, I don't like scary or spooky movies or things either. It's not surprising in our current day that people forget about something as simple as ringing the doorbell. Thanks for another inspiring message. God bless! Karen Friday

    1. Thanks so much, Karen, for your kind and thoughtful words here today. Sadly, the behaviors of some people do leave a lot to be desired.
      Love and blessings!

  20. We usually watch 2 episodes of the old show, Leave It To Beaver, on weekdays while preparing and eating our lunch. I love watching it but the contrast with our world today is shocking. As the old song said, "Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end..."

    But they did.

    1. How I loved Leave it to Beaver as a kid, Barbara! There were reruns every afternoon after school, and I would beg my mother to let me watch it. Those were the days, for sure. I never thought I'd see the end of them, either . . .
      Love and blessings!

  21. Yep, we grownups model what responsible, respectful behavior looks like. Our actions speak louder than our words, don't they. Lots of good lessons to think about here, Martha.

    Meanwhile, I'd love if someone would share just a bit of their haul of chocolate candy bars with me. I'm hungry!

  22. Actions always speak louder than words, Linda. I wish more grown ups today acted like it. If you want to feel better, scroll up to Trudy's comment above. Breath of fresh air!
    Love and blessings!

  23. We're at the end of a cul-de-sac so we never have trick-or-treaters either. This year however my niece texted to see if she could bring her kids by! So I hurriedly scrounged around in my pantry for enough candy for two little bags of treats so I'd have something to give them. lol

    1. Thanks goodness you found some treats at the last minute, Lisa! You have such a kind and generous heart, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  24. It sure is despicable how disrespectful and mean people are anymore. When they took Bible reading and prayers out of public schools, our nation started on a downward spiral that has never stopped. If our nation doesn't turn back to God, it is surely on its way to complete destruction. He is our only hope!

  25. Hello everyone on here, I want to share with you all a great testimony on how I was cured by Dr Jekawo, who cured so many diseases.
    I was suffering from herpes and diabetes also my little sister was a victim of blood cancer too but with the help of Dr Jekawo we are all fine, well with his natural remedies that he prepare then send to us through dhl courier he then instruct us on how to drink the herbal medicines which we did and today we are completely well, we have being living free for 2 years now and it's seems like a God sent when I met him online by a lady giving testimony online like I'm doing right now.also I have introduce Dr Jekawo to several colleagues from works suffering from different kind of diseases and Dr Jekawo has healed all of them with his herbal knowledge. he's a great man with ancestral power to cure people with herpes,cancer,diabetes,hepatitis,hpv,lupus,als,hiv/aids, also spiritual consultation he's available for that as well.
    I email him on: because that's the only source to get to him as he lives far from the United state,I told him that I will be giving testimony on his behalf because he's a good man with a Godly heart.

  26. Agreed Martha. Seems like there is no respect of others on the part of children or parents (who are to be teaching the kids!).


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...