Monday, April 29, 2024

Calling All Prayer Warriors!


Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. ~James 5:16

Most of my dedicated readers here at Meditation of My Heart know that my customary posting date for my blog is every Friday.  I am interrupting that pattern because my husband, Danny, and I really need and would so appreciate your powerful and effective prayers.

On the advice of his electro-physiologist, Danny is scheduled to have a heart ablation this Wednesday, May 1st, to reduce and/or eliminate the ventricular tachycardia that would, to be blunt, kill him if it weren't for his pacemaker.  The surgery takes around five hours, and Danny will be kept overnight for observation.  His son, Nicco, has volunteered to drive his dad to the hospital and stay with him until the procedure is concluded.  Of course, Nicco will keep me informed of anything I might need to know or do in the moment.  He has been such a wonderful help to both of us ever since that fateful day in January when Danny's pacemaker went haywire, and he had to have an emergency replacement.  If you missed that post, you can read it here.

If you would all pray for his surgeon, the nurses who will be in attendance, and for successful healing for Danny, know that God hears them all and will act upon those supplications.  I know.  I can attest to encountering the Lord's calm and comfort in countless frightening times, all due to the fervent prayers of others on our behalf.  Feel free to put Danny's name on your church's pray chain.  Since I am not on Facebook, but if you are and feel moved to do so, please share this post so we can reach as many prayer warriors as possible.  The more believers involved in this effort will make an incredible impact, not just for the one prayed for, but for those who offer the prayers.

We know that our loving God is the One in control.  May His will be done!


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Our Days Are Numbered


Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12

Have you ever had the good fortune of seeing a Luna Moth?  We discover this one clinging to the cedar siding above our garage doors just last week.  Even though we live with towering trees in abundance, sighting a Luna Moth isn't a guarantee.  Imagine our delight when we see not one, not two, but three of these elegant creatures right in our own backyard!

While in its mature state, the Luna Moth's days are numbered.  Literally, because they cannot eat in their final stage of existence and have only ten days to live.  Its mission?  Find a mate and reproduce as quickly as possible!  Here is the link to the scientific information about this unique life cycle that I reference for this post.  Yes, you can fact check me!

I am, once again, astounded and humbled by the intricacies and details our Father in heaven sees fit and right for His creation.  We humans are not, thankfully, in such a rush to establish the legacy of progeny, but are given that much-needed time to mature and grow in His words and wisdom, that while we have breath, we can do what is possible to ensure God's will is done in our lives; His will that will leave an indelible mark on generations to come.

Will there still be events that prematurely shorten that long life we hope and pray for?  No doubt!  But when we believe in Jesus and the promise of everlasting life through Him, there is no day granted in this life that isn't filled with the purpose He intends.

May we daily give thanks to the saving grace we have in Jesus alone, and embrace whatever life, long or short, we have been given.

If you haven't yet surrendered your days to the Lord, I pray you won't waste another moment in making that commitment.  We all know too well that our days here on earth are numbered.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Keep Calm and Pray


As they sailed, he fell asleep.  A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.  The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!"  He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.  "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.  In fear and amazement, they asked one another, "Who is this?  He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him." ~Luke 23:25

Springtime, especially in the Midwest and Southeastern states, too often ushers in bouts of violent weather as masses of warm air clash with the lingering winter cold fronts.  Danny, as some of you might already know, is a self-admitted weather geek, and has over the years, found some reliable meteorologists on YouTube he trusts.  One favorite of his is Ryan Hall at "Ryan Hall - Y'all," to which you can subscribe and stream for free.

When I tell him that my sister-in-Christ and long time "pen pal," K., could be right in the line of fire for these latest round of tornadoes, he advises that she watch Ryan on YouTube.  His steaming updates are extremely timely and accurate; in this last tornado outbreak, there were even storm chasers in Iowa to report the latest.  So exciting to have experts updating us!

Yes, K. signs up for the site, and is so thankful that we suggested she do so.  This is part of her note to us, and I paraphrase:  What meant the most to me was not just the weather information, but that Ryan's voice was so CALM (emphasis hers).  Our local meteorologists on the radio always sound so frantic when severe storms are approaching our area.  Ryan truly made it much easier to keep alert, yet peaceful inside.

Thanks be to God!

I sometimes try to imagine how Jesus' human voice sounded to His disciples, not just in commanding wind and waves to cease, but in moments of traveling through Judea as He healed the sick, both physically and spiritually, and turned those impossibilities to possibilities for those who believed He was the long-awaited Messiah.  No matter the timbre or cadence Jesus' voice had in His human manifestation, my heart tells it could calm the soul as equally as the storm.

And when we seek Him through prayer and worship, no matter what storms we are going through, He will grant us the peace that passes all understanding.  The peace that only our Lord and Savior can bring to this troubled world and our troubled hearts.

The voice of our Lord speaks to us today.  Are we listening?


Are you or your loved ones facing a stormy time right now?  If you feel comfortable with sharing your story, please do in the comment section.  We will pray for you!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Our Grand Grands


Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. ~Proverbs 17:6

Every year that our family visits us, the grandchildren, even Virginia, want to have an Easter egg hunt in Gammie and Papa's backyard, as Easter has either just passed or is in the offing, as it is this year.  This year is no different.  Daughter, Sarah, and I fill the sturdy and colorful plastic eggs with cash and candy, counting carefully to make sure that each girl will find an equal amount in their designated search area.  While I keep the girls occupied indoors with a game of Uno, John and Sarah, along with Danny, play the role of the Easter Bunny.

The girls are eager to begin their search and do so with pure delight.

After their successful finds, the girls open their treasures, and all siblings will do, count their money and compare the amount to that of their sisters.  How delighted they are to discover that among their haul of dollar bills, there is that "Golden Egg" with a $5 bill inside.

How we wish the whole crew could have stayed with us through Easter Sunday, but we have to say our good-byes on Holy Saturday as they all have to return to school and work.  Our prayers for their safe travels are answered by a listening and loving God, and we are so grateful to Him for all our blessings!

Did you enjoy a special Easter this year?  Feel free to tell us in the comments!


Thursday, April 4, 2024

A Walk in the Park


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. ~Ecclesiastes 3:1

One of the many entertaining activities Sarah, John and the girls have while they are with us, is visiting a nearby park where their dog, Finn, can play with other dogs in the designated, fenced-in area.  Unfortunately, Danny and I have to opt out of going with them as we have to practice songs for Easter Sunday.  We give orders to take plenty of photos, and Sarah and John oblige big time!  I am so grateful that they did so I can share them here with you.

Getting ready to "unleash" Finn into the dog park.

Strolling leisurely on the many paved trails.

Mom, Sarah, with Alexandra and Savannah.

Virginia is no longer a little girl, but a poised, maturing young lady.

We're in the swing of things!  Don't ask me why Savannah and Alexandra thought they needed safety harnesses; I'm guessing they just wanted to try them out.

Mom and Dad, aka Sarah and John.

There are many more photos from our amazing time spent together, so I hope you will stay tuned!  In the meantime, be good to yourselves, get outdoors to relish God's creation all around you, and happily take that walk in the park.


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...