Thursday, April 25, 2024

Our Days Are Numbered


Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12

Have you ever had the good fortune of seeing a Luna Moth?  We discover this one clinging to the cedar siding above our garage doors just last week.  Even though we live with towering trees in abundance, sighting a Luna Moth isn't a guarantee.  Imagine our delight when we see not one, not two, but three of these elegant creatures right in our own backyard!

While in its mature state, the Luna Moth's days are numbered.  Literally, because they cannot eat in their final stage of existence and have only ten days to live.  Its mission?  Find a mate and reproduce as quickly as possible!  Here is the link to the scientific information about this unique life cycle that I reference for this post.  Yes, you can fact check me!

I am, once again, astounded and humbled by the intricacies and details our Father in heaven sees fit and right for His creation.  We humans are not, thankfully, in such a rush to establish the legacy of progeny, but are given that much-needed time to mature and grow in His words and wisdom, that while we have breath, we can do what is possible to ensure God's will is done in our lives; His will that will leave an indelible mark on generations to come.

Will there still be events that prematurely shorten that long life we hope and pray for?  No doubt!  But when we believe in Jesus and the promise of everlasting life through Him, there is no day granted in this life that isn't filled with the purpose He intends.

May we daily give thanks to the saving grace we have in Jesus alone, and embrace whatever life, long or short, we have been given.

If you haven't yet surrendered your days to the Lord, I pray you won't waste another moment in making that commitment.  We all know too well that our days here on earth are numbered.



  1. The more we study nature the more we discover the hand of a Creator God in everything that exists. Yet, there are those who would have us believe it all happened by accident many years ago and it evolved from there. To them I say: The mono-cycle did not suddenly appear and evolve into a bicycle and a tricycle. Someone made it so. In the same way, God created the universe and all in it - including those who choose not to believe.

    God bless.

    1. You are absolutely right, Victor. The beauty and order we see in this world in nature point to a Source so great that we cannot even begin to comprehend the vastness of God's creativity, glory and power. As you so often remind us, too, that because God has given us free will, we can choose to either love Him or reject the obvious. Let us pray that the eyes of our brothers and sisters be opened!
      Love and blessings!

  2. A timely reminder from one of God's unusual creations.

    1. Thank you so much, Glynn! Our Father will always point us in His direction when we simply look around this awesome creation He has given us.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Let us pray -Christine

  4. No I have never seen one and what you shared about it is unbelievable.

    1. Isn't it, though? God is so involved in our lives and the creation He has given us, Debby. Such a comforting thought!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I love this Martha! Nature's creatures are so divinely exquisite. I am in constant awe of what God has created for us to discover and the messages He sends through them!!

    1. So happy you stopped by today, Pam! Divinely exquisite is an awesome way to describe God's wonderfully made world.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Replies
    1. I agree completely! God's creation holds so much of His majesty in all that we see.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Our Creator God’s wonders never cease!
    Blessings, Martha!

  8. What a beautiful moth! I've only seen one of these lovely creatures once or twice in my life. I did not realize the facts about his life. Very interesting indeed! You made some wonderful analogies and points here for us to consider. May we cherish our days and live life fully for God's glory, no matter how long we have to live. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. When we take the time to pause and discover more about God's creation, endless lessons are there for the taking. What an awesome God we serve, Pamela!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I do not think I have ever seen a moth like it

    1. These moths may be only found in North America, Jo-Anne, so I'm assuming. Another fact we can all check out!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Dearest Martha Jane,
    The Luna moth is such an elegant creature!
    As husband Pieter so wisely said today: Man proposes, and God disposes (A Dutch saying…)

    1. Tell Pieter that I love that Dutch saying! And I agree, Mariette, that the Luna moth is an elegant creation, for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Luna moth are one of my favorite bugs. They are so pretty. My husband has a Cecropia moth he framed over 45 years ago that is still in good condition. It's a pretty moth in it's own way too.
    Good post that glorifies our Lord and God. He is truly our Creator and in control of everything.

    1. Knowing that our faithful and loving Father and Creator is in full control brings me such peace and reassurance in these crazy times, Sparky. I will have to look up the Cecropia moth as I'm unfamiliar with that species. Do you remember that song by B. J. Thomas? "Everything is beautiful, in its own way." When we see God in all creation and in other people, can we not help but have love for all?
      Love and blessings!

  12. I've always heard of the luna moth, but never saw one ... nor knew of it's incredible life. God is everywhere!

    1. Amen to that, Myra! God's hand is in everything when we take the time to look around and give Him thanks for all He has done.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I don't think I've ever heard of or seen a Luna moth but it is beautiful and I am happy to learn of another of God's amazing creations. How very interesting! I don't know how anyone can get through a day without Jesus! Thank you, Martha, for this post and your friendship!

    1. You are so welcome, dear Terri. Yes, I feel sorry for and pray for those who have not accepted God's love for them through Jesus. Like you, I can't even imagine living one day without His help and guidance. So thankful for your friendship, too!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Nature is amazing, and your story about the Luna Moth is fascinating.
    It's a great reminder to appreciate each day and give thanks to God for them.
    Your words always inspire me to live with purpose and to trust in Him.

    Hugs and blessings, Martha

    1. Thanks so much, Veronica, for your kind and encouraging words here. God has designed His creation, I believe, that His children will see and heed the lessons each species can reveal about His glory when we take the time to truly see.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I have heard of a Luna moth, but never saw one before. What beautiful creatures God has created for us.

    1. God's creation never ceases to amaze me, Kathy, as it should all of us. Every one He has made has a purpose in this world, even the lowliest among us. Let us give thanks!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Beautiful post! I love the Luna moth. I saw a photo close up of a bee and another of ants. It is amazing how God created each being, animal, person, and such interesting designs. He is truly an artist and He loves us dearly. It was nice you shared about your mom. We rooted for the Braves too. I loved watching Freddie Freeman and then he left for California. His story was interesting since he lost his mom when he was 12 to melanoma cancer. He always wears his full sleeves and is always covered up no matter how hot the temp is. I think so many women enjoyed all the sports too and were having fun. I played in high school but was never as good as my mom. My niece Sarah was a terrific pitcher. But she passed away too soon in her first year of college. Baseball has always been my favorite sport. Thank yo for visiting and sharing your thoughtful and beautiful words.

    1. Thanks so much, Anne! I never knew that fact about Freddie Freeman until you shared here today. He was, indeed, one of the baseball greats! My favorite sport to watch now is college football, and I cheer for the Georgia Bulldogs, naturally - LOL!
      I hope other readers here will check out your wonderful blog.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Amen sweet sister-in-Christ. Whatever days God has given me, I pray I waste no more of them, but spend them in His service, even if only in a small way. Great reminder ma'am.

    1. Thanks, as always, J. D., for your timely and encouraging words here today! Your goal is the same as mine - to live all the days God has given me to His glory and honor, and to thank Him always for the blessings He has seen fit to give me.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Beautiful piece, Martha. I didn't know this information about the Luna moth. Over the years, my husband used Psalm 90:12 when officiating funerals. And he would clearly communicate the gospel and give people an opportunity to accept Christ. Then he would address believers in attendance about numbering our days. God bless, dear! Karen Friday

    1. Oh, wow, Karen! I love that Mike used this verse at funeral services and invited all in attendance to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior before their time on earth is gone. I'm so humbled by your words, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  19. I love the picture and the message, Martha! I've only seen a few of these fascinating and beautiful creatures, but they're an unforgettable glimpse into how the living God loves to put beauty into a world that is so prone to promote the ugliest kinds of things. We used to see them occasionally back in VA, but haven't seen any in our new place in Middle Tennessee.

    But I have to say, the most captivating part of your piece wasn' t the moth. It was the way you used it to once again display the most beautiful invitation to receive the most wonderful gift mankind ever received. Thanks again for continuing to use those creative skills to reinforce hope and to keep our attention focused on the things that can bring light and joy into a world that can be so dark and threatening.

    1. I can't thank you enough, Ron, for your heartfelt words here. They humble me, and make me thank our loving Father for allowing me to use the gifts He so graciously gave me to serve Him and inspire others here while we all have breath. I encourage all of you, my readers, to visit Ron at his insightful and inspiring blog soon. Don't waste a moment!
      Love and blessings!

  20. We have an amazing God for sure Martha! B Blessed!

  21. thecontemplativecat here. What an interesting moth! Have never heard of one.

    1. They sure are unique, Susan, I completely agree. I love the way God's creation is so incredibly diverse with so many niches for His creatures.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Great example! If we just stop and notice, God's lessons are all around us!!

    1. I know you take time in your own life, Jean, to seek out God's holy presence in everything, no matter how insignificant it might seem. Let us all take time to wonder and marvel at His creation!
      Love and blessings!

  23. i have not only given my life to the Lord I have given my days and my future. I know it is in His capable hands.

  24. His wonders to perform 🙏🏽


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...