Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Coming and Going

Psalm 121:8
The Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Our cat, Jordan, is 18-years old.  In human years, that equates to age 88.  Wow!  Except for a tell-tale wobble in her hind legs and a slower, more measured gait, you would never guess her age just by observing her.

Unless, of course, you count how many hours Jordan sleeps out of the 24 in a day.  Our estimate is she snoozes for about 20 of those hours.  Here, she is so relaxed and content laying on the deck, even the clothes brushing her fur as I hang them to dry don't disturb her.

Jordan and I have a daily routine.  When I first get up in the morning, she is ready to eat.  I give her half of a can of cat food at a time.


Once she's had her fill, she heads for the door, meowing to be let out.  Of course, I obey her wishes.

If she is feeling up to it, Jordan will leave the deck for a stroll in the yard.  That is happening less and less . . .

Most of the time, it's a nap, then back at the door to be let in to eat more of her food.

Or, to lap up some milk.

Yes, I admit it.  We spoil her rotten, especially since last year when she became so ill, and her weight dropped to a frightening seven pounds from her normal ten.  We try everything we can think of to fatten her up, even giving her treats like sliced chicken and turkey.

Her snack eaten, Jordan heads back to the door again, wanting out.  Unless, of course, it's raining.  When it is, she gives me on of those looks as if to say, "This is all YOUR fault!"

Then, she slinks away, still sulking, to the bedroom.

But, on most days, it's in and out, coming and going.  A lot!  Just yesterday, I count 24 times she's exited or entered the house!  Sure gets me away from my computer.

Truly, I don't mind.  Not in the least.  Because I know the day is coming when I will open the door for Jordan one last time . . .

So, I watch over her with love and treasure her comings and goings.  And, it is such a comfort to me to know that the One whose eye is on the sparrow is watching our beloved Jordan, too.
Do you have a favorite story about a pet?  Please share!

Will you join me in prayer?
We are thankful, Father, for the pets in our lives who give us such joy and affection.  May we always take loving care of them while they are with us.  Please watch over their comings and goings and ours, now and forevermore.  Amen.


  1. Actually, we are not allowed to keep pets because my nieces are asthmatic...but Belle likes animals (hairy) so she keeps them in their house and her uncle takes care of them.

    We used to have a dog when we were smaller but eventually we had to give him up...

    I like that you have a loving relationship with your cat. I think I see the gentler side of anyone I meet through the pets they care for :)

    I pray with you...Lord continue to bring joy and happiness to the families through the pets that they have :)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Melissa!
      It must be so difficult for your nieces being asthmatic and unable to have pets around on a continuing basis. Pets can teach so much about life and love, but I'm sure they are getting those same lessons from their parents and their sweet aunt! :)
      Thanks for joining me in prayer and blessings always!

  2. Jordan is beautiful and you're a great mummy! I have three little friends, Duchess, Kahlua, and Bella. Duchess and Kahlua are Chihuahuas that I inherited from my oldest daughter and Bella is a siamese with a rough tongue but a soft heart. Every day these pets bring joy and laughter into my life with their crazy antics and loving nature.

    I can't imagine a home without a pet. It would be way too quiet. I've been dog sitting for my aunt these past two weeks and although I love Rosie & Jacques, I miss my babies terribly. I go home tonight!!

    Sending love!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Leah, and for the kind compliments. I do try to be a good mommy to her, and it sounds like you are an excellent one for your menagerie. :)
      I know . . . I can't imagine life without pets either as I've had dogs and/or cats almost all my life.
      Glad you get to see your babies soon!
      Love and blessings to you!

  3. Awwww. I have such a soft spot for kitties. We've owned (and buried) many. When we lost the last one, I swore no more. Now we have two. Every cat has their own personality. The problem with loving them is eventually losing them.

    I've never met a cat I didn't like. Except maybe BJ--Bagera Junior. He was a devil in disguise. Wicked little guy.

    Jordan knows she's treasured.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Sandy!
      After our two cats (Allie is the younger one that loves to hide out in the garage) go, my husband has vowed no more pets, too. Not sure if he'll actually stick to his guns on that one. :)
      And, yes, the problem with pets is the grief we feel when they pass on. They are such an important part of our lives.
      Blessings to you!

  4. So many cats and dogs have come and gone thru our home and every time one passes I swear I will not get another,ha! Somehow the number always seems to increase.I now have 3 dogs,2 cats, and a bluejay! All are rescues and they can drive me crazy but I can't imagine not having pets in my life.My bluejay is now 16 years old and I have no idea how long they can live in captivity but she's here til the end. She has outlasted all the cats and dogs we've had thus far and would not surprise me if she outlasts the rest too,lol..Gina

    1. Thanks for dropping by today, Gina!
      A bluejay? Really??? And, wow, she is an old one; I have no idea how long they live, either.
      As I mentioned in the comment to Sandy (above), Danny has sworn that when our cats pass, we're not getting any more pets of any kind. Don't know how I feel about that as I've always had animals in my life for most of my life. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
      Stay sane in your menagerie! :)
      Blessings to you!

  5. Pets are meant to be spoiled rotten. Jordan is cool...and you are one good mom.

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Janu!
      Yes, I try to be a good mom even when Jordan irritatingly meows for my attention at times - usually this occurs when I'm deep in thought at the computer and trying to write. Lol!
      And, I do enjoy spoiling her. :)
      Blessings to you!

  6. Hi Martha:
    Unexpected Friendships:
    http://cjpwisdomandlife.com/2012/07/18/unexpected-friendships/ is the story I want to tell. Pay attention to the Tigger story.

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Chris!
      I remember this blog! I'll be sure to check it out again, and I hope all my readers will visit, too.
      Blessings to you!

    2. Chris, it was your comment on my blog awhile back that made me think I had seen your original post. I just now viewed it and left you a comment there. :)

  7. Well I don't have any pets of my own but luckily I am surrounded by so many people who dote on their pets and I simply love it!

    Beautiful post Martha..makes me want to get a pet for my myself right now <3

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Me!
      Glad you enjoyed the post and that it made you want to have a pet. :) They are so wonderful!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Beautiful story Martha! My Josh is 18 also! He is now diabetic so gets insulin shots twice daily but doing well with that!! I lost my beloved Noah last year just 3 days before I lost my brother. Because of his death, my brother called me and my last words to him were that I loved him! In my profession, I see the sickness and death of so many "family members". I know that it doesn't say in the bible that our pets will go to heaven but I believe in my heart that God wouldn't give us these wonderful furry friends to love on earth if they weren't in heaven waiting on us!!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Kerry!
      I love what you said here about God caring for all His creatures. There isn't a sparrow that falls and is not loved and seen by Him.
      I know you must miss your dear brother . . . isn't it wonderful, though, that your last words to him were the three most important ones we can ever say to someone. God blessed you in that moment.
      Blessings to you!

  9. Jordan is boss! Gotta love that cat!

    Junie is a neighborhood cat I decided to adopt because I was pretty sure she was homeless. A white cat with a pale orange ring around her tail. Wild, feral, scared. Scrawny, not much to look at. I determined in my heart that I’d make her a real pet. And so I’d feed her, even though she wouldn’t come near me. She’d wait until I’d moseyed along before she’d approach the bowl. Each day I’d stand a little closer while she was gobbling down the food. And each day I’d attempt to pet her while she ate. And finally it happened. When I reached out to stroke her fur she didn’t barrel off.

    It gets even better. At last I trained her to “give me some love.” I’d say “Give me some love.” And she’d rub her cheek against mine. Now she understands what “give me some love means.”

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Debra!
      Yes, Jordan is not just "boss", most days, she IS the boss around here. :)
      And, what a terrific story you've shared here about precious, little Junie! It's a beautiful testament to the power of love and the bond we form with our pets. God blessed her dear cat soul mightily the day she found you.
      Blessings to you!

  10. There is something about having a pet that makes me ponder my sanity. We have a very fat cat. His name is Beckham, after the England footballer, who is more sexy that my fat cat. I frequently tell the cat I am sending him to the glue factory or he will see his end in the microwave. My threats do not deter him, no, not at all. He continues to wake me before the sun rises if his bowl is empty as he continues to use my stomach as a trampoline at 3 in the morning. I ask you, is having a pet a sign of insanity? YES!! Hugs, Martha. Great news today. Still dancing for you..

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda!
      Oh, my! Beckham is one bossy cat, indeed. Jordan will also wake me up in the morning when she thinks I've had enough sleep. :( Can be so irritating! Still, the love outweighs the inconvenience.
      So good to know, too, that you are joining me in the Happy Dance! I feel sure you will be engaged in one of your own very soon. Never give up, my friend! It WILL happen!
      Blessings to you!

  11. What a sweet kitty! Mine is just about to undergo the BIG CHANGE from outdoor to indoor cat since I'm moving to Denver this weekend. If you have any tips...I'm all ears. My cat and my dog are best friends - they figure we're all the same species, whatever that is, and demand so much. My beagle rings a bell to request to go out. If I don't respond quickly, he rings it LOUDER and then looks at me with an eyebrow cocked. My cat drools, but only when he purrs. And he likes to wipe that drool on my face. You want another cat....and a beagle?

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Erin, and making me chuckle this morning. :)
      Oh, I wish I had tips that would be guaranteed to help with this big move. All I can say is, animals adjust to new surroundings remarkably well, though cats can take a bit longer than dogs to do so. As your kitty and doggie are such good friends, I think shared company will help them both in this situation.
      And, no, dear, I do not need another cat or a beagle. :) They are all lovingly yours!
      Blessings to you!

  12. Loved the pictures! Jordan looks like a sweetheart. :) I had a cat..Whiskers, who lived a very long time..In fact about 20 years...He lived old enough to be part of my childhood and have my children, especially my daughter, get to know him! I remember he would jump up on the windowsill that was off of my first floor bedroom. I would open the screen up and let him come in and he'd curl up on my bed in the middle of the night after some time of chasing moths and who knows what else outside!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jessica!
      Wow! Whiskers certainly did have a long life, and I'm glad Montana got to know him, too. Sounds like he was the perfect companion!
      Jordan is a sweetie most of the time, though she likes to decide when it's time for me to get up in the morning. Just today, she meowed incessantly just before seven until I left the bed. :( Now, she's snoozing again, of course, and I'm wide awake! Lol!
      Blessings to you!

  13. I'm not a cat person, Martha, but I can understand how a pet can keep one busy with their goings on! I'm thinking how we must keep the Lord so busy with all our stuff too, don't you think? :)

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Corinne!
      I never thought I was a cat person either until my children begged me to take Jordan in as a little kitten. It was love at first sight!
      I am certain the energetic Pablo keeps you hopping. :) And, yes, with all our "stuff", we must keep God busy all the time!
      Blessings to you!

  14. Martha,

    You remind me to be thankful for all things in our life. Each can teach us a great deal about this journey. I do not have a pet, but I know they can bring great joy and love into a home.


    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Shalasha!
      I'm glad my post reminded you of our need to be thankful every day for what God has given us. And, yes, pets do bring such love to our lives. :)
      Blessings to you!

  15. I had a dear little dog named Lobo that I grew up with. He was an American Eskimo and the sweetest little dog. My Mom got him because at the age of 4, I was terrified of all animals. Living out in the country on a farm, it wasn't practical for any of the kids to be jittery around animals, so this little ball of white fur entered our lives. He became my constant, faithful companion and continued to be there to the grand old age of 23...much older than the norm for any dog. I firmly believe he stayed that long because he was loved, well cared for and he knew that I still needed him. We had many a conversation over the years, and to this day, I still miss his presence when I go home to visit my Mom.

    I loved how you gave us a visit with you and your dear Jordan! Pets are bright blessings in our lives.

    - Dawn

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Dawn!
      Oh, what a lovely story and memory you have shared here about sweet Lobo. I can't believe he lived to be 23! That's amazing for a dog.
      Yes, pets are indeed a blessing in our lives. Lobo certainly was a faithful companion and helped you get over your fear of animals. My last dog was Maggie, a Norfolk terrier. She saw me through some rough changes in my life and it was such a sad day when we had to put her down.
      Glad you have happy memories of your special pup!
      Blessings to you!

  16. Its amazing how a pet can become so close to your heart. they become so much a part of you. Jordan has been lucky to have a home in you and your heart. With Fudge I feel the same way. I worry about him like a mother and dont miss out on spoiling him but he is so intelligent and human like that sometimes it surprises. God bless you and Jordan

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Rimly!
      Yes, our pets do tug at our heartstrings. And, your precious Fudge has found the perfect home with you. I've so enjoyed the photos you have posted of him. :)
      Blessings to you, Ron, and Fudge!

  17. Jordon is certainly dear to your heart...
    we are at the beach now on vacation...and we had to put our new puppy in a kennel for the week...about every hour someone will say, "how do you think he is doing in the kennel?" Does he miss us? what are they feeding him? is he getting enough exercise? etc etc etc,,yes..they become part of our family.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Annmarie!
      Yes, she is very dear to me. And, I remember asking those same questions as a child when we had to put our dog in a kennel when we went on vacation. Our pets truly become a part of our family.
      Blessings to you and have a wonderful time at the beach!

  18. I love this, I am such a girl for cats, I have 5, 4 who live with me and one who decided to move in with the neighbors, guess he liked their dog better. He is 12, I just find it a bit odd, but hey, he's happy and I can still see him and give him love sometimes. My senior cat is turning thirteen this week, he is obese so I don't expect a lot more time with him. I put him on a diet a few years ago, he lost the weight and was a grumpy grumpy cat, more like mean really. I put them back on commercial food and he was and is as happy as he can be. I would rather have him happy and fat than slender and miserable...<3

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Jan!
      Wow! You do have quite the menagerie with all those cats. :) And, I agree - I'd rather have a happy, fat kitty than a grumpy, skinny one. Jordan has never had a weight problem, but when she was younger, she could be quite feisty. Old age has really mellowed her.
      Blessings and joy to you and your kitties!

  19. Dear Martha,
    Any one can see that your cat is loved. In fact, that is why she has lived so long. May she live for many more years. Thanks for sharing.

  20. What a beautiful cat Martha. I don't have any cats, but we do have two dogs that we brought with us when we moved from the farm. They too, are getting up in age. When we first moved here, we kept them in the basement. But then, Rowdy (our mixed breed and orphan we adopted) began to have trouble getting up and down the stairs. So, now I keep both of them upstairs. They are both long hair and do shed so it's an ongoing battle with hair. As I spend a great part of my day in the kitchen, they like to lay in there while I'm cooking. Our kitchen is very small and with two big dogs on the floor, I'm constantly having to step over them. At first, I feel myself getting angered by this because it is slowing me down. But the I realize that maybe this is God's way of 'making' me slow down to enjoy life and all it's simple pleasures. Now when I step over them, I just look at them and smile ☺

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Mary!
      Aw! What a sweet story about your dogs. And, they do love to be at our feet no matter what we are doing. I think the Lord HAS put them in the kitchen with you to remind you of your need to slow the pace a bit. :) Take time to smell the roses, my friend!
      Blessings to you!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...