Friday, August 17, 2012

Ooh, Shiny!

Luke 10:40
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.  She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?  Tell her to help me!"

It's after four in the afternoon, Tuesday, and I'm just getting around to penning this post.  Yes, it's been a full and busy day, but there have been multiple opportunities to sit down at the computer and get started.

Sitting at the computer . . . That's the problem!

I settle myself in, pull up Word, copy and paste my scripture from Bible Gateway, and . . .

Hmm, maybe I should check my e-mail before getting started.  What?  Thirty-six new items?  Let's see.  Trash.  Trash.  Trash.  Oh!  Facebook notification.  Better check that out.  And, two new blogs to read.  Only take a few minutes or so . . .

And, off I go!  Bouncing around from friends' blogs to my Facebook feed, leaving comments like so many scattered breadcrumbs along my path.  Sharing photos and jokes and news links.  Before I know it, almost an hour has ebbed away, and I have yet to type one word of my post.

While I love the internet and social networking, too often it causes me to lose focus on the task at hand.  I'm distracted, flitting and floating from article to blog like a butterfly, never landing in one spot too long before dashing off to the next attraction.  Ooh, shiny!

Yes.  I'm convinced web surfing has given me ADD.  Seriously!

And, as if I don't have enough distractions from the media with which I already interact, my husband, Danny, signs me up for Twitter!  Yet another ooh, shiny to tempt me.


There are days when this Martha sure feels like the one in the Bible.  Running around frantically.  Putting out fires.  Sidetracked by too many things of this world.

When I need to be like her sister, Mary.  Sitting at the feet of her Lord.  Drinking in His presence.  Listening to His voice.  Resting in His peace.

Writing for His glory . . .
Are you easily distracted when you get on the internet?

Will you pray with me?
We thank You, Father, for the wonderful friends we have made through social networks.  They are such a blessing in our lives.  Yet, help us to remember that You should ever and always be our central focus.  May we, like Mary, take time each day to sit at Your feet.  Amen.


  1. Oh I know just what you're talking about, Martha. The problem is so many friends, so many great blogs to read....But we must do what we started out to do - share ourselves with our writing first, right?

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Corinne!
      You are so right! The sharing is so important and we learn so much from one another. I thank the Lord every day for the many friends I have made through blogging. What a blessing!
      Blessings always, my friend!

  2. Oh have you struck a nerve,lol. I get on to pay a bill or check for a certian email and end up running from one site to another and at times realizing AFTER I Shut Down , that I never shecked the thing I went on for in the first place, oh well, maybe tomorrow cause it's time for bed now,lol... Loved it Martha. Gina : )

    1. Thanks for visiting, Gina!
      Guilty as charged! I have done the exact same thing - going on with one purpose and completely forgetting about it. Lol!
      Glad you enjoyed to posts!
      Blessings, cousin!

  3. Yes there are so many distractions. I totally agree with you, Martha.Sometimes and these days more often I take a break from it all but the lure is pretty strong. To come back and read all the interesting blogs and share so much.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Rimly!
      I can't even begin to count all the blogs I read, but I know I'm a better, more understanding and informed person because of what I learn from others. I want those breaks, too, but the lure is there, for sure!
      Blessings always, my friend!

  4. This is definitely true in todays...oops text message be right back.

    1. Have you tweeted today? :)
      Thanks for the comment, honey, and for sharing my post to your feed as always.
      Love you!

  5. Yep. And I'm not even on Facebook right now. My inbox has more than 1200 messages, I have 20 papers to grade, journaling and writing to do, just completely wasted my time with a Harris Poll survey that told me TEN MINUTES INTO IT that I don't qualify for the survey (I'm not bitter or anything) and probably before I finish typing this my email notification will let me know that something new has come in that demands that I stop the world and see what it is I need to delete.

    Oh. What was your question? :-)

    Hey, check out this picture my dad sent me a few years ago...

    1. Thanks for taking time out of what looks like your monstrously busy schedule to leave a comment today, Andy!
      You have the best sense of humor, my friend. :) I think if I awoke to over 1200 messages in my inbox, I'd need the smelling salts! I will be sure to check out the photo and put your blog on Facebook for you. It's still sitting unopened in my mailbox . . . You can thank Ooh, Shiny for that!
      Blessings always!

  6. I wonder if there is anyone reading your post who doesn't immediately relate. In fact, most of us reading the post sat down at the computer to do something else! Busted!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Galen!
      Busted, indeed! Lol! I think everyone of us contracts a touch of ADD when we go online. Just too many butterflies and Ooh, Shinys. :)
      Blessings always, my friend!

  7. This is such a great reminder. I feel that technology in general can be such a clutter in our day sometimes. No matter is distracting us from our walk with Jesus it is good to pray for focus on him. Thank you for this perceptive.


    1. Thanks for visiting today, Shalasha!
      Yes! If technology is taking our focus off of the Lord, we really need to rethink our priorities.
      Glad you enjoyed the post, my friend.
      Blessings always!

  8. The internet does provide ample opportunity for those "oooh shiny!" moments! Magpie moments, I call them. :) You're not alone in this regard. I work in a freelance capacity and part of my work is social media management/consulting, so you can just intuit how many hours I am chained to my laptop! I find a rhythm to it, but yes, I do bounce around and flit hither an yon way more than is probably necessary.

    A few months ago, I established a rule of no laptop, no internet AT ALL on Saturdays until after 7pm. I think it last for 3 weekends before I caved and broke my own edict, but while it lasted it was lovely. I think I need to reinstate that edict and honor it...and myself...more firmly. Wonderful post, Martha! <3

    Much love to you,

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Dawn!
      Oh, I love your "magpie moments" description. The next shiny treasure that grabs the eyes and our attention, and off we go!
      I like your edict. It reminds me of Lenten practices. We do need to take breaks, I think, to have true reflective and rejuvenation times for our soul. It is ironic that the internet connects us to so many friends and attractions at the risk of taking our focus away from quiet time with the Lord. May you find the balance! :)
      Love and blessings!

  9. There are way too many distractions in this life whether it be as a parent, a worker, a student, or yes, even a child of the King.

    Ooo.. look... whas that? Did you mention you were on twitter? Me too, ...

    Now, what was I saying... o h y e a h... distractions.

    Lord, may we never be distracted from your purpose.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Dusty!
      I'll have to follow you on Twitter, my friend. Ooh, shiny! :)
      And, those distractions? May they never keep us from being at the feet of our Lord!
      Blessings to you!

  10. Ah Martha such a lovely post... perfect way to end the week :)

    Yes I get sooo distracted that my writing takes a toll. I am busy reading other blogs, commenting, FB, chatting..etc etc.

    And yes I do enjoy having a lovely handful of friends in this big virtual world for whom I am genuinely thankful for!!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Me!
      Oh, the distraction, but it is so much fun to read others' blogs, leave comments, chat, share, and learn so much. I love my virtual friends, too, as I'm sure you know, and that has become such an important part of my life.
      I just don't want to get distracted from loving my Lord and my God.
      Blessings to you!

  11. Oh Martha, you wrote this for me, didn't you? hehe I am absolutely so distracted by social media. And these days, aside from the three (blogger, facebook, and twitter), pinterest, tumblr, and weheartit were added to my "list of distractions" hehe I may just be sitting down in front of my laptop but I'm doing so many things. It makes me feel guilty, though, because sometimes these distractions get in the way of reading daily devotions.

    Thank you for the wonderful reflection, Martha! It reminds me to always put God first above everything else. God bless and have a blessed weekend! <3 :-)

    1. Thanks so much for letting me distract you today, Irene! :)
      Yes, I wrote this for you, for me, and for the endless, beautiful friends we share through blogging. It is a marvelous, caring, and special place to be. Oh, how much I have been enriched through the sharing!
      And, I know you will keep your eyes focused on the Lord. It is always clear in your reflections that He comes first.
      You have a blessed weekend, too, my dear!

  12. Yup!
    Right there w/ya, Martha. Very easy for me to get sidetracked as well. My schedule still is pretty stable. I work ahead of time. For example:
    I have Monday 8.20, Wednesday, 8.22 and Friday 8.24 done. By tomorrow afternoon I'll have the 27-31 done as well.

    My plan for my blog is to be two weeks ahead by EVERY Friday. I do get side tracked though. Like right now I should be writing. Think I'll get to it.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Chris!
      Oh, I was SO organized when I posted daily devotions. So like you with keeping ahead and shoving distractions to the side. But, sometimes, getting sidetracked actually gave me an idea or inspiration for the next blog. Just have to control that "butterfly" behavior.:)
      Oh, and glad you jumped back into writing. Did so today myself.
      Blessings to you, my friend!

  13. Great post. This world is all about distractions, hard to just "be still and know..." life always seems to get in the way.

    You can do it, because God desires it of you.

    Rejoice and be glad.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Donald!
      Yes, we can "be still and know" when we will it, for God does will it first from us. As distracted as I can get, I purposely take time(s) for prayer and reflection each day.
      Blessings always!

  14. Martha, this is not your problem alone but the problem with most of us. Sadly, the decisions we make on prioritising crumbles away even without us realising.

    Anyway, we are aware of things and everything will fall in place eventually.

    Joy always,

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Susan!
      Yes, I'm realizing through the comments here that I'm not alone in this whatsoever. :) I am trying to be more mindful of what distracts me so I don't get sucked into it time and again, but it isn't always easy.
      Blessings always and joy right back at you!

  15. Hi Martha...I asked the Lord to give me inspiration and He gave me lots of materials for writing, music and other activities... I hop into FB and twitter but not really get to read blogs. I could really take in a few at a time. Work has also flooded my brain...I think that's why I get sick everytime... trying to do everything ~ all at the same time...

    And I have to check on my intentions for doing so ~ so here goes 'rapha' again... and surrendering everything to Him... I feel so vulnerable and we only have one life to live...

    I pray with you... may we always get back to the center... where God awaits us...

    Lots of love Martha :* I do miss you and a lot of friends a lot but I'm 'sleeping' more again :*

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Melissa!
      Between work and wanting to stay up with friends, I hear your frustration, but glad you have backed off from it and are getting the rest you need. When we burn the candle at both ends, it is never a healthy thing; we can make ourselves ill. :(
      And, yes, may we never forget where our true center should be - in the Lord, our God!
      Blessings always, dear one!

  16. I am distracted by life.... period! Internet with all it's benefit only adds to it; i am definitely given the opportunity to practice accountability, time management and focus... all those thing that are a struggle for me. lookin for the positive! I very much enjoyed visiting, excellent post!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Amy, and glad you enjoyed the post!
      Yes, I agree. Life itself can distract us, especially when our children are young as yours are. When mine were that age, we didn't even have the internet! Lol! I was distracted anyway. :)
      Glad you are looking for the positive!
      Blessings always!

  17. This is so true Martha. We all go through the same problems...added to this, my hubby is always bidding for his time on the computer.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Janu!
      Oh, wow! All I know is if Danny and I had to share the computer, it wouldn't be pleasant around here. :) Glad you two have worked it out.
      Blessings always!

  18. I could so relate to this post! I am way too distracted when I go to write for my blog and am online! I'm always checking my email and when I notice I get a notification from fb I have to check those out too! Oh yeah, and I can't resist peeking at my fb feed either, commenting and sharing interesting posts! It's really hard to focus when at the computer!

    Great post...I think a lot of people can relate to this.

    1. So glad you stopped by today, Jessica!
      Wow! You sound just like me. :) It can be such a temptation to browse when we need to focus on the task at hand. As you can see from the previous comments, you and I are definitely not alone in this predicament.
      Blessings always!

  19. Well i've not been here for way to long, but now i read something that could well have been written by a million other bloggers.
    We have 2 solutions at hand always.
    1. Step away from the computer. It will still be there another day.
    2. Focus, with laser beam intentions, on what it is we need to be doing.
    Otherwise well its easy for our online stuff to drive us bonkers!

    1. Great to see you back here, Larry! Thanks for stopping by!
      Very good advice here, my friend. I've literally had to "step away" and focus on the matters at hand. Prioritizing helps, too!
      Blessings always!

  20. The internet could really distract us from a lot of important things. I couldn't agree with you more, Martha! Our focus should however be brought back always to God. There at His feet is the place we should always dwell. ;)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Joyce!
      Yes! Our focus should always be on Him so, when we catch ourselves adrift, we have our anchor and mooring in the right place.
      Blessings to you!

  21. I know all about ADD. Oh look! A plane. Anyway, it is good to read your words. I'd love it if you would post a blog entry at Let me know.

    Linda Della Donna

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Linda!
      I would be honored to post something at Griefcase. Let me check out the site and I'll let you know if I feel I can contribute.
      Blessings to you!

  22. Dear Martha,
    Your post is always filled with very good interesting points. I will tell you that I am balanced when it comes to my blog, etc. It does not control me.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Andy!
      I admire your discipline, my friend. I am really working on this one, believe me. :)
      Blessings always!

  23. Oh, yeah, I can definitely relate. It doesn't seem to matter *why* I sit at the computer: blog post, pay a bill, study my online classes--whatever it is, I get sidetracked. The email. The trending headline. Today's collection of e-card posters. Some small piece of trivia I've been meaning to look up for a day or so . .. the list goes on and on. You're lucky if you only lose an hour to this vortex; I've been known to lose entire days!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Cheri!
      Whoa! Losing entire days? Now, that's some serious ooh, shiny going on right there. :)
      So glad you liked this post and could relate.
      Blessings always!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...