Friday, August 31, 2012

"How Awesome is the Lord Most High . . ."

Psalm 66:5
Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!

The word "awe" is defined by as "an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like:  in awe of God; in awe of great political figures."  Well, I don' know about political figures, but certainly "awe" and "awesome" are fitting words to describe the greatness of God and His mighty deeds done for us.

Sadly, the term "awesome" in our culture has come to stand for anything that is simply impressive.  The decline in its power to pack a reverent punch is starkly evident in this phrase printed on the cardboard box pictured above.  It contained a new computer keyboard.

While today's technology is, indeed, remarkable, I would not label it as awesome.  At least, not in the light of the original definition of the word.

This makes me think . . .

What are the things I would consider worthy of the phrase "May contain awesome?"  Or, to be more precise, "DOES contain awesome?"  I offer some examples captured by my husband, Danny's, camera.  (With these exceptions:  the photo of the Bible is mine and the last photo is from Google Images.)

His Word



Yes!  You and I!  Awesome!  Because, we are made in God's image.  Fearfully and wonderfully made.

His beloved children.

For whom His only Son died to save.

Arising in glory that we might be reconciled to Him for eternity.

God's most awesome deed of all . . .
Where do you see evidence of God's awesome power in your life?

Will you pray with me?
Thank You, Father, for sending Your only Son, Christ Jesus, to die on a cross for our sins that we might be reconciled to You.  May we always see Your awesome power and might all around us in Your marvelous creation.  Let us be ever grateful for Your unfailing grace, forgiveness, and mercy.  Amen.


  1. What a beautiful post Martha - I am reminded of the saying by Albert Einstein

    You could live as if nothing is a miracle and you could live as everything is a miracle!

    God and His awesome ways keep on reminding us that life is truly beautiful!! :)

    1. And BTW the pictures are lovely!! Each one more beautiful than the other!

    2. Thanks for stopping by, Me, and for your kind words about the photos. I'll pass that on to Danny. :)
      And, that's one of my favorite quotes ever which you shared here. I would hope each one of us can live as though everything is miraculous.
      Blessings always!

  2. "Awesome" has become so overused as to be almost meaningless. But it is about a holy fear, a reverence, a "struck-dumb" wonder of God.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Glynn!
      Yes, and that's precisely why I wanted to write about it - to try to recreate that holy fear and our need to be, as you said, "struck-dumb" before the glory of the Lord.
      Blessings always!

  3. Thank you for the reminder of what truly is awesome! You're right. The word is used so much that it has lost its true meaning, just like many others. It's time to revamp our vocabulary, eh?

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Jennifer!
      Yes! It is time to revamp our vocabulary and to stand in awe of our mighty God.
      Blessings always!

  4. Oh Martha, this really made me look at the word `Awesome` in a different light. I am so guilty! I often use this word...Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Nelieta!
      Yep! I'm guilty of that, too, and it was part of the reason I wrote this post. Let's reclaim this wonderful word!
      Blessings and happy weekend to you, too!

  5. I remember a Professor of English Language Teaching telling us about serving a glass of lemonade to her student, who told her it was "Awesome." She wondered how a simple glass of lemonade could be awesome!
    But you, Martha are awesome, made in the image of an awesome God. ♥

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Corinne!
      I love this story about the "awesome" lemonade. :) And, you, my dear, are too kind. I am humbled by your words.
      We are made in the image of such an awesome God!
      Blessings always, my friend!

  6. oh yes!! Our God is an awesome God....and when i read the psalms I appreciate the wonder and greatness even more....and I agree, a new dress does not compare to the awesomeness of God!

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Annmarie!
      The Psalms certainly do remind us of the most awesome God we serve. I love reading them, too.
      Blessings always!

  7. Isn't it awesome that we have such an awesome God?

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Anne!
      Yes! We DO have an awesome God!!!
      Blessings always!

  8. Martha, Those were awe inspiring photos. You're husband Dan is quite the photographer.
    We have watered down our language, loving and hating in the most casual of ways. "I love ice cream, but hate vanilla."

    God is awesome in how He is able to synchronize our lives so that miracles pop up here and there along the way. We could never orchestrate such events. Just writing this is filling me with awe for God.

    Loving you my sister!

    1. Thank you, Leah, for stopping by today!
      Yes, our societal terms have certainly watered down our language. I want my God to be AWESOME, with a capital "A" in every aspect of my life. I know you want the same for yours.
      And, oh, the aspect of writing your comment fills you with awe? How great is our God, forever and always? We can synchronize with Him because He is the Lord of the Dance.
      Dance on, my friend, in His blessings!
      P.S. I will pass on your compliments to Danny.

  9. Great perspective on a word over-used. I'm including myself in the guilty group here. This post though is truly awesome because it takes us all back to the awesome God who created us and inspires us with his power and majesty. Love your perspective and the images are gorgeous.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Lynne!
      Yes, I'm in that guilty party, too, and, since writing this, have made a conscious effort not to use the word "awesome" casually.
      Thanks for your kind words about this meditation, my friend; so glad you enjoyed it. :)
      Blessings always!

  10. Awesome indeed, Martha! I loved the pictures! So often I have looked at a beautiful scenery and had lumps in my throat. That's is what god and his awesome creations do to us. We are totally in awe. Beautiful as always, my friend. God bless you.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Rimly!
      So glad you loved the photos. I, too, have gotten that lump in my throat and tears in my eyes when observing the majesty of God's creation. We are meant to stand in awe of Him and his mighty works!
      Blessings always!

  11. I think I love every verse in Psalm :) I also feel that nature is an amazing creation. When you sit and think about nature in its vastness and how every little piece fits together. I think when we often feel like nothing can go right but everything has a purpose and everything will work out.

    Thank you Martha for this great reminder !

    Shalasha @ A Loving Lasting Marriage

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Shalasha!
      Yes, seeing God's mighty hands at work in all of His marvelous creation is an awesome experience indeed. And, even when things aren't going right, we must have faith that everything will work out for the good in God's time.
      Blessings always!

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by, Punam!
    What a priceless thought you have shared here! Yes, we are all filled with the divine and must open our hearts to God's presence.
    I'm glad this post got your Sunday off on the right foot. :)
    Blessings always!

  13. Totally and remarkable awesome Martha. I enjoyed every word and image I saw here today. To breathe in the Lord in everything we see, hear and do...oh so much love!

    I see God in everything ~ esp. in the little children... I see Him in His creations...It's a great way to remind me when things do get blurry at times...

    I pray with you...thank you Lord for your love and mercy renewed everyday.

    1. Always great to see you here, Melissa! Thanks for coming by!
      I'm so glad you enjoyed the reflection and the photos. Danny is a wonderful photographer and I am so fortunate to be able to share his images on the blog from time to time.
      It comes as no surprise to me that you see God in the little ones. :) I see Him in my granddaughter all the time and, of course, in His marvelous creation which surrounds us.
      Love that you pray with me - my the Lord's love and mercy always abound in our lives!
      Blessings, my dear!

    2. *remarkably :P Pardon me dear friend...was reflecting in a hurry...

  14. Beautiful images. In my kids, in everyday life when kindness appears out of the blue, in a moment to perfect to be imagined.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Brenda!
      Glad you liked the images - I'm so fortunate that Danny is an amazing photographer and loves to share.
      And, yes, I, too, have seen the awesomeness in God and in those little miracles which are just waiting to grace our day if we let them.
      Blessings to you!

  15. It is truly awesome the things and people of beauty that God has created. So thankful to partake of the blessing of being alive! :-)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Tameka!
      Oh, yes, it's wonderful to be alive in God's awesome creation!
      Blessings always!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...