Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Forever Blowing Bubbles

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me.

And, sometimes, the summer lasts, and the bubbles grow large, letting us know that, when the season passes, precious memories fill our hearts ~Sandra Heska King 

Summer is drawing to a close.  Gradually, yet unmistakably.  The temperatures are cooler, the air, drier.  Miniature acorns, not destined for ripeness, clatter on the rooftop, clutter up the deck.  They are joined by the first fallen leaves, released before autumn could pain their green in glory.

As I reflect upon the season, my heart relives a roller-coaster of memories.  Ups and downs.  Highs and lows.  There are days I wish to treasure forever.  There are days I long to leave behind.

But, all the memories have shaped who I am right at this very moment.  This moment.  I can't appreciate the ups unless I've been down.  I can't rejoice in the highs unless I've traversed the lows.

We cannot predict how long the good times, or the bad, will last.  It's like blowing bubbles.  We dip the wand into the soapy mixture, lift it to our lips, and blow upon it the best we know how.  Sometimes, our gentle breath creates the bulbous, luminous, gigantic bubble for which my granddaughter, Virginia, begs.

"Big one, Gammie!  Pweaze?  Twy, Gammie!"

"I'll do my best, Virginia."

Other times, our efforts produce only tiny orbs, or none at all as the viscous liquid breaks apart at the least provocation.  Leaves us with just the moist stains of regret on the floor of our souls.

But, when that happens, I refuse to give up hope.  I dip the wand once more.  I try again.

For, I know the promise of the Lord.  He is with me in the valley of shadows.  Ready to take me to green pastures.  There to lead me.  To offer me His hand in comfort.  Even when those pastures are miles away.

I will fear no evil.

I will let the bubbles of grace loom large, if not in real time, then in my heart, my soul, my imagination.  To see fruition in a time of God's choosing.

Summer is drawing to a close.  Fall approaches.  Change in seasons.  Change in our lives.

Unceasing, uncontrollable, and, sometimes, unwelcome.

It is what it is.  We are who we are.  We can't control the changes, but we can choose how we respond to them.

With God's help, we can forever blow those hopeful bubbles.  The ones iridescent and resplendent, sparkling in the sun's playful rays.

"Big one, Gammie!  Pweaze?"

And, memories can fill our hearts with joy . . .


What are your special summer memories?  Please share in the comment section.

Will you pray with me?
Dear Father, help us to ever blow those bubbles of hope in our lives because we set our faith on You.  Remind us that You are there to walk with us through the darkest valley, so we need not be afraid.  May we face each and every day with faith and courage as we place our hands in Yours.  Amen.


  1. As I read your post, I remembered an old song, Martha. 'I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air. They fly so high...' Not sure whether you know that one?
    But yes, we do our best secure in the knowledge that God has got us in the palm of His hand. What more can we ask for?

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Corinne!
      No, I've not heard the song, but will have to look it up on YouTube.
      And, no, we can't ask for anything else but to rest easy in God's hands.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Listened to the song, Corinne! Should have known it had British origins. :)

  2. With much faith, we keep trying because we know, just know there are perfect big bubbles in there...just like life. We just know there are great things in store for us...so we keep moving forward and have faith.

  3. With much faith, we keep trying because we know, just know there are perfect big bubbles in there...just like life. We just know there are great things in store for us...so we keep moving forward and have faith.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kathy!
      Yep! Keep moving forward in faith . . . That's the ticket!
      Love and blessings!

  4. What a wonderful reflection, Martha!

    1. Thanks so much, Kim, for coming by! Glad you enjoyed today's reflection.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Regarding summer, it's a different story here in the Philippines, Martha. I found myself perpetually complaining about the temperature that is the same as having a fever and of how our electric bills shoot up because we use the air conditioner nearly the whole day to cool our bodies. But you know, it made me learn to appreciate the rainy season, except for the typhoon and flood and the havoc it does to some parts of my country.

    And I guess we all have memories that we wanted to erase, but sometimes, it is in those memories that we wish to forget where we learn the most important life lessons.

    Change may be the only constant thing in this world, but God is constant, too, and so is His love for us.

    Thank you for your beautiful reflections, Martha! Much love to you and God bless! <3 :-)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Irene!
      I love what you've said here - that change is constant, yet so is our God - Constant, always there for us. We can accept the changes which come in light of His never-changing presence.
      So glad you enjoyed the refection!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Psalm 23 - my favourite of all time - The Lord is my shepherd - that itself is good enough for me. A friend of mine constantly tells me "we are where we are meant to be" Your post reminded me of that. All things in life balance - the little bubbles help us appreciate the big ones all the more. As always an inspiring post.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Suzy!
      Yes, Psalm 23 is a beloved one of mine, too. And, we are where we are meant to be in each moment, blowing little bubbles or big ones.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I love love love this post dear friend ~ it is very poetic and I resonate with blowing bubbles of hope, catching memories of "summer" and allowing God to act in His time ~ "proper timing."

    I pray with you for more courage and faith in times of difficulties...to face the situations in life with calm and gentle dignity...knowing that God is always in our side.

    Summer happens in April and May in my country and now it's a rainy season...but "Summer" in its metaphorical sense has brought me much much joy and surprises by opening myself up to love. I will be able to share this one day... but for now, allow me to savor the experience :) Lots of love to you Martha and I am always with you in prayers and love!

    1. I'm so happy you liked this post, Melissa, and took the time to come by. Also, the painting you did of the girl blowing bubbles was simply awesome! You are such a talented person - God has richly blessed you!
      Lots of love, prayers, and blessings your way!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...