Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who Do You Say I Am?

Matthew 16:15
"But what about you?"  he asked.  "Who do you say I am?"

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is an inventive little soul.  She is resting on our couch, watching PBS kids, when I hear, "Gammie!  Come sit!"

I pour my coffee and gladly join her.  She looks up at me with a twinkle in her eyes and an impish grin on her face.


"I am not your Mommy!"  I say exaggeratedly, adding a teasing tickle to her tummy for emphasis.  This prompts peals of laughter from Virginia.  She likes this game!


"I am not your Daddy!"  Again, laughter abounds.


"I am not your Papa!"  Now, we are both laughing so hard, we can barely catch our breaths.

When we finally calm down, Virginia looks up at me with those endearing blue eyes, pats my arm gently, and says, "You Gammie."

"That's right, honey.  I'll always be your Gammie."


In Virginia's world, I have no other moniker but "Gammie."  That is the word which defines, for her, who I am.  It also reveals the relationship we share, that of granddaughter and grandmother.

When Jesus asks the disciples, "Who do you say I am?", perhaps He is wondering, after all the miracles, the healings, and the teachings, if His followers truly understand who He is?  It's crucial that they do!  For Jesus knows His time on earth is growing short.  And, He has to prepare His friends for what is to come.

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Phillipi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

The replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." (Matthew 16:13-14)

That's not what Jesus wants to hear.  He's not concerned with the opinions and speculations of those outside His intimate circle.  Jesus wants to know if these men "get" who He truly is.

"But what about you?"  he asked.  "Who do you say I am?" (Matthew 16:15)

And, then, it comes.  The defining moment.  The relationship revealed . . .

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:16)

Amen, St. Peter!  Amen!


If Jesus stood before you and asked, "Who do you say I am?", what would your answer be?

Will you join me in prayer today?
Thank You, Father, for sending Your only Son, Jesus, into this world to be our Messiah, our Savior, our Deliverer.  Because of Him and His sacrifice, we can know You and be in relationship with You.  May all the world, in Your perfect timing, come to acknowledge Jesus as Lord of all.  Amen.


  1. The ONLY thing that comes to mind w/the title of your latest column is:
    I am that I am. Google the phrase, Martha, if you don't know.

    Be well.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Chris!
      Oh, yes, what the Lord told Moses to say to the Israelites: "Tell them that "I AM" sent you."
      Blessings, my friend!

  2. Good post dear Martha and your granddaughter is too cute =)!

    I know who Jesus is.It's clear to me that through Him God came among us.If this is not pure Love than I don't know what it is.This is why I love Him.
    And who am I :)?I'm Nataša and among many,many others God gave me life and made it possible that I'm part of His eternity,too.If He trusted in me enogh that I can live,why shouldn't I trust myself :)?I always remember this when I'm feeling a bit down.

    Love and blessings :o)!

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Jasmina!
      Wow, what a great thought you have shared here - "If He trusted in me enough that I can live, why shouldn't I trust myself." Perfectly said!
      And, thanks, too, for the kind words about Virginia. :)
      Blessings to you!

  3. Children are so much fun. Deep down in our hearts and souls we know who Jesus is, without any doubt. That is what faith is all about.

  4. Children are so much fun. Deep down in our hearts and souls we know who Jesus is, without any doubt. That is what faith is all about.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Kathy!
      And, yes, that is exactly what faith is all about.
      Blessings to you!

  5. Martha - I've been thinking of doing a post that might tie in with this one but it's going to be a tad controversial, I'm guessing. Don't want to publish it until I've thought it through and internalized it.
    Meanwhile, Gammie, give little Virginia Rose a hug for me. ♥

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Corinne!
      When you think something might be controversial, it probably will be. If you can imagine the worse backlash and that doesn't phase you, then I think you should go ahead with it. However, giving it a lot of thought is the smart thing to do.
      I will give Virginia that hug! :)
      Blessings, my friend!

  6. I would say I am seeker - seeking love, seeking joy , seeking the meaning of life and seeking the reason why I have been sent here!!

    Lovely post and she is truly an angel <3 to her

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Me!
      I agree wholeheartedly - You ARE a seeker of love, joy, and the meaning of life. All of those things are so beautifully reflected in your writing. :)
      And, yes, she is my little angel.
      Blessings to you!

  7. What a good point to reflect upon dear friend. When He stands before me and asks me Who He is for me, I'll say, "You are my Beloved ~ now and always, Jesus. Give me the strength to love You more each and every day through my brothers and sisters while I am here on earth and after when You come to take me with You."

    I also love that you pointed out how deep Christ's knowledge of us is. He must've known our answers to His questions but would still want to hear it. He purifies us and magnifies His glory through us.

    He wants a relationship with us. 'He doesn't care what 'others' say about Him. ~ That's what we should all learn from Him. He sees us, relates with us personally and doesn't rely on hearsays.

    I pray with you Martha ~ for you and your personal intentions and for the intentions you have brought here today. I echo: may God, in His perfect timing, unveil our eyes and enlighten our minds that we may openly receive Him and share Him and our personal experience of Him to others.

    Amen dear friend ~ lots of love and thank you as always for your reflections.

    1. P.S. Hugs to Virginia 'gammie' ~ love that word :D

    2. Wow, Melissa! What a beautiful and thoughtful comment you have left here, my friend!
      Yes, our Lord DOES want a relationship, close-up and personal. And, we can love ourselves and others only because He first loved us. Sometimes, when I reflect on Christ's love, God's love, it is so overwhelming to me . . .after all, I want to say, who am I to deserve such love? Yet, I KNOW that I'm loved by Him and that is all that matters.
      I will give Virginia a hug for you, dear one!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Your grand-daughter is so precious Martha. You are blessed ♥ If Jesus stood before me and asked me "Who do you say I am?" I'm not sure I could look at Him...I mean, really, all that Glory!!! I would probably fall flat on my face and belly, and tell Him that He is my Lord and Savior, The King of all Kings, The One who died for me...that is if I could get my mouth to work! But if not, that is okay too because Jesus will know my heart as He does now :) AMEN!!

    1. Amen to that, Mary! I think I would react as you imagine you would. Yet, I'm comforted in knowing that Jesus wants a relationship with me. He is Lord and Savior, King of Kings, yet He is our closest friend.
      Thanks so much for stopping by today and for your sweet words about Virginia. Yes, I know I'm blessed!
      Love and blessings!

  9. What an adorable little girl Virginia is! To her, you will always be her one and only Gammie who loves her so much!

    Jesus is Someone who never tires of loving me and always blesses me so much even if I failed Him a lot of times in my life. That's who He is to me.

    Thank you for this wonderful post, Martha! God bless! <3 :-)


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