Friday, September 13, 2013

Perfect Timing

Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens . . .

When the last book of The Glade Series, The Moment of Truth, arrives at my door in June, I am thrilled!  I contact two places which hosted book launches for A Trip, a Tryst, and a Terror and Children in the Garden.  To my dismay, one business is in the midst of relocating and the other is closing!

What am I to do?  What other venues might be interested in hosting a signing?  My wheels are whirling as I plan my strategy.

Then, my father's health takes an unexpected turn for the worse.  The whole family is plunged into a day-by-day, touch-and-go, wait-and-see mode.  My phone is with me 24/7.  I expect the call at any moment.  This is not the time to be making other plans.

So, I don't.  I place everything on hold.  At least, for the time being.

After all, it's not about me.  It's about my dad, my family . . .

But, in the last several weeks, though Dad is still suffering with Alzheimer's, his health, otherwise, seems to have stabilized.  Mom has caregivers coming in round-the-clock.  We visit regularly, taking Mom and Dad a meal every time we come.

And, I think how proud my father was of me when my books were published.  How thrilled he was for his daughter's writing success.

It's okay.  You can move on.  Your dad would want it that way . . .

Miraculously, in less than two weeks' time, I have four book signings scheduled.  Four!!!*

Once again, I'm reminded that everything happens in God's timing, not mine.  It's not about what I want or when I think I should have it.  It's when He say, "Go!"  That's the moment to jump, to move, to be ready for great things to happen.

Great things.  God things.  Arriving in abundance when the season is right.


When has something happened in your life that you recognized as being in God's timing, not yours?

Will you pray with me?
Father in Heaven, Your timing is perfect.  When we don't understand why things aren't happening when and how we think they should, remind us to trust in Your ways and Your will for our lives.  Grant us patience and peace in the waiting.  Amen.

*To see a list of where and when I will have book signing, go to my website and click on "News & Events."


  1. Beautiful post. As a friend of mine often says to me, we are where we are meant to me. Thanks for reminding me that all things happen in Divine timing. And as always, you choose the perfect prayer. Blessings to you my friend.

    1. And that was meant to be not meant to me!

    2. Your friend is so right, Suzy! All things do happen in His timing. When God says, "Not now," or "Wait," He always something better in store for us down the road.
      Thanks so much for visiting and for sharing my post on Facebook!
      Love and blessings!

    3. You are welcome Martha. Many likes for your post on my fb page.

  2. Beautiful post Martha and I am so happy for you! That is wonderful news that you have four book signings scheduled. Best of luck! God`s timing is perfect!

    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Nelieta, and glad you liked the post.
      Yes, God's timing is perfect and I'm really looking forward to these signings. I'm sure I'll relate how they go in a blog down the road.
      Love and blessings!

  3. That is fantastic Martha! Wish I lived nearby so I could support you.
    Yes, we should go about our business in life and not stress for things do come in God's own timing. Trust is key here as is understanding that our work has a life of its own and sometimes it is not for use to know each tiny detail but to faithfully stay in the loving moment with a heart that is ready to receive.
    Loving you!

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Leah!
      Yes, I am so very excited about these four opportunities. And, you are so right - we must have trust and live faithfully, as you said, in the moment. God has the best laid plans when we wait upon Him.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'm so happy for you, Martha. Yes, God has His own ways of working things out, if we let him!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping in, Corinne!
      Yes, He does! The key is, as you said, if we let Him instead of plowing through like bulls in a china shop.
      Love and blessings!

  5. My dad had alzheimers too. He was admitted to a nursing home just as my first novel came out. I remember showing it to him, and hoped that he registered it, as he had been a writer as well, a published historian.

    1. Oh, Sandra, I'm so saddened to hear this about your father. My heart goes out to you, my dear . . .
      I do hope, with you, that your dad did recognize that the book was yours. I know how happy it made my father to see the first one of the trilogy. By the time the third book came out, I don't think he understood quite what it was. :(
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha,

    Thanks for sharing. I remind myself frequently that God's time is different from my time. In any event, I find myself waiting...waiting...waiting.

    God's timing is always better than mine!

    I plan to share this on Facebook.


    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Kim, and thanks for sharing on Facebook!
      Learning the "waiting game" has not been easy for me, but it always plays out best when I have faith and trust that God will move when all is in place.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Congrats Martha and 4 might just be a start:) Every single thing in my life appears now to have happened at the right time.

    Instead of frustration and impatience, have to remind myself to trust more. God knows what he's presenting us with and takes care of the timing as well. Instead of waiting on him, we can pray more and live our life pursuing our Godly & divine path.

    1. Oh, yes, Vishnu - more time in prayer and in living our lives in pursuit of God's plans for us! It's all in the waiting, and all in His timing . . .
      Blessings, my friend!

  8. Hooray! That is a perfect example of things happening in God's timing. Congratulations on your four signings! I experienced that a little bit today when I met another poet... female... near my age... who wants to get together to talk poetry. :)

    1. P.S. Why is there no link to where we buy the Glade Series within the post? The more hyperlinks the better is my theory...

    2. Thanks so much for coming by, Rachel!
      There is a link! You can go to my website at the top, right-hand side of the blog page, or link to it below the prayer at the bottom. Do hope you will order, read, and give me some feedback via my website. It would be so appreciated!
      Oh, and what great news for you in meeting this new, prospective friend! God is good, all the time! :)
      Blessings and love!

  9. Four book signings? Wow Martha! That's great! And thank you God for your many blessings!
    When we surrender our life to Christ, we are no longer of this world and the Spirit begins to work within us. He will fulfill His plan for our life here on earth in His time...all we have to do is present ourselves as a vessel for Him. Wonderful post Martha :)

    1. Oh, Mary, you have said it all! When we surrender, He acts. When we are weak, He is strong. The Lord always comes through, and we need never doubt it!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Control is something I really need to let go of, Martha. God, help me... because God should be the one in control, and not us.

    I'm sure your dad would want all the success for you, Martha. Congratulations on your book signings! Much love to you and God bless! <3 :-)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Irene, and for your wishes for success. I know in my heart this is what my dad would want.
      And, yes, our human nature tries to tell us we are in control, but as I responded to Mary above, we must surrender to His will and allow Him to move. It's then when wonderful things, amazing things, happen!
      Love and blessings!

  11. "When we don't understand why things aren't happening when and how we think they should, remind us to trust in Your ways and Your will for our lives."

    I think this happens most of the time with me because I want something right now ~ I want to see the results immediately... and then, I realized that God works through time. Time is relative to Him... It might seem like a hundred years for us before He answers but He's just waiting for us to grow and become ripe.

    Thanks God for the opportunities that came your way. God is so faithful dear friend!

    I pray with you, may we learn to 'put out into the deep' the way Peter obeyed Jesus. May we learn to trust You and Your time because everything happens at the right time as You have placed them.

    Lots of love Martha and congratulations! I continue to pray for your family most esp for your dad.

    1. Melissa, I can't even begin to tell you how many times I fought God, believing in my timing and ability instead of His. Learning to wait upon Him has not been an easy journey, but has been the most rewarding one I've ever traversed.
      And, you are so right - "He's just waiting for us to grow and become ripe." He will hone us, tone us, refine us in the fire, until we become the resplendent representatives of His love here on earth.
      Thanks for the wonderful comment, the congrats, and the prayers. Really appreciate the latter so much!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Isn't that wonderful! Happy for you Martha...all your hard work has paid off. Wishing you success.

    Lately, I have been busy. So, I could neither visit nor comment on your blog.
    Thank you for commenting on mine. Means a lot. <3

    1. Janaki, I love reading your work. Your poetry just gets better and better!
      Thanks for coming by and for your wishes for success. All I know is, if it's in God's time, only great things can happen! :)
      Blessings and love!

  13. Beautiful reminder once again Martha :)

    Yes there have been many instances in life when God's has done it as per His timing but I have come to love that for it simply means He knows the best for me <3

    I am really happy to read that all your hard work and prayers have paid off. Wishing you loads of success and joy always.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Me, and for your kind words.
      Yes, all is in God's timing - He knows what is best for us always!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Such an insightful post. Thank you so much for opening your heart and sharing with us how God's timing is always perfect and best. Blessings to you my dear friend! xox

    1. So glad you enjoyed this, Vrndavana, and thanks so much for coming by!
      Yes, God's timing is perfect!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Congratulations on your book signings. I have read all your books and look forward to reading them with my grandchildren when they are a little older.

    But your point here, of course, is about timing. We have exactly what we need when we need it. We we don't have it, we don't need it.

    I suspect that even the timing of this post is no accident. It will speak to those who need to hear it right now. Like me!

    1. I'm so glad this post spoke to you, Galen, and so pleased to know you have read the books! Hooray!
      And, yes, we do have exactly what we need when we need it. To fret over what is not is simply a waste of our time and energy.
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Hi Martha,

    This is a beautiful post full of wisdom. The timing is crucial. Time doesn't exist in God's world - so all of our desires Will happen, just in our relative world they may not happen straight away. The Universe has to organise itself first and then God sends us the message to act.

    Good luck with your books and I hope your Dad gets better soon.

    Much love,



Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...