Friday, February 19, 2016

For in Him All Things Were Created - Part 2

Colossians 1:16
For in him all things were created; things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

The following is the completion of Pastor Mike's address to his congregation, now swelled beyond the church's modest confines, all because of the actions of one Grey (Racer), True Squirrel of the Old Ones, and his undying love for young Davy, their Chosen One.  This excerpt comes from my second novel, Redemption, in the Adventures in The Glade series.  To read the beginning of Pastor Mike's sermon, scroll down and click on "Older Post."


"So this past Sunday's incident with the squirrel who was visible one moment and invisible the next made me reflect upon this very question:  If, indeed, as Paul tells us, 'all things have been created through him and for him,' why can't this include creatures we cannot see unless they, as the angel, Gabriel, manifested to Mary, choose to be seen?  Every single person who was in attendance last Sunday witnessed the same event.  It wasn't a handful of you, but every one of you who saw the same scenario played out.  I am reminded of the initial descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost.  Thousands saw the invisible become visible in the leaping tongues of flames, heralding the arrival of the Comforter and the true beginning of the Christian movement throughout the entire known world.

"Perhaps, then, the appearance of this mysterious squirrel in our midst was no mistake.  Perhaps, there are some of us in this church who need a wake-up call, a reassurance that even when we can't see God working in our lives, He is there all along.  And sometimes it takes a mystical moment of revelation to wonder again at the incomprehensible creation God has made for us to dwell in.  To become, as Jesus said, like little children in order to inherit the kingdom, to believe with child-like faith in the miracles, great and small, which surround us every day of our lives.

"At times, it may seem to us that God, too, is invisible, yet nothing could be further from the truth.  God has made Himself known through His only Son, Christ Jesus, who took on flesh and blood in this world, sacrificed Himself for the forgiveness of our sins, and promised eternal life to all who believe in Him.  Are you walking with Jesus today?  Have you committed your life to follow Him?  If you haven't, I invite you to prayerfully consider approaching this altar today.  Jesus is waiting, visibly and readily, for you to knock on His door and let him into your lives.  Let us pray silently as those who feel so moved by the Spirit to answer Jesus' invitation come forward."

Pastor Mike descended from the pulpit to stand at the altar rail as Grace softly played the tried and true hymn, "Just as I Am," on the piano.  Davy realized that Mike was smiling directly at him.  The boy met Racer's loving gaze and heard, "It's your time, Davy.  It's your time."


If you haven't already committed your life to Jesus, is it your time?  And if you have made that commitment, feel free to share in the comments how you were moved to that life-changing decision.

Prayer:  Father, we pray for all those who have yet to invite Your precious Son, Christ Jesus, into their lives.  Open their eyes to the salvation Your grace has to offer to them.  Turn the eyes of their hearts to behold You in Jesus, and welcome Him with open arms.  It is in Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha, thank you for this post on salvation. It's never too early or too late to ask Jesus to forgive your sins and come into your heart.

    I was around 6 or 7 (first grade) when I asked Jesus into my heart (on my elementary school playground...pretty sure I was on the merry-go-round...the school and playground are still there but not the merry-go-round). That said, I didn't always live for the Lord (backslid multiple times). However, when I truly recommitted my life to Jesus in 2004 things haven't been the same sense; for that I'm so thankful.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you, Kim, for sharing your personal story about coming to Jesus. Not having been brought up in a home with a solid Christian framework, it took me a long time to commit my life to the Lord. I was 30!!!
      And it has been a journey with bumps and jolts and backsliding, but it has more than been worth the ride He has taken me on. Like you, I am thankful that Jesus has never given up on me!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Martha! I believe that I committed my life to Him formally at my Confirmation in 8th grade. I've always been involved in my church, and was baptized as an infant. But, this sacrament of Confirmation is just that. Confirming that being a member of the Church, and loving God is truly my choice now.
    Thank you for the excerpts again Martha. Love your faith shining through :)

    1. I sure wish I had committed to the Lord earlier in my life, Ceil. Sure would have helped me avoid many stupid mistakes I made in my twenties. But thanks be to God, He rescued me and I chose to be His child. What an amazing journey of joy!
      Glad you could see faith shining through my words!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Great reminder Martha. B Blessed!

  4. Great reminder Martha. B Blessed!

  5. nothing better to read then a post on salvation...thanks

  6. nothing better to read then a post on salvation...thanks

  7. I continue to be amazed at the myriad of ways that God reveals Himself to His creation. Sometimes I have been surprised by a butterfly or a hawk - which always make me think of the Holy Spirit - at just the *right* time that I needed some encouragement!

    And of course, when I look at the stars each night, and remember that He calls them out by name, I am ever grateful that He knows MY name, too!


    1. It is so grand how God is constantly revealing Himself to us in so many ways, Sharon. We do have to keep the eyes of our hearts open and our spirits willing to see His grace and majesty in all His works.
      Love and blessings!


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

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