Friday, February 5, 2016

Too Blessed!

Colossians 2:6-8
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

I didn't win the powerball, but I feel like I've won life's lottery.  Someone to love me, a warm home, the love of my animal babies, a good job.  People and friends who truly care about me.  MUSIC!!!!!  Music, and the wonderful musical family of pros that have taken this amateur in.  Too blessed!  I hope to help someone, some people this year to make a difference in their lives, as so many have made in mine.  ~Barry Evan Russ

When I read high-school friend, Barry's, recent post on Facebook, I am overwhelmed by his glorious flood of words, encompassing and embracing an incomparable Gratitude Attitude.  It's not about what Barry hopes to have that makes life great, it's his knowledge and understanding of what he's been given, unconditionally, that not only makes him grateful, but inspires him to turn right around and do his best to give of himself to others.

A Gratitude Attitude.

Too Blessed!

Yes!  When we take time to stop in the midst of our busy lives, truly stop, and reflect upon all the amazing blessings God has given us, how can we not feel grateful for it all?  How can we not, in turn, give back to others?

Pay it forward.

As God, through Christ Jesus, did for us.

Loved us so much, in the face of our shortcomings, our failures, our hypocrisy.

Our sins.

God gave.  We received.

Or did we?

Are we, like Barry, taking a personal inventory of our blessings?  Are we giving thanks for the feast spread before us, or are we complaining and whining because our favorite dessert has been left off the menu?

Do we focus on the shortfalls in the present, or do we see God's promise in the eternal?

Friends, as St. Paul urges us, let us continue to live our lives in gratitude for the precious life Jesus sacrificed for us and for our sins.

May our lives ever testify to God's love and may our hearts, like Barry's, overflow with thankfulness.

That's the best lottery any of us could ever win.


Prayer:  Father, we pray to be overflowing with thankfulness for all the gifts and graces You pour upon our daily lives.  We are too blessed!  Let us, even in the dark days, choose to have faith that You are ever working all things for good for those who trust in You.  Strengthen us in our faith, and let us, with Your guidance, make all the difference in the lives of others.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Honored is all I can say. Beautiful thoughts that transcend the bounds of earthly description.

  2. Thank you, thank you for your kind words today!
    Love and blessings!

  3. There are blessings all around us every day we just have to open our eyes, hearts and spirit to see them.

    1. Amen, Sharon, I couldn't agree more!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, beautiful post on blessings. We are indeed blessed. Just thinking about what we do have, instead of what we don't really should change our outlook on life. Since last year, I've been trying to write down three to five items on my grateful list. Some days it is easier than others. Some times it's the simplest of things that bring the greatest joy--a simple meal served with love and warmth beats a fancy multi-course meal any day.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, I love that you're doing that, Kim! I think I may incorporate that very same practice during Lent and just keep on going. And it's so true that often the biggest things for which we are grateful are the smallest and simplest. God works wonders in everything!
      Love and blessings!

  5. That quote at the beginning puts it all in perspective! And to think that whether we thank Him or not, He keeps giving. When we bless Him for our blessings though, we open ourselves to experience more of His goodness and contentment. Wonderful post, Martha! Thank you.

    1. Yes, Jason, when I read Barry's post on Facebook, I was so blown away - he put it all in perspective for me, too, and was so kind to let me share here.
      And you are right - even when we aren't thankful, God never stops giving to us. It's up to us to receive and be glad and grateful.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Hi Martha! You've got me thinking about what I thanked God for yesterday...I hope I did it a lot?
    I love your friend's FB post, to feel truly blessed is such a joy, isn't it? And then it's contagious! We all feel his great joy, and are reminded that this joy is there for all of us.
    Thank you for reminding me to be always grateful.

    1. That header really got me thinking, too, Ceil. It certainly places the role thankfulness plays in our lives as top priority - remembering always to thank God for everything!
      Barry is one of the kindest and caring people I've been privileged to know. His posts on Facebook always bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart; in the case of this one, as I said to Jason above, Barry just blew me away. I knew it would fit perfectly with a post about being grateful.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Lots of wisdom here tonight, dear Martha. Interesting we both wrote about finding blessings this week, even in the midst of trouble. Keep looking right? A gratitude mindset is a powerful way to live

    1. It's all about the gratitude, attitude, Jean! We can always find blessings when we are thankful.
      Love and blessings!

  8. This post totally spoke to me, as I begin my year being intentionally GRATEFUL for God's many blessings. When we focus on the good things, the bad things aren't so bad. But when we forget gratitude, even the sunniest day can be clouded.

    Thank you for reminding me of that Truth.


    1. It is the truth, indeed, Sharon. Thankfulness brings out that sunshine in the midst of storms.
      Love and blessings!

  9. You spoke to me through this post Martha, it says a lot of what I needed to read at this moment. Cannot thank you enough for this <3

    1. So, so glad this spoke to your heart, Privy. That's exactly what Barry's words did for me the moment I read them. As a firm believer in having a gratitude attitude, I simply had to share.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...