Friday, April 29, 2016


John 10:10
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.

One of the activities we have enjoyed doing with our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, over the ears has been blowing bubbles.  My husband, Danny, finds a recipe for homemade bubbles, and we sit out on our deck with the "magic" wand and take turns blowing bubbles for Virginia to chase, catch and pop.

When Danny is on Facebook recently, he notes a post from a fellow photographer, who is avidly promoting the fun and entertainment of a bubble-making machine for children and adults alike.  (Yes, Danny and I are both old enough to have memories of the Lawrence Welk Show, which we both watched with our grandparents . . .A one, and a two, and a . . .)  Danny is convinced that this is something he has to order for Virginia, knowing the other granddaughters will like it, too, as they get older.

But I'm surprised when he informs me of his decision as he never spends money frivolously.

"Isn't this a little over the top?"  I query.  "I mean, it's not Virginia's birthday yet; she's only just coming next Friday to spend the night."

"What better way to have fun with her," Danny responds.  "She loves bubbles, and we can use the machine for Savannah's upcoming birthday party, too, and all the birthdays after that!"

Seriously, how can I argue with such seamless reasoning?

Virginia is beside herself with excitement when her Papa tells her about the bubble machine.  He sets it up on a chair in our back yard, and it's celebration time!

After a while, Danny decides to place the bubble machine on our deck instead to the bubbles can cascade through the air like an enchanted waterfall.  Virginia's delights continue!

And as I watch my granddaughter eagerly embrace the endless streams of bubbles pouring over her, I can't help but think how passe and one-dimensional the old-fashioned way of blowing bubbles seems in light of this scintillating show.  Yes!  This is life lived large!

And that's how it is when we ask Jesus into our hearts.

Instead of slogging through our days, blowing slow bubble after slow bubble, the Lord showers innumerable blessings upon us.  Blessings that set us free.  Blessings as abundant as countless orbs generated by the bubble maker.

Because Jesus invites us to not just live, but to live abundantly in His grace, His truth and His love.

And have a bubble-licious time doing so!


Are you counting your blessings today and giving thanks to God?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for this abundant life You have given us through Your Son, Christ Jesus.  May we recognize and give thanks for all the blessings we receive from You each day, and may our lives be a blessing to others.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Love seeing the joy in your pictures...good post.

    1. Thank you, Betty! I love that joy in Virginia's face, too. Brings out the best in me!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Martha! What joy is here in these photos! My grands just love bubbles too, endlessly chasing and trying to hold them.
    I love your idea of them representing God's blessings on us all. He doesn't give in a slow stream, but in great gobs of joyful grace! I think I'll have this image in my head for a long time. Love it!
    Happy Weekend :)

    1. The continuously flying bubbles are such a great image of God's blessings, I couldn't not use it here. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too, and that it will stay in your head as a fun memory.
      Have a happy weekend, too, Ceil!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, I love this reminder of taking delight in life's simple pleasures. Children seem to do this naturally. Thank you for the call, the reminder to count my blessings and thank God today.

    Love and Blessings!

    1. Children are the best reminders that life's simple pleasures are, indeed, the best. Our Lord certainly used the little ones around him to get His points across as to how we should love God and how we enter the kingdom of heaven. Those have always been special verses to me.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I loved this message and tender moment. I remember watching my grandson do this last summer and now when I watch him this year I will think of your message here. Beautiful

    1. So glad you liked the message, Carol, and that your grandson enjoys blowing bubbles. Aren't grands just the best?
      Love and blessings!

  5. These photos and words make me smile. What delight. And yes I do believe God smiles and takes delight in giving us such small things like bubbles and our wants and our care. Great post! happy weekend, Martha!

    1. Glad the photos and words here made you smile, Jean. Makes me smile, too, when I look back at them and see Virginia having the time of her life. It is the small things that are often the most delightful!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I love the innocent energy of Martha Rose. She seems to be such a delight. And I can tell you two are fantastic grandparents. Way go go Danny! (and you too Martha).

    1. Thanks so much, Bill. We try! :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, I love it! The pics are so cute. And as grandparents the truth is . . . we don't need a special occasion to buy for the grandkids. The bubble machine looks like it was a blast. Bubbling over with blessings today! Hugs my friend!

    1. Bubbling over with blessings . . . I love this, Deb! Thanks so much for stopping by.
      Love and blessings!


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