Friday, April 1, 2016

Holy Ground

Psalm 24:3
Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?  Who may stand in his holy place?

Such a long time in coming!  My husband, Danny, and I have been literally counting down the days until we can once again return to the mountains we love and reconnect with God and one another.

We try to stay in different cabins each time we visit the Nantahala Mountains of North Carolina, and we are fortunate to book a new one dubbed Eagle's Nest Hideaway.  Judging by the photos accompanying the cabin's advertisement, our accommodations should prove nothing less than luxurious and our views, incomparable.  Here are some photos of past vistas we have been graciously invited to view.

For both of us, there is something indescribably holy about these ancient, towering mounds of rock that lift us closer to the heavens.  I've read where geologists believe these now tree-covered domes once rose higher than today's Himalayan peaks.  It is an idea hard to fathom in the short-sight of human vision, but a most welcomed reminder that with God, nothing is impossible.

God's majestic mountains help me remember that it is a gift to ascend, to stand beside Him.  They inspire me to sing and praise Him for His glory and His gifts that wrap us in His loving arms.  He assures me that my mountaintop experiences will make the valleys of my life both endurable and doable.

So may this time of ascending the mountain, both for Danny an me, be blessed.  May we realize with every breath that we stand in a sacred place.

Feet firmly planted on Holy Ground.


Where do you find your feet planted on God's Holy Ground?


Prayer:   Father, we are not worthy to climb the mountains nor stand in Your holy presence.  Yet You have paved the way through Your Son, Christ Jesus, to make a path for us, that we might ascend into the holiest of places and know we are welcome.  To know we are loved infinitely by You.  May we honor Your love for us each day by showing love to others.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Meditations of My Heart will be on hiatus next week.  The mountains beckon, and I'm longing for that special time to reconnect with Danny and with the God we love.  I will be keeping all social media to a minimum from Monday, April 4th, until Saturday, April 9th.  If I miss a birthday, a blog, or a blessing in the interim, don't take it personally.  Know my prayers and heart are with you!


  1. Thank you, Shortybear!
    Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, your photos are amazing! Enjoy your time away with Danny.

    As I read your post and looked at your photos, I started thinking about Psalm 121. I try to find God's Holy ground right around's not so much about getting away (although, sometimes that would be wonderful!), it more about being alert to God's presence in me and around me every day. I've discovered holy ground (definitely a time of worship) in phone visits with a brother in Christ and two sisters in Christ.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, truly, Kim, God's Holy Ground is all around us when we pause to reflect and give thanks for all He has done. The feelings I get in the mountains with regards to His closeness feeds my heart and soul, and helps me to deal, as I said above, with all the times in the valleys of life.
      And Holy Ground can certainly be found in our relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm glad you have that!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Hi Martha! This really does look heavenly. And the history is so interesting too. It's so refreshing to leave the everyday and go somewhere beautiful, inspiring, quiet...and with your loved one.
    Have a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. We had a marvelous time, Ceil! I'll be sharing our trip in future blogs here.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Absolutely beautiful pictures martha. Hope you two have a fantastic time away. My secretary and her husband are hiking in Gatlinburg this week.

    1. Thank you, Bill! We did have an excellent time away from it all. I highly recommend a trip that gets us away from it all and brings us closer to God.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Breathtaking photos, Martha. Just beautiful. You know, sometimes I think I take for granted living here in the mountains. I get all caught up in *real life* living - paying bills, doing housework, cleaning, etc - and forget to appreciate the majesty of my surroundings. The mountains were always a *soul place* for me, and sometimes I just forget that I am actually living in my soul place now. Funny (not ha ha) how the enemy will steal away joy and peace no matter where we are.

    I find Holy Ground when I turn to the Lord - He is the One who plants me firmly. I just need to be more aware of when I am sinking...


    1. Thank you, Sharon! Yes, our views have always been wonderful and this trip was no exception. I'll be sharing them here soon.
      And I sure know what you mean about taking our surroundings, no matter how exquisite, for granted. I love how you describe the mountains as your "soul place," as they are, indeed, that for me, though you're so right that we can find our Holy Ground whenever we draw close to Him.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Enjoy your time. Will keep you in prayer for a refreshing time away.

    1. Thank you, Jean! Yes, we had a lovely time of rest and refreshment. Photos to follow soon!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Wow. Trying hard not to be too jealous, Martha. :) So thankful for those mountaintop experiences that carry us through the valley. Thanks for this quietness.

    1. Amen, Jason! Just got back on Saturday, and I know I'll be carrying those mountaintop memories with me for a long and blessed time. Those valleys have a way of smacking us upside the head, don't they? We need to maintain the Holy Ground.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Such lovely pictures Martha! Have a wonderful time, enjoy yourself!

    Take care. Hugs <3

    1. Privy, we had a spectacular time! I will be posting photos in upcoming blogs.
      Love and blessings!


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