Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter Egg-stravaganza!

Matthew 7:7
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Ever since our oldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, could walk, we've hosted an Easter egg hunt at our home.  It's become a family tradition.

Last year, second granddaughter, Savannah Jane, does the indoor seeking and finding, while big sister has the yard all to herself.

This year, both Virginia and Savannah hunt for eggs in the backyard.  I divide their territories in two lest Virginia grab all the treasures before little sister even gets started.  Virginia is off and running as soon as she's given the signal.

Savannah, coaxed by her dad, moves much more slowly and hesitantly, unsure if those brightly-colored plastic eggs are what she is supposed to be gathering.  She often has to be reminded to put them in her basket, not simply Easter parade around with them in her hands.

Each girl is supposed to collect ten eggs a piece.  But poor Virginia!  One of her eggs has been pried apart, and the candy is gone!  Another egg has vanished into thin air!  I know immediately who the culprits are.  I think, okay, Racer, did you egg them on?  But I say to Virginia, "Squirrels took them, honey.  I put the eggs out too early, and the squirrels found them.  Those rascals!"

"It's okay, Gammie," she assures me.  "Maybe Savannah will let me help her find some of her eggs."

"That's a great ides," I say.  "I think she could use it."

Once we are all back inside, Virginia takes it upon herself to open her eggs on the table to reveal the sweet surprises inside.  Savannah does the same.

But before we can catch her, she manages to open the candy wrapper and stuff the entire confection into her mouth.  And I thought the squirrels were rascals!

Throughout the excitement of the day, youngest grand-girl, Alexandra Nancy, looks on in wonder at it all.

Don't worry, little one.  Next year, you'll have an Easter egg hunt indoors, and will be just for you!


Do you have a favorite Easter tradition?

Prayer:  Father, thank You for the glorious resurrection of Your Son, Christ Jesus, that we might all share in eternal life with You.  Until that time, let us ask, knowing You will give; seek, knowing we will find You, and knock, knowing You will open the door to welcome us.  It is in Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Cute pictures. We never had a tradition. Too much else to do on that day (given my profession). :)

    1. I hear you, Bill! Actually, we did our egg hunt on Saturday, which helped a lot.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Beautiful message! And,OMG, you seem to live in the fairyland! Such greenery out there!

    1. Thank you, Portia! Yes, we love our backyard in the woods with tons of moss thriving everywhere. We are blessed!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Beautiful message! And,OMG, you seem to live in the fairyland! Such greenery out there!

  4. Martha, What a precious post and photos! I'm thankful that you're making memories with your granddaughters. I have some vague memories of hunting for the foil-wrapped chocolate eggs (always indoors) when I was young.

    My only true Easter tradition is church and Sunday school. Easter tends to mirror all my other holidays. It is what it is.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, I have memories of hunting eggs indoors, too - we never had an outdoor hunt, but I recall it was fun anyway.
      And what better tradition could you have on Easter but church and Sunday school? It's truly what it's all about.
      Love and blessings!

  5. The Love and unity you express concerning family is so beautiful and warming. God bless you and your entire family.

    1. You are too sweet, Shira. Thank you!
      Love and blessings to you and yours!

  6. The Love and unity you express concerning family is so beautiful and warming. God bless you and your entire family.

  7. So cute! We had some family over and all our kids looked for eggs (even the 15 year olds). It was so much fun. What an awesome thing to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and enjoy life and family! He's a good God! Thanks Martha.

    1. I'm so glad to hear your family enjoyed an egg hunt, too. So great that the teens didn't think they were "too cool" to join in. :)
      Yes, we are an Easter people! Thank God for his great goodness to us!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Hi Martha! Making memories like that for your grandgirls is such a wonderful thing. That's what makes life so sweet!
    My SIL said his 2 yr. old picked up eggs, and then wasn't so sure what to do with it. She'd see another egg, drop the one in her hand, and go after the new one! (There's a story in there somewhere, Lol!)

    Love the outfits on the girls too. So bright and fancy :)
    You're a wonderful Gammie!

    1. What a cute story about your granddaughter, Ceil! Savannah will be two at the end of April, and she was so uncertain as to what to do at first with those eggs. And yes, there is a story in there, for sure, so I hope you'll tell it sometime.
      Thanks for stopping by today!
      Love and blessings!


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