Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It's My Birthday!

John 3:6-7
"Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.  You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'"

Today is my birthday!  I'm sixty-one-years-young, and so thankful for this amazing life with which the Lord has blessed me.

From the moment I find out that my children and grandchildren will be able to attend an early celebration on Sunday, I decide to go all out with festive decorations.

I even splurge for these candles.

I justify this move because I can reuse these for Virginia's and Alexandra's upcoming birthday in July when the former will turn six and the latter, one.  And all the other finery?  Purchased for a song at our local Dollar Tree (Yes, I'm a Dave Ramsey/Clark Howard aficionado!).

But the main reasons I resolve to showcase all these party frills are 1) I know Virginia Rose and Savannah Jane will love them, especially the party horns and balloons, and 2) everyone's life, a gift from God, is worthy of an all-out revelry.

Oh, what fun we have!

Yet as important as it is to commemorate our physical arrival into this world, there is a birth much more crucial, and one held before us as an open invitation by Christ Jesus.

And that is to be born again.  A concept that eluded the wise and seeking Nicodemus, who visited Jesus in the dark of night in order to glean wisdom from the Word.  Yet he was confounded by the answer given.

It is a concept that mystified me, too, for many years until I heard, felt and finally understood the call of Jesus.  Heard Him knocking at the door of my heart.  Willing me to unlock and open.

I, at long last, obeyed.  And my life was changed.  It is still changing.

Because the Lord is not about the status quo; He is about the status quested.

And I'm trusting in Him to guide me and hold me, born again and grateful, through all the years before me.

Sixty-two?  Sixty-three?  Beyond?  Yes, by God's grace!

I say, "It's my birthday!"

Thanks be to God!


Have you been born again?

Prayer:  Father, let us celebrate and give thanks for every life You have allowed to come into this uncertain and fragile world loved by You.  We pray that all will be born again into Your life and Your Spirit, for that is the life everlasting.  It is in Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. happy belated birthday martha. Looks like you had tons of fun. praying God blesses you with many more.

    1. You're not late, Bill, it's actually today! We just celebrated early so everyone could get together. Man, did we have fun!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Happy Birthday, dear Martha, Happy Birthday to you! I'm so glad that you got to celebrate early with your family and hope that you will celebrate more today. Life really should be celebrated.

    Yet, as you noted, being re-born spiritually is what really matters. Our spiritual birthdays should be celebrated too. I'm thankful that I said yes to Jesus' desire to come and live in my heart and for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It heart-warming to know of the Father's love for humanity.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Kim! I have celebrated more today, and it's been a blessing.
      But our heavenly birth should definitely be celebrated each and every day. What joy we have in Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Well Happiest Birthday to you, Martha!! I can think of few better ways to celebrate than with the grandkids! Looks like a great time was had by all! May God richly bless you in the coming year.

    And yes, I was *born again* when I was a young girl, and the journey of faith is a sweet one!


    (And it was smart to buy the number candles. I'm soon going to be 62, and if I bought individual candles, I think I'd burn the house down!!)

    1. Lol, Sharon, regarding the candles, I entertained the same thought you had!
      Yes, we did have a marvelous time and I'm so grateful for family and for my granddaughters. They fill me with such joy.
      And isn't being born again simply the best? Amen to that amazing journey!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Happy birthday, Martha. Looks like you had a great time.

  5. Hi Martha! I'm so bummed I wasn't here yesterday!! Happy belated birthday my friend. And you deserve all those frills, whether the grands are around or not. We are the same age, I will turn 61 this year too. Maybe you can give me some tips on celebrating and living this special year?

    May God bless you with His choicest graces. May He flood you with ideas for books, posts and for delighting your family. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Ceil, for the birthday wishes! You're not too late, believe me. I've been celebrating since Sunday. Lol!
      I don't know about tips, my friend, as it seems to me you are living your life to the fullest, and celebrating God's love each and every day. That's the only way to go, isn't it?
      Again, thank you so much for the good wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Martha! Such joyous pictures, love them all. May you always be surrounded by love and joy <3


    Sending loads of love and hugs to you.

    1. Thank you so much, Privy!
      Love and hugs and blessings to you!


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