Friday, March 18, 2016

Miracle of Miracles!

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Last Friday, our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, spends the night with us.  She is quieter than usual when I pick her up and seems ready for a nap.  And yes indeed, she actually falls asleep on the drive from her home to ours.

"It's a growth spurt," my daughter, Sarah, assures me.  "Virginia has been coming home from school every day this week saying she's tired."

So we spend the afternoon and evening engaged in calm activities with Virginia, and put her to bed right on time.  I send myself off to bed at an earlier than usual time, sensing that I'm going to be needed bright and early in the morning.


As soon as I open my bedroom door and close it softly again so that Danny, aka Papa, can sleep in, I see that Virginia is wide awake in our guest room she affectionately calls hers.  "Hi, Gammie!"  Her cheerful greeting resounds in the hallway.

"Shh," I say with a smile.  "Papa is still sleeping.  We need to speak softly, okay?"

"Okay," she whispers.  I grab her clean clothes as we head for the bathroom for the morning routine.  Dressed and chipper after a good night's rest, Virginia is her customary chatterbox self.

We retreat to the dining area where I, in my coffee-deprived state, fix her a bowl of corn flakes and hasten to brew the only liquid I know that will catapult me onto the same speed plain upon which Virginia is racing.  Almost before her cereal is finished and I've taken my first sip of coffee, she wants to go out on our deck to see the birds and squirrels.

To her surprise and delight, Virginia spies two deer frolicking in our neighbor's yard.  "Let's go see the deer, Gammie!"

"I'll take you outside in a few minutes, Virginia," I tell her.  "Let me have some more coffee, and then we'll go feed the birds and squirrels."  I'm thinking that getting her outdoors will lessen the odds of our conversations disturbing Danny's much-needed rest.

When it's time to go, I throw a jacket over my pajama top and head for the stairs.  Suddenly, I hear, "Gammie, are you going outside in your pajamas?  What if the deer see you dressed like that?  Had I just taken a swallow of coffee, it would have been spewed out, guaranteed!

"It will be fine, Virginia," I say, a grin glued to my face.  "The deer will forgive me, I promise."

Comforted by my words, Virginia is all in, and our expedition forges ahead.  We feed the birds and squirrels, explore the yard for air-soft BBs, and then wander into the front yard to admire the daffodils and the one jonquil who's braved its bloom.

"I want that one, Gammie," Virginia asserts, claiming the stem before I can utter a protest.

My heart breaks as I watch her break the flower stem, recalling my father's words, "Martha Jane, don't pluck the wildflowers.  Let them live in their time where they are.  Their beauty is best admired from afar."

The flower comes inside with us.  Virginia lays it on the table.  I am so busy tending to her and preparing to take her back home, I let the unfortunate jonquil to sojourn there.

Right before it's time to go home, Virginia gingerly picks up the flower and hands it to me.  "Gammie, I made a mistake to pick this," she confesses, a repentant look on her face.  "It had a bud getting ready to bloom.  Now it won't."

I take the proffered flower and give her a reassuring smile.  "I think if I place this in water, we might just see that bud bloom after all.

And miracle of miracles, it does!


What miracles are you seeing in your life today?

Prayer:  Father, there are so many miracles that surround us daily when we open the eyes of our hearts to see them.  Let us ever be faithful, hopeful, and trusting that You can breathe new life into us through our acts of repentance and our willingness to be guided by You.  Let us always trust that You are working all for good.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha, Thank you for sharing this. There are so many daily miracles, if we only have the "eyes" to see them and a mind to understand them! A miracle that I'm currently seeing is a long-time friend (we met and became friends in Aug. 1996!) is showing more signs of being interested in things of the Lord. Praying God will do the work as I simply be the best friend I can be (witness too). This is cross-cultural evangelism.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, Kim, what exciting news about your friend! We never know how or why God sends certain people our way when He does, but this looks so promising. You are the perfect person to lead her to the Lord!
      Love and blessings!

  2. beautiful story and love how you related to coffee too. All these words brought a smile and joy to my heart. happy weekend!!

    1. Thank you, Jean. Yes, I'm a coffee fool in the morning - everything's in a fog until I have that first cup. :)
      Glad this post brought you joy, too. Celebrate your birthday all weekend!
      Love and blessings!

  3. The most amazing miracle I saw recently was when I was in doubt and was seeking some signal from Him... and He did send in his sign to me.

    Lovely post as always Martha!

    1. Always, always the coolest thing when the Lord gives us exactly the signal we need to see. We are at once inspired and so grateful that He cares so much for us.
      Love and blessings!

  4. My personal miracle is God showing me an area in my heart I was reserving for myself, it is His now. For others, there are a few girls in my bible study that stepping up and allowing God to teach them. Materially, some friends sent me 200 dollars the other day, and another lady, she attends our bible study gave me the gift of her detective badge, stranges gift I have ever got, she said to show it if I get attack by some young punks. She is in her 70, never married and was a detective for years in New York. I need to get more past for you and write a post about her. Blessings Martha.

    1. Such a variety of miracles, indeed, Betty. The Lord has definitely blessed you, my friend. Thank you for sharing here!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Beautiful post and story. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, Sherri. I'm enjoying yours, too, now that I've hooked up with you.
      Love and blessings!


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