Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reach. Seek. Find.

Acts 17:27
God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

My husband, Danny, and I share a lot in common, one thing being we like to keep the house neat and orderly.  A place for everything and everything in its place could be our motto.

But there is one exception.

It's the kitchen dishtowel.  Every time I finish using it, I hang it over the handle of our oven door, so it's easy to reach when the next bout of pots and pans hits the sink.

Makes sense, doesn't it?  At least, I think so.

Not to Danny.  Let him loose in the kitchen when he's cooking and wiping his hands, and there is no telling where the dishtowel will end up.

Sometimes, he actually folds it!

But it's never, ever over the oven handle.

When I go to clean up after we eat, I inevitably pull a rinsed pot from the sink before checking to see if the dishtowel is where it's supposed to be.  When it isn't, I feel like a kid looking all around at Christmas for the elf on the shelf.  It's never far away, but always, always out of convenient reach.

You'd think I'd have learned by now to search it out before I tackle what's in the sink.  But I haven't.  And even though I could choose to let this quirk of Danny's get under my skin, I don't.  Actually, I find it more amusing than annoying.  Good thing for him, right?

And I recall Acts 17:27 quoted above.  God, unlike my same-place-draped dishtowel, is neither static nor predictable in the places and times where He meets us; where we meet Him.  He wants us to seek Him out, reach for Him daily, and expect to find Him in the unexpected and unusual, in the ordinary and mundane.

Reach.  Seek.  Find.

And know.

God is never far away from any one of us.

Are you reaching and seeking to find God?

Prayer:  Father, too often we think we can only find You in a singular place, such as church, the Bible, or in our prayer time.  Remind us that You are everywhere and in everything, and we can always find You if the eyes of our hearts are open.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Confucius says: Good food requires moving towel

    1. LOL! Martha says: Hang it back where it belongs! :)

  2. I'd say after reading what invisible animals can do I'm glad you overlook Danny's quirk about the dish towel. :)

    1. Lol! Good one, Bill! I'll remember that.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, I'm so glad that God is everywhere present--I try and keep that in mind, so that I'll see Him everywhere. It seems nearly natural now to see God constantly throughout my day. When I have phone chats, particularly with sisters in Christ, it can be an experience of worship.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I think the more we consciously seek Him, we do find Him in more places than we could ever imagine. Walking with God, wherever He leads, is my joy and I know it is definitely yours, Kim!
      Love and blessings!

  4. It's become such a habit for me now, Martha, that I no longer give it any thought. I find God everywhere. I talk to God all the time. I always have. I no longer have to seek him out, because God is always one step away.

    1. Amen, Chris! God is as close as our breathing when we open ourselves up to His presence.
      Love and blessings, and thanks again for sharing!

  5. Such a deep thought Martha this moved me :) Looking beyond the obvious and to find the most amazing meaning of life that is what I have learnt from you my friend!

    Hugs <3

    1. Oh, Privy, you are way too kind! Thank you, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Amen. Smiling at your analogy--well done! He is certainly found in unexpected places... Thank you, Martha.

    1. So glad this made you smile, Jason! Isn't it amazing how God can speak to us in the most mundane of things? For another laugh, the day I posted this, Danny placed the dishtowel way up high on the pot rack. Did I see it? Not! Joke was on me!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Hi Martha! My husband is the neater one in our family. I'm a bit of a tornado. But, somehow we've made it this far without grave bodily injury, much like you and your husband!

    I try to keep the house clean, he tries to keep his stuff out of my way. Sounds like a good system, right? Lol!
    Love the comment you made to Jason. Your husband sounds like a funny man. You are blessed!

    1. It sounds like your husband and you have worked out the perfect system. :) Truth be told, Danny really is the neater person overall. I keep my things picked up because I know he likes things that way; it's the little things we do with love and care that matter so much.
      And yes, Danny is a hoot! His great sense of humor was a huge factor in my falling in love with him.
      Love and blessings!

  8. What a wonder analogy, I don't know that I am always reaching, at least not with awareness, but eventually find. I've missed your posts, Martha. Glad to be back.

    1. I've missed you being here, Brenda! Glad you jumped in here today, my friend.
      Love and blessings!


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