Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Happy and Joyful!

Virginia "disguised" as her Gammie!

Psalm 68:3
But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, and I share happy and joyful times when we visit with my mother, her Nana, over the recent long weekend.  Aside from the always welcome play dates with Princess when she shows up,

we have fun engaging in simple, but entertaining, activities.

Virginia loves the outdoors, and we are blessed to have I-don't-need-my-coat-in-January weather.  Whether it's finding holly berries or pecans on the ground, it's not long before she is burying them in hopes they will grow in springtime.

Virginia discovers a Frisbee in the room we share, and we spend lots and lots of time throwing it around the spacious yard.

  I'm amazed at how good she's gotten at it, though she did lose it twice in the holly tree by the screened-in porch.  Luckily, I pop it free with a long stick.  You can watch Virginia in action here. 

Now that's what I call high energy!

We also enjoy some quieter moments.  Who doesn't like being pampered with chocolate ice cream?

Or playing a "Frozen" spelling game?

Or endless rounds of Uno?

I neglect to count how many games we played in the time we are there, but I do know Virginia won all but seven.  Her strategies are top notch!

While taking another stroll around the yard, we spy a gorgeous pink camellia blooming behind my mother's garage.

What a delight it is to see such cheerful flowers in winter!  Of course, Virginia has to pluck one to bring to her Nana.

And she insists on drawing the precious bloom.

By day's end, Virginia is so tired, she falls asleep before I can finish reading her a bedtime story.  I kiss her forehead, bid her sweet dreams, praying they will be as happy and joyful as this day has been.



  1. The times we spend with our little children (or grandchildren) are among the best of our lives. May the memories bring smiles to your face always

    1. Oh, yes, they are, Roy! Happy and joyful always.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha,
    It seems to me that Virginia's joy is contagious! It's fun to be around people who see the beauty in the world around them and share it with others. It looks like Virginia is a budding artist. What precious memories you are making.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, Virginia's joy is most certainly contagious. What a blessing to all of us! And she loves to draw, so I hope that will turn out to be a gift God has given her to develop. Time will tell! :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a blessing to have such lovely times together with your granddaughter...and your mother at the same time! You are all triply blessed! Love the camellia. Mine are starting to bloom and are such a delight to see at this time of year when nothing else wants to bloom!! Virginia is quite the little artist! Enjoy your blessed times together. So much joy and energy! God bless you all.

    1. Pamela, yes, these were such blessed times, secured in my memory in the delight category, for sure! Just that analogy of the blooms, when they shouldn't logically, be busting out all over, are enough to get our imaginations flowing. "Lo, How a Rose is Blooming."
      May Jesus continue to bloom in our hearts, no matter what the season.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Hi Martha! You are making such lovely memories for your granddaughter, you and Nana. What a joy to have such a close family.
    I wish I was in a climate where I didn't need my coat...but it's lovely to see Virginia Rose enjoy the weather, and the flowers blooming on the vine. Such a treat to be here today :)

    1. Thank you, Ceil! It's always a treat for me when you stop by for a visit.
      Yes, I love that Virginia is having this time to get to know her Nana. Mom is 88, and who knows how many days she has left? The more memories I can help Virginia make that include my mom, the better! Of course, they are memories for me, too.
      Love and blessings!

  5. proof positive it is true what they say: "if I had known grandkids were so much fun I would have had them first.

    1. Amen to that, Bill! They make whatever stresses and troubles you had raising your own children all better again.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Just precious. I love it when you share you time with her with us. Thanks! Your post brought a warm smile to my face

    1. So glad I could make you smile today, Jean. Yes, I love being able to share Virginia with my readers. She is an automatic day-brightener!
      Love and blessings!


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