Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Three Sisters

Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.

It's no secret to any of you who regularly follow Meditations of My Heart that I'm one proud Gammie of three beautiful girls:  Virginia Rose; Savannah Jane, and Alexandra Nancy.  But what pleases me as much, if not more than being their grandmother is how swimmingly the three sisters get along.

Being only fifteen months apart, Savannah and Alexandra are practically joined at the hip.  They play flawlessly together, keeping each other entertained and happy, sharing their toys, and allowing their mother, my daughter, Sarah, the opportunity to take care of daily chores.  They even share the same gifts at Christmas without a shred of jealousy!

As much as they love playing together, Savannah and Alexandra really look forward to that time each day when Virginia comes home from school.  They adore their big sister, and Virginia is so patient and loving with them.  Sarah tells me she is such a dependable and willing helper when it comes to looking after her siblings.

Such good and pleasant times!

At least for now.

Because I can already envision those emotionally tumultuous tween and teen years for Virginia, when those little sisters, now all sweetness and light, morph into pesky pests.  Sneaking into her room to read her diary.  Teasing her unmercifully about a boyfriend.  Pilfering her make up.  I wonder how patient Virginia will be with them then?

But those days are in the distant future.  So for now, I choose to enjoy each moment of their loving camaraderie and sisterly unity.

Such a joy!

Such a blessing!



When you were a child, did you get along with your siblings?  How about your children or grandchildren?


  1. I remember both of those ages...
    But, I also remember all the ones in-between and since.

    1. I hear you, Roy! Thanks for coming by.
      Love and blessings!

  2. So sweet! I know you must get such joy from these three beauties and I can't wait for that day myself. My sister and I were (and still are) very close. We never ever fought even during the tween and teenage years. I have a feeling your girls will be the same if they are close now. xo

    1. Oh, I sure hope so, Talya! As I never had a sister, it's hard for me to envision that relationship; having a brother was, and still is, awesome. We never fought very much, and I'm thankful for that.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Such precious memories, right, Martha? How sweet that they get along so well. Yes, enjoy the beauty of now. :) Love and hugs!

    1. They are most precious memories, Trudy, you can bet on that! :) Feeling so happy today because I get to see them this afternoon.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I shared a bedroom with my next youngest sibling. We got along but also fought. I am closest to him. But I love all three of them. We just don't get to see each other all.

    1. I hear you, Bill. I love my brother, too, but we rarely are able to get together as we live so far apart. I know, though, if I ever needed him for anything, he'd drop everything and come running.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, I love reading about those precious grandbabies of yours! And the pictures steal my heart everytime.
    We can learn a lot from watching little ones—as your sweet posts often point out.
    With both of my sons now newly married, I imagine what my future grandchildren will look like. I hope I can be close like you are with yours.
    Blessings on you, Virginia Rose, Savannah Jane, and Alexandra Nancy, and their parents! (Love those names, by the way!)

    1. Beckie, I love those names, too, although they sometimes feel unwieldy in ones so small. And yes, we can learn so, so much from the little ones. They always make me realize why Jesus referred to the little children in such loving and welcoming terms. Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!
      When you do become a grandparent, just know there is nothing, and I mean nothing, like it! I used to chuckle when people would tell me this way back when, but it is so true. They steal your heart, and enlarge it by the second!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha,
    Your granddaughters are so precious. I'm thrilled they are currently getting along so well! Perhaps, they always will? I'm sure there will be days when they will clash. It's interesting to see how siblings get along (or don't!). Family dynamics makes a huge difference.

    Love and blessings!

    1. It's so ironic, Kim, that I post this today, go to pick up Virginia from tutoring at school, and once I get her home, Savannah decides one of Virginia's coveted toys should be hers, too. It's an electronic "robot" dog, and she's treating it way too roughly. We finally tell Virginia to take the toy to her room and close the door. >Sigh< Good ol' Savannah makes a fibber out of her Gammie!
      But yes, for the most part, they get along so well, and are so loving to one another.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh they are so adorable! What a wonderful blessing to have three such lovely and sweet little girls to enjoy!!! Cherish every minute of it as they do grow up way too fast!! They really are precious!

    1. Pamela, believe me, I am savoring and enjoying every moment I have with these precious girls! They are my heart, especially when the littlest, Alexandra, approaches me multiple times to give me a hug. How my heart melts! I know I am blessed by all three.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Beautiful share, Martha.😊👌

    1. Thank you so much, Shira! Glad it spoke to your heart, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I won't show this post to my sister, whose three boys did NOT live harmoniously growing up. Ha! (Thankfully, they all get along as adults.

    I have one sister, 12 years older, so we each grew up as only children. I would have loved to have had sisters like your granddaughters!

    1. Glad to know your sister's boys get along really well as adults. In the long run, that's what matters!
      Wow, that is an age difference, Galen! I'll bet she was more like a second mother than a sister, am I right?
      I only have one brother, but I'm so grateful for that, though I often wondered what it would be like to have a sister.
      Love and blessings!

    2. You are sort of right--she was like another adult in my life, but as I was growing up, she was busy being a teenager and then getting married (she was 20, I was 8), so I wasn't that much on her radar! And to the extent I was, I was probably more of a pest than anything else. I always wanted an older brother! But as an adult, I have been immensely grateful for my sister, especially when our parents died. We were at our best then, at a time when siblings are sometimes at their worst.

    3. Thank you, Galen, for sharing your experiences with your sister in greater detail. I'm sure there are readers who can totally identify with this age difference with a sibling. I had a high school friend who had three children, all seven years apart. She humorously called it the 7-year-itch. Lol!

  10. Hi Martha! I love these cute pics, with the girls going shirtless too. My grands do that at times too, and it just makes me shiver. I tend to run on the chilly side in the winters. How do they do that? Lol!
    My daughters children are also close in age, and they have their moments for playing together well, and then, well...not so much. Enjoy this precious time when they get along so well. It's a blessing! And if they like to play together now, I'm sure it will carry over to the teens too :)

    1. I'm with you, Ceil, when I see them with their shirts off - I feel cold right away! :)
      I'm glad your daughter's children are close in age. They may spat from time to time (just this week, Savannah got angry at Virginia over a toy, and we had to separate them), but will more than likely get along most of time and stay close as they grow up. And it is such a blessing when they are playing nicely together.
      Love and blessings!

  11. enjoy every stage Martha! I love their photo. they are so cute....

  12. Jean, I certainly will! I can't help it, but I think they are so cute, too!
    Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...