Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy at Home

Genesis 25:27
The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was content to stay at home among the tents.

I'm a home body.  Nothing makes me happier than having an entire day spread before me, Knowing I don't need to leave my comfortable surroundings.  And during the recent snow storm, when we are confined to the house for three days, I'm not surprised to find I'm the only one who doesn't catch the cabin fever bug.

Yes, like Jacob, at home is where I am most content.

And never bored.

There are books and blogs to read (or write), routine chores to execute, and reflective times, sitting on our deck, watching the birds and squirrels at the feeders.  There is ample opportunity for leisurely Bible study, meditation and prayer.

No deadlines.  No have-tos.  No hustle and bustle demands from the outside world.




Sometimes I think to myself, Martha, you should get out more.  Maybe do some volunteer work at a food pantry, an animal shelter, Virginia Rose's school.

But I hesitate to commit to anything other than willingly babysitting my grands whenever my daughter needs me, which is oftentimes at the drop of a hat.

I cherish my freedom to choose how I spend my days.  Perhaps that's selfish of me, but the older I get, the more I realize that God means for me to embrace my being, not my doing.

I read many Christian blogs extolling the virtue of being still with God, and advising others to reject getting perpetually caught up in a whirlwind of busyness.  For some of us, depending upon where we are in our life's journey, that is easier said than done.

I am simply grateful to God for allowing me to find my happy place.

My secure place.

At home.

With Him.


Do you make time each day to spend quiet moments with God?

As happy as I am at home, I will be leaving Saturday morning with granddaughter, Virginia, on a road trip to visit my mother over the long weekend.  Her computer is not the most reliable, so I might not be able to get to your comments here until I return on Monday.  Please leave your thoughts, though, as I love you input here at Meditations of My Heart, and will respond to you as quickly as I can.



  1. Peaceful reading this too. Aren't we so blessed!

    1. Oh, yes, Jean! Blessed beyond belief.
      Love and blessings!

  2. You too, huh? You described me well, Martha. Praise God for grands who keep us outside ourselves and the beautiful outdoors that keeps us in touch with God's awesome creation.

    1. Love it that this describes you, too, Mary. We do need those outside "pulls" though, especially with the grands and the grand outdoors, to keep us thinking and feeling in fresh, creative ways.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Enjoy that roadtrip! If ever we needed to get out of the house, it's in the midst of winter!

    Blessings as you travel ...

    1. Oh, we certainly will, Linda. I'm hoping to get lots of photos of Virginia this weekend, and perhaps "document" our road trip. It's a LONG drive, but she's a trooper.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, Me too! I'm a home body. Perfectly content doing the things you described and God blesses them. But God has also called me to serve in women's ministry as well as the rescue mission. I've been blessed beyond measure when I step out of my comfortable little home and go out into the big world and be of a different kind of service. Often I must remind myself of this, however.
    Thanks for sharing. You are a kindred spirit.
    Blessings to you as you travel.

    1. I believe we are kindred spirits, Beckie, and by the comments here, it looks like all my writer friends roll with the same rhythms we do. I'm glad to know you do push yourself to get out of the house and do things for others. I'll arrive at that point one day, I'm sure, but just today, I had to babysit the littlest grands for several hours while daughter had some dental work done. They bless me so!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha,
    I'm joining in with the others--I'm so content to be at home, rarely does cabin fever set in. Some how, I think it's related to being an introvert. :) Considering how the weather sounds for this weekend/early next week, lots of people will be stuck inside for the duration. Time with the Lord and in His Word is time never wasted.

    Love and blessings!

    1. You are so right, Kim, that time with the Lord is NEVER wasted. You remind me here of that meme that goes: "Introverts Unite! Separately. In your own homes." LOL! Does that describe us, or what?
      I'll be getting to your blog shortly; had a busy, busy day with the grands.
      Love and blessings!

  6. As a young child I loved the outdoors and being adventurous. I never dreamed of retiring. But here I am after four years...I love the freedom of going and coming but I live too far away to spend time with my grandchildren on a daily basis, and that leaves me sad most days...but I busy myself with writing and praying and reading God's about an adventure...thank you for sharing your heart. I enjoyed reading this so much! Blessings to you.

    1. Marla, I'm so glad you enjoyed today's post, and that you could identify with the newfound freedom retirement offers. And as Kim noted above, time spent with the Lord is never wasted!
      Hope you get to see your grandchildren soon. I know you miss them!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I could also be quite content at home...but I do enjoy people, especially ladies of similar interests...which is why I love these blogs! I think for those of us who are retired, we have "been there and done that" and don't need to keep proving our worth to the world. We can rest in the Lord and let Him be our daily guide...and sometimes He just wants us to 'BE still know that I am God"...and that IS the most important thing in the world. Thank you for this thoughtful post!

    1. Pamela, I'm so glad you enjoyed this post today. Yes, I've seen your wonderful photos of your Ladies' Bible Study Group; I was in one for several weeks over the summer, but I really need to find another one to join that at least meets once a week or so. As much as I love being at home, I do love people and love hearing their stories.
      Love and blessings!

  8. This described me all to well. Thanks for sharing, Martha!

    1. I'm glad it did, Shira! As I said on Facebook, it's nice to know I'm not alone out there. Maybe it's simply the nature of the writer.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I knew we were soul sisters! I love staying at home (or at my cabin). We have been snowed in since Tuesday, so it has been a time of stillness and beauty. So glad you have found your happy place and love to stay there!

    1. Yes, Galen, amen to that! And snow does give us the perfect time for stillness and beauty, we can't help but be drawn into God's presence. Our happy place is the perfect place, is it not?
      Love and blessings!

  10. Hi Martha! I know what you mean about home being a 'happy place.' I can just see you, enjoying the silence, the lack of busyness. Your thought at the end of the post really struck me. That you should embrace your being, not your doing. That seems very true to me.

    Enjoy your time of rest and reflection. If God wants to call you to something, he will. And thanks to your obeying and being quiet, you'll be ready when he does.

    1. Oh, Ceil, what wise words you've shared here with me. Yes, I'm confident, in a HUGE way, that God will call me when something needs doing, and all this time spent in quiet and reflection will turn out to be a preparation for exactly that.
      In the meantime, let us both rediscover daily what it means to simply be with God.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Hi Martha! I agree with you on the need for stillness. But finding it is becoming harder for me as I find my schedule crammed fuller and fuller. But I need to get away

    1. Yes, Bill, you do, especially as you see your schedule becoming unmanageable. If we fail to nourish our own needs in our relationship with God, how can we hope to help others? I will keep you in extra special prayer that God will grant you this time of quiet and peace with Him.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Home is my refuge too Martha. I'm sure it is for many writers and bloggers :) It's in this place that we can gather our thoughts, reflect, pray, meditate and think. I enjoy being out but need my energy replenished at home. We are never alone with words (of all sorts :) )

    1. Words can be such loyal and faithful companions to us, can't they? I never feel alone when I'm writing or reading God's Word. Home is definitely my sweet spot!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...