Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Happy Birthday!

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Finally!  After too many weeks of illness for my husband, Danny, and me, we are well enough to have the family over for my belated birthday celebration.  While I'm perfectly content to simply have a get together, I go all out for the trimmings for the sake of the granddaughters.

And they are having tons of fun.

Virginia loves to toot her horn.

Savannah in her own little world.

Alexandra, with ketchup on her face, takes it all in.

Alexandra with Mom

Virginia playing a game with Dad.

When our six-year-old, Virginia Rose, spies the "six" and "two" candles, she asks me point blank, "Gammie, are you sixty-two or twenty six?"

Her innocent question prompts lots of laughter.  "I'm sixty-two, Virginia," I confess, never having been one to shy away from telling my real age.

"That's old, Gammie," Virginia blurts without thinking, then quickly adds, "I mean, you're not old, old, just older."

Older, yes, and I do hope wiser.  I give her a reassuring hug.  "It's okay, honey.  That's the way birthdays work.  You turn another year older every time one rolls around."

And after a hearty rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song, Virginia helps me blow out those candles.

As everyone enjoys the sweet and tasty carrot cake, my mind drifts back to the time when I was only twenty-six.  That lost, confused, unsaved young woman, drowning in a people-pleasing sea, drifting aimlessly on the winds of the world, is someone I no longer recognize.  And how I thank God for that!

Ever since the moment I opened the door to Jesus, the one upon which He had been ever so patiently knocking on for years, the Lord has faithfully led me along the straight paths for His righteousness sake.  And though I'm still learning from Him, day by day, I'm so grateful for the wisdom God has imparted to me over these blessed years.

So thank you, Father, for these sixty-two years of life You have given me.  Teach me, and all of us, to number our days, that we might gain the heart of wisdom You desire for each one of us.



Do you have a special birthday memory?  Please share in the comments!


  1. Happy Birthday, Martha! I have never been against telling my age either, and I'm not far behind you. :) I was 61 in January. Time sure flies, doesn't it? It's so fun watching the grandkids and taking in their sweet, innocent comments. I'm glad you're feeling better and were able to have this party. Thanks for sharing the pics. Love and hugs!

    1. Thank you, Trudy! I'm glad to know you have no problem in sharing your age, too.
      Oh, and you said it all when it comes to the grands. They are always a surprise and a joy to be around. Out of the mouths of babes, as the saying goes. :)
      Love and blessings!

  2. Congratulations Martha Jane! however, I am still looking in my rear view mirror at you and I suspect Danny. Pray God blesses you with many more filled with excitement and adventure (but not too much that an "old" person can't handle). LOL

    1. Thanks so much, Bill! Yes, I'm looking forward to the adventures ahead, and all that God has planned for me. And it's funny - having been ill for so long (I know you can relate after your accident), this is the first birthday where I have actually felt my age. Ugh! Hoping that this, too, shall pass.
      Love and blessings!

  3. i feel the buzz, the excitement through your photos, friend! and i'm sharing 62 with you this year, too!

    hope you're feeling stronger, healthier this week. it does seem to take longer for us to heal in this season ... i'm learning to be content with that truth.


    1. Oh, I hear you, Linda! It does seem to take longer to come to rights once we've been ill, the older we get.
      So glad you could feel the excitement and enthusiasm through the photos. We had such a memorable time together.
      Happy early 62!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, your belated birthday celebration looks like it was a fun time. I'm happy to know that you and Danny are feeling better. Life experiences do add up, don't they? What we think we may know at 18 or 226 or whatever age, end up not being quite so accurate. Even at 45 (I won't have a birthday for several months!), I'm so thankful that I'm not where I was when I was 26.

    A fun birthday celebration? One my birthdays my aunt took mom and me to a tea room. In attendance there was an operatic trained singer (likely from the local college): she sang the "Happy Birthday" song to me, operatic style! Now that's a memory! :)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, I love the memory you shared here, Kim! That had to be one of your best, I'm sure.
      And yes, age does seem to bring more wisdom (hopefully) for those seeking it from God. I'm so thankful He's still working on me, and that I'm that work in progress.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Happy Birthday Gammie! I love that you celebrate your age, and know that you are the sum product of all the joys and struggles of your past. What a beautiful family you have, and a beautiful faith that has sustained and supported you too.
    God bless you in this year to come, and may you have many, many reasons to thank him,

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words here, Ceil! Yes, I am so blessed with these wonderful grands, and by God who has sustained me and continues to do so each and every day. Oh, how you and I are blessed to know Him, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Happy Birthday! You are 62 years young :) So funny about your granddaughter, the funniest things kids will say :) Your birthday celebration sound wonderful, glad you are feeling better! May the Lord's richest blessings be with you!

    1. Thank you! I know, 62 years young . . . As I mentioned to Bill in a previous comment, due to the struggle with recent illness, this is the first birthday where I actually felt my age. This, too, will pass, I hope! :)
      And yes, kids say the darndest things, as Art Linkletter coined so well.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Happy birthday!! Yes I feel 27 or 37 inside. Your photos made me smile. Lots of love in them.

    1. Thank you, Jean! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on the 18th, my friend! And yes, you are as young as you feel.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...