Friday, March 10, 2017

This Little Light of Mine

Luke 11:33
No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.

John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Before my husband, Danny, embarks on any home improvement project at the Orlando Compound (the name we affectionately call our place of residence), he gives it much serious thought and consideration.  Months ago, Danny gets the notion to spruce up the look of our deck at night with hanging lights, but not just any bulbs will do.  They must be energy-saving LEDs, and their cost can't be a burden on our budget.

Danny researches the price and quality of the LEDs he has in mind to use, but can't seem to find a bargain any where.  That is, until, a random run to our local Costco turns up the mother lode of LED string lights for half the price of the lowest quote Danny has found on line.

Needless to say, a sale is made, and we are one step closer to realizing our dream of having the deck draped in soft, ambient lighting.

Danny attempts to explain his vision for executing this engineering feat to me, but try as I might, my spatially-challenged brain cannot quite wrap itself around the details.  I don't worry about it though, because I trust completely in Danny's ability to follow through with any project he's contemplated for weeks.

Here's Danny hard at work!

It's coming along . . .

I can't wait until it's dark enough to flip that switch!

And did I mention the LEDs change color at the touch of a button?

Now when we sit out on our deck after sunset, I feel as though I've been magically transported to a sidewalk cafe in Italy or a romantic French bistro.  We can't help but smile at the inviting, soothing lights shining into the surrounding darkness, defying the encroaching shadows, and brightening our world one luminescent bulb at a time.


As Christians, God expects us to shine the light of Christ into this lonely and darkened world.  Are we shining His light brightly and courageously, or are we snuffing our light out under a bowl of doubt and hesitancy?  Maybe we shy away from exposing that light because we feel inadequate; after all, what difference does one bulb make against a vast sea of darkness?

When such disheartening thoughts emerge, let us instead imagine ourselves as a unique, precious bulb in a string of other unique and precious lights all working together, hand in hand, to shine the radiant light of God's kingdom.

And that, my friends, makes all the difference, indeed!



  1. I love this! My cabin in the mountains is nestled among giant evergreens. It is beautiful, but doesn't let much sunlight in. So I wrapped strings of tiny lights around the open beams. It's like being under the stars all the time. I had not made the connection you made in your post between the lights "outside" and the light "inside" but now I will think of that every time I'm at the cabin. (My word of the year one year was "shine.") Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. That sounds delightful (pun intended), Galen! It is such a comforting sensation to feel one is under the stars, whether indoors or outdoors.
      So glad this post inspired you!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh, Martha! It sounds like Rod and Danny have a lot in common! XOXO

    1. It does, doesn't it, Lori? Lucky gals, we are, that's for sure!
      Love and blessings!

  3. That must look and feel so cozy, Martha. I love the thought/picture of "ourselves as a unique, precious bulb in a string of other unique and precious lights all working together, hand in hand, to shine the radiant light of God's kingdom." Have a blessed, restful weekend! Hugs!

    1. It is extremely cozy, Trudy, and we are so enjoying our evenings on the deck. Glad that phrase appealed to you, my friend - we can all shine brighter when we shine together!
      Love and blessings!

  4. ohh, i love the look and fun to see pics of Danny. During this season at church we all sing each week as one of our responses - This little light of mine. I love watching the adults get into that song as much as the kids.

    1. Oh, I love that you sing that at your church, Jean - such a fun and uplifting song, for sure.
      Glad you liked the photos, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. What a difference being "in the Light" makes in our lives...and in the lives around us as we share that light! Love your lit up deck! We have been adding little solar lights around our back yard and garden, and even though we don't usually sit outside much at night (because of bears and mosquitoes), it looks so pretty to look out there and see the lights...and know they aren't costing me anything since they are solar! A little light brightens the darkness and brings joy to our hearts!!!

    1. Yes, Pam, it's so wonderful to be surrounded by the light, isn't it? Those little solar lights are quite amazing, too, but won't work well in our yard due to how much shade we have even in the winter months.
      Keep your light shining!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha, you've shared a beautiful word picture of what it means to let our light--the light of Jesus shine out. Light really does change the appearance and warmth of a room (or situation). Hiding our light is counter productive in many ways.

    I plan to keep on shining for Jesus!

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm so glad this post touched you today, Kim. Yes! Keep your light shining brightly for Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, What a beautiful analogy you make. The way the lights string together with different colors represents so well the body of Christ.
    One of my favorite things I'd say to my kids before dropping them off somewhere was, "let your light shine." Even now that they are grown, we often still say it to each other when saying good-bye!

    1. Oh, I love what you would say (and still do) to your kids before dropping them off somewhere! Such a perfect and gentle reminder to shine for Jesus.
      The lights all glowing reminded me of the body of Christ, too, Beckie - we are all different, but we are one in Him.
      Love and blessings!


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

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