Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Romans 8:26
The Spirit helps us with our weakness.  We do not know how to pray as we should.  But the Spirit himself speaks to God for us, even begs God for us with deep feelings that words cannot explain.

God's surprises heal with a loving tenderness, especially in the times we are most vulnerable.  When I realize I can't do it, I have nothing left - God comes to where I am, in my greatest need.  He meets me in my weakness, takes me in his arms with astonishing love and mercy.  ~Jean Wise, Healthy Spirituality 

This is the sixth installment in my series about our recent "vacation" in North Carolina.  You can read the previous five under April in the Blog Archives on the right hand side of this page.

I wake.  I shower.  I dress in day-old clothes.  I need coffee.  Now.  Before breakfast.  I need fresh air.

I need to pray.

The words are not there.  I do not know how to pray as I should, but God, through His Holy Spirit, hears my groans.  He intervenes and prays for me when words are inadequate.  This experience is more humbling than I care to admit.  Didn't You give me the gift of writing, Lord?  Why wouldn't I have the words?  Why would You withhold them?

Because He is the God of surprises, healing me when I am the most helpless, meeting me in my weakness, finding me in the lowly place, and calling me to look up.  Up to Him.

I do, but then close my eyes.  A tear escapes.  Is this another day of waiting, or will Danny have surgery?

Saying thanks to God and trusting in His plans, I hastily eat the hotel's breakfast (the bacon rates a 10 on the Martha Meter), then it's out the front doors to call an Uber and return to the hospital.

Danny is chipper and upbeat, unlike the plodding of his heart, and we are elated to be reunited.  We chat about our previous evening's experiences, and he is so glad to hear how well I am being treated at Homewood, and that I've made friends with Claudia, who will be staying the this week on business.  "It makes me feel so much better knowing you have someone to talk to in the evenings," Danny says.  "Let's hope we'll hear some good news about the surgery soon.  And no matter what, you need to take an Uber to the nearest Walmart for some new clothes and phone chargers.  We can't keep borrowing them."

"Tell me about it," I say.  "It's disgusting to have to wear the same outfit I had on yesterday, but I'm sure the hospital staff has seen and smelled worse!"

"No doubt," Danny says with a laugh.  "But you always smell good to me."

It isn't long after this exchange that Dr. H., the cardiologist, pays a visit.  "We couldn't schedule for today," he says regretfully, "but we have you slated for tomorrow at 12:30."  We are disappointed, but not disheartened.  It will all happen in God's timing, the only timing we can trust.

I am off to Walmart, and miracle of miracles, this store is in the midst of a refurbishing; every associate, it seems, is out there on the floor and ready to help for a change.  More angels?  Yes, indeed!  I am guided to every aisle and assisted in every need, especially when it comes to the phone cables.  I have no clue!  But by the time I reach check-out, I've been helped more times than I can count, and am feeling so blessed to have found the exact items we need to ride out our Asheville stay.

As I board the Uber, with my first female driver, a person still attached to the "Flower Child" lifestyle, I'm given the opportunity to share my faith with her as I describe Danny's situation.  She seems receptive, open even.  And we exchange hugs once she has delivered me safely to St. Joseph's.

Oh, Lord, I hope the witness I gave makes an impact upon this one dear soul!

Because isn't that what we're called to do?  Bear witness to the love of Christ for this sinful and broken world?  It isn't easy when the words escape us.  When we have to depend on the Spirit to intervene on our behalf.

But He, the God of surprises, will shine through and shine forth.

And sometimes, hugs speak louder than words.


I have every intention of completing this series in the coming weeks, but because of a new situation Danny and I are currently facing, I'm going to have to take a break.  Although the original surgery went well, Danny has, unfortunately, developed an infection around the wound site and will have to have a second surgery this coming Friday.  We would most appreciate your prayers, dear friends, for a successful operation and perfect healing this time around.  Thank you!


  1. Just prayed for you both Martha. In fact, just stopped typing to do so. Done. Prayed for God's healing and His peace to flood both of you, even as you wait these few days.

    1. Thank you so much, Bill! We do need those prayers, so keep them coming!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Please know that you and Danny have a primo spot in my prayer garden right next to the lamp post. Be well both of you.

    1. Thank you so much, Ed! Prayer is so powerful, and we can feel the peace that comes from it.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Take care. And, make sure Danny remembers to follow the post-op instructions- because infections have a habit of finding a way to stick around.

    1. I'll make sure he does, Roy, though Danny is always meticulous about following the doctors' orders. Thanks!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Dear Martha, I'm praying for you and Danny right now, even as we speak. May God's sweet peace fill your heart, day in and day out. May you see answers to prayer that delight you. And may He do more than we could ask or imagine.

    Blessings to you both, friend ...

    1. Amen, Linda, and thank you, thank you for your sweet prayers. So needed and felt!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, still praying for you and Danny. I love reading how God's "angels" have lifted you up along the way. I'm also praying that your words were planted in fertile soil of the uber drivers heart.

    1. Thank you so much, Beckie! Your prayers are so appreciated, so please keep them coming! I hope my words/hug were planted in fertile soil, too.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha, you and Danny are in my prayers. Sometimes it's hard to find the right words to pray, yet, as you shared the Holy Spirit prays for us. God clearly provided many "angels" for you during your unplanned events while on vacation. It's interesting to look back on things and see how God was so very active.

    Love and blessings!

    1. God was so active, indeed, Kim, and I'm still giving thanks and praising Him for that! Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. This is a stressful time for us, but knowing our friends and family are praying makes all the difference.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh wow...Praying for you now as you prepare for this next segment of the journey. God is with you now, just as He was then and there in Asheville. Praying for a successful surgery and complete healing for Danny and strength for you. You are never alone.

    1. Oh, Pamela, thank you so much for your prayers! This is another segment of the journey begun in Asheville, and though we can't help but be a bit anxious, we do know God is holding us in His loving and healing hands. We don't understand the trials we face in this life, but knowing the Lord cares about each hair on our heads brings much-needed peace.
      Keep up the prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  8. I'm so sorry Danny has infection now, Martha. May God guide the hands of the physicians and give Danny a successful surgery and a full recovery. And may He give both of you strength and peace in this added trial.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers, Trudy! Like you, I'm praying for the physicians and the staff who will be seeing Danny through yet another ordeal, and am so grateful to know we will have the physical support and presence of family and friends that we didn't have in Asheville - but the angels were everywhere!
      Keep on praying!!!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Reading this installment wasn't as much fun since I know Danny faces some more challenges. But here's hoping that the story takes a turn to get back on track to a happy and healthy ending!

    1. Oh, Galen, that is precisely what we are praying for! We did know going into the first procedure that there was a 15% chance of infection after an operation such as this. Yes, it's a challenge and a stress, but we hold out hope that our merciful and mighty God will see us through this time, too, just as He did in Asheville. Thanks for the prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Plant those seeds sister, plant those seeds.

    1. Planting wherever and whenever possible, Betty!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you for the prayers, Betty, and keep them coming!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Hi Martha! I'm so glad that you continued to be helped by people with giving hearts. God is so good! (I hear you about coffee too.)
    I thought Danny was to go to surgery tomorrow? Maybe it got changed to Friday. I'll be praying each day for both of you, no worries there.
    I was so touched by your husbands line "You always smell good to me." What a guy you have there! Here he is comforting you, while he waits for his surgery.
    Blessings, hugs and prayers,

    1. Ceil, Danny will be admitted to the hospital on Thursday, but the surgery won't take place until Friday - still don't know the time, but will definitely know something tomorrow.
      He is quite the guy, too! Even now, in facing what he is, he's told me more than once that he's worried about me. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a loving man. Praying God wants us to be together for years to come!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I'm praying for you both. God's light is shining through you.

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, TC! The many prayers are working - we both felt the peace of God strongly today, which makes all the days to come bearable and doable.
      God's light shines through you, too, dear one! Thank you for all your inspiration and support!
      Love and blessings!

  14. This is my favorite; other than, the fact that Danny has another incident with which to deal. I am sooo sorry for that, and I will be praying for both of you. The reason I said favorite has to do with your beautiful heart. Even in a crisis, you were thinking of others and witnessed to a stranger. Blessings to you and your husband. Angles are still out there to help when you need it.

    1. Oh, Nellie, you are way too kind! That was all God's work in me, and I can't take the credit. I guess all I can claim is that He has moved and grown my heart so much in the last several years that I simply can't help myself! Even in the midst of these tough times, I know there are angels everywhere if I open my eyes to see.
      Love and blessings!


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Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...