John 7:37-38
On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud verse, "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."
He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only. ~C. S. Lewis, Weight of Glory
Last week, my husband, Danny, notices a damp spot on our drop ceiling downstairs. Sure enough, one of our pipes has sprung a small leak. While it hasn't yet caused any irreparable damage, we all know how quickly the tides can turn. So naturally, Danny wastes no time in contacting a plumber.
The plumber arrives bright and early the next morning, right on schedule. It's one of those rare days when Danny rises before I do, so fortunately for me, he's showered, dressed and ready to deal with the situation. I'm on my second cup of coffee (if you know what's good for you, never speak to me until I've finished the first), and am contemplating a warm, leisurely shower to usher me into full morning mode, when Danny breaks the news.
"The plumber has to turn the water off until he's finished the job."
"And how long is that supposed to take?" I retort grumpily, shower hopes dashed.
"I have no idea," Danny responds.
This is definitely NOT the answer I want to hear. It's not characteristic of me to mope or pout about anything, but this time, I give into temptation, and indulge in an all-out pity party. Of all the mornings I opt to sleep later than usual, I had to choose this one. Dang! I feel so grungy and gross. I can't even brush my teeth, for crying out loud!
Then in a flash, I'm convicted. Running water is a luxury, not a given. Grow up!
And immediately, I picture the millions of people living on this planet who don't have clean water to drink or the bathe with, people for whom a hot shower isn't even an option. Ashamed of my former tantrum, I ask God's forgiveness, say a prayer for all those who struggle to find clean water, and give thanks for the indoor plumbing we all too often take for granted.
I realize, too, that whether we live in a country where fresh water is the norm, or is hard to come by, the Living Water, Christ Jesus, is available to all souls thirsting for His love, redemption and grace
Equally accessible to all.
So today, won't you come to the water, the Living Water, and drink your fill?
Jesus is waiting . . .
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Grace for the Race
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the lig...
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16 I know, I know. Ma...
I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to dest...
Amen indeed Martha. As a side note: Isn't it funny how God so quickly gets our attention sometimes with conviction?
ReplyDeleteYes, God can and does get our attention, especially, I think, when we're headed down the wrong thinking/doing path. Thank goodness that He does!
DeleteLove and blessings!
A wonderful post, Martha, with a good lesson for us to remember. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed you managed to get a plumber so quickly. Here in the UK it takes ages before anyone calls - and he wants a fee just for turning up to give you a quote. I rang a plumber and he said he will not be able to turn up until 17 June 2019 - in the afternoon, because he is busy in the morning !!! Between 4:30pm and 5:17pm !!!
God bless.
Lol, Victor, you've done it again!!! Sometimes, it can seem like an eternity before any tradesman shows up, but we are, indeed, fortunate in our neck of the woods. Service folks are falling all over each other for jobs.
DeleteAnd so glad you liked the lesson, too.
Love and blessings!
Martha, I can understand where you are coming from in your reaction to what really is a minor inconvenience--a true First World problem--and then God's conviction. Yikes!
ReplyDeleteAhh..., yes, the True Living Water, Jesus, is the best water of all. Spiritual thirst is a real thing and is good to have, especially when we seek out the Living Water to quench our thirst.
Love and blessings!
Spiritual thirst IS a very real thing, Kim, and only Jesus can satisfy it. We in the First World take way too much for granted, don't we? I'm so pleased that this post spoke to your heart today.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Since I often spend the morning in my pajamas even though I'm up early, I had to laugh at your eagerness to get showered and dressed. But yes, we do come to rely on our routines and take for granted the blessings that others would see as miracles.
ReplyDeleteMy No Way Cafe discussion group was recently talking about the theme of water in the Tao Te Ching. We came up with a variation of the question "What would Jesus do?" Instead we asked "What would water do?" Now I'm thinking we should have asked "What would Living Water do?"
Wow, Galen! That's quite the discussion you all had. And maybe the question should have been "What would Living Water Do?"
DeleteAnd I'm just funny that way about wanting to get my shower right after coffee, even when my only goal is to put on fresh pajamas. Lol!
Love and blessings!
At our house, I am always the fist one up, showered and dressed so it would have been the reverse here. Joe would have just pulled on a pair of shorts. I really love the lesson you gave us here, though. We do take so much for granted. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteYes, we do take so much for granted, Terri. Hope Joe is doing better; please keep us all updated!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Martha, this would have made me grumpy, too! I love the way the Holy Spirit gently calls us out when we are "tuned in" to His voice.
ReplyDeleteHope the plumbing issues are fixed now :)
Yes, Beckie, the plumbing problems are fixed, but the plumbing of our hearts and minds, that is God's venue. I really had a "Come to Jesus" moment in my selfish tantrum, but was so relieved when God convicted me, and willed me to pray and ask forgiveness. It seems no matter how far we feel we have come on this Christian journey, the deceiver will attempt to snare and keep us in a mire of discontent. Get behind me!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh, this was great! I totally get it. It's not just water that can give a quick attitude check...I had my own little pity party about something else I won't go into here, and I had to check myself and realize that I was being childish and happened so quickly in a flash, when I thought I was being "so good"! Yes, I needed to 'come to the water" and get my heart right really quick. So thankful Jesus is there waiting...always ready to forgive and help us get back on track. Glad your plumbing is fixed before it was a big problem!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Pamela, for being so candid with your own experience of needing to come to the water. Yes, childish and silly . . . that pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? That's exactly the way I felt, too. Thankful with you that Jesus is always there waiting and willing to set us straight.
DeleteLove and blessings!
amazing how these moments teach us to value what we do have. I think this reflects your open heart to God's lessons throughout the day. Have a good weekend and enjoy the water
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jean, for your kind words. I do hope I'm staying open to listen to God and all He has to teach me. And I will enjoy the water. :)
DeleteLove and blessings!
WELL said, Martha, a great lesson!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, My Friend!
Glad you liked the lesson today, Lulu!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh, Martha, this is so typical of our selfishness. We take the luxuries of life for granted when others across the world have no hope. This is a good lesson for all of us. Food for thought today. Thank you for reminding us to be thankful.
ReplyDeleteYes, Nells, I'm afraid it's all too typical of us to take life's blessings for granted. May we, instead, stop and count them.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Great reminder, Martha! I remember traveling to Bolivia with World Vision and realizing that my small inconveniences are really nothing. Yet, it's so easy to grumble when the power is out or the water won't work or heaven forbid - isn't hot enough. Thanks, my friend, I needed this! God bless you and may your Easter celebration be full of joy!
ReplyDeleteI'm so, so glad this post spoke to you today, Deb. Yes, it's all too easy to grumble and complain, when we should be doing nothing but giving thanks for all that we have and all that God provides.
DeleteMay your Easter be full of blessings, too!
Love and blessings!
What a great reminder! I am often convicted of our modern and first-world luxuries. Not that they're a bad thing, but that we can rely on them and not on Jesus. Thanks for this truth today!
ReplyDeleteWow, Emily, that his the nail on the head - relying on our luxuries instead of Jesus. Ouch! May we all be humbled by that statement.
DeleteLove and blessings!