Friday, March 2, 2018

The Secret is Out!

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

One of the joys of being a Christian writer/blogger is meeting other talented Christians who share the same goal:  To spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world.  I can't pinpoint the moment when I begin to follow Beckie Lindsey at her amazing blog God in Real Life . . .Also Coffee, but her writing style and messages of hope and faith never fail to inspire me.  So it comes as no surprise to me that Beckie's first novel, Secrets, in her Beauties from Ashes series, is a can't-put-it-down delight from start to finish.

Mackenzie, Krystal, Tammi, and Sadie are four troubled teenage girls, all as different from one another as east is from west, yet all have something in common:  The secrets they harbor, and their struggles to keep those shameful, hurtful emotions and memories under wraps.  But hiding these secrets makes each girl vulnerable to a battle in the spiritual realm between the demons, who wish to keep them chained to the past, and the angels of light, who are determined to set them free.

Beckie has adroitly and engagingly developed the unique personality of each girl, and is refreshingly frank about the real-life problems they face.  When their paths do cross, the reader, buoyed on the wave of a perfectly crafted plot, is not surprised in the least.  And it isn't easy for any writer to weave between the heavenly realms and the day-to-day events on earth, yet Beckie succeeds at this seamlessly and masterfully.

While the novel is obviously aimed at the young adult audience, a population which a wise writer I know called, "the toughest market out there," it is one that transcends that limitation.  Admittedly, I'm no spring chicken, but Secrets aroused so many memories, good and not-so-good, of my teenage years.  How I wish I had had someone like Beckie in my life then, a caring person who truly has a heart for and empathy with teens and the insecurities and challenges they encounter as they reach toward adulthood.

My friend, now that the "secret" is out, I do hope you will order Secrets for yourself, or for that special teen in your life.  I guarantee, you will be inspired and uplifted, enriched and blessed by Beckie's incomparable ability to tell a memorable story.


Beckie is a wife and mother of three adult children and two adorable cats.  She is thoroughly content with a piece of dark chocolate, a cup of coffee, and a great book.  She loves to encourage others to not only know the truths of the Bible, but to experience them personally and practically in everyday life.  Beckie is the editor of SoCal Christian Voice, an author and blogger.  Her first book in the Beauties from Ashes series, Secrets, can be ordered at Amazon
You can connect with Beckie on:


  1. Sounds intriguing. Would these books be suitable for an almost 14 yr. old girl? I have a niece in mind who is going through some "growing pains"...but this sounds like it might be too mature for her. Thank you for this interesting review. I am considering...

    1. Pamela, this is an amazing book, but one you might want to read first yourself and then judge if it's too mature for the young lady you refer to here. Beckie does not shy away from tough subjects like bulimia, childhood traumas, and broken families. So that might be a bit much reality for a teen only have some "growing pains" as you say here.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Thank you, Martha for featuring this book on your wonderful website. There is a community of special people here that love and support you. I am one of them!
    I hope it's alright to address Pamela M. Steiner's questions as the author. I agree with Martha, you may want to read through the book first. However, what I've discovered in my years with my own teens and the ones I have the privilege of working with at church is this—they know a lot more than we think. And they have experienced things they are afraid to share. It's an unfortunate truth. Our youth today are either dealing with issues themselves like I write about in the book, or they know someone who is. I wrote the book to help bring those "secrets" into the light and point them toward the love, healing, and freedom that can only be found in Christ. I sure hope this helps you. Blessings to you and the teen you mention.

    1. Beckie, this is a tremendous help, and I will make sure Pamela returns to the blog to read your advice about teens and those secrets they often keep too close to the heart.
      It was a joy and honor to read and review your novel, my friend. I do hope lots of folks will support you and spread the word!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Thank you, Martha and Beckie, for your responses. I would love to chat with Beckie about some of the above issues mentioned. Is there a way I can contact Beckie privately? Thank you!!

    3. I've put links on the blog to Beckie's accounts, Pamela. That would be a great way to initiate contact.

    4. Pamela, you may email me at Thanks for your interest. Thanks, Martha!

  3. Congratulations to Beckie on her new book, and to you, Martha for this informative review. Both of you are such an inspiration to others. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Nells! If we are an inspiration to others, it is because our God has allowed us to be. I'm so grateful for that!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Thank you Martha for the introduction.

    Congratulations to Beckie on her first book of many.

    God bless.

    1. Your welcome, Victor! And I do think Secrets will be one of many books yet to come from Beckie; she is already done writing the second in the series, and will be editing it in the weeks to come.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, you've shared a great review of what promises to be a solid book for young adults. The world is such a different place than when I was a teen. I'm thankful social media didn't exist when I was a teenager! :)

    Warmest Congratulations to Beckie!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, yes, Kim, I, too, am so glad I did not have social media growing up - it makes the world much more complicated than it has to be sometimes, especially for the young, insecure and impressionable. Now, if I told you how many television stations were available when I grew up, then I'd definitely tip everyone off as to how old I am. Lol!
      And Beckie certainly does deserve congratulation!
      Love and blessings!

  6. SO glad you're back! HOW did I miss that??? Thank you for the book review. I will check it out. Praying, My Friend!

  7. I will visit the website when I click publish here! Thank you for such a lovely post!

  8. I have been distracted and I just caught up on your last several posts. I love coming here. Whether reviewing a book or sharing photos and stories with your granddaughter, or simply reflecting in your special way on scripture, you always offer something to think about, a ray of hope, a comforting word--just what the world needs. I enjoyed catching up!

    1. Galen, I'm so gratified to know you regard this blog as a "ray of hope." Can't tell you how much that means to me! And I know how easy it is to get distracted; trying to stay focused can often be a challenge, can't it?
      Love and blessings!

  9. I was thinking of my college age grand daughter for she talks about some of the same subjects you mention in the book. Will check to see if she has read it yet. She makes full use of the college library.

    1. Betty, since the book was just released in February, I doubt her library has it yet. It is a stunning read for young adults, and I think your granddaughter would love it!
      Love and blessings!

  10. It's so nice to meet Beckie! Thanks for the intro, Martha. This sounds like an interesting and helpful book. Appreciate you feauring it for us!

    1. You are so welcome, Karen. Yes, Beckie is a beautiful person and an amazing writer. It was my honor to feature her here.
      Love and blessings!


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