Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Just Breathe!

Job 33:4
The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Many of you who follow this blog may already know that my word for 2018 is "Breathe."  When my chiropractor, Dr. Cris, tells me last year that I need to breathe from my diaphragm, I know immediately that God has communicated to me through her.  "Belly breathing" is soothing, steadying, nourishing, enlightening.  If you're not already practicing this type of breathing, I encourage you to give it a go.

I don't think, I know, this process has brought me closer to the Lord.  It even makes me wonder if, when Jesus withdrew from His disciples and the crowds to pray, He engaged in this type of breathing.  It's life changing, life claiming.  Life calming.

And if there's ever been a week when I've needed to implement belly breathing, it's been this past one.  No, I'm not going to replay any of the wrenching events here; we've all seen and heard enough, have we not?  Suffice it to say, my stress level goes through the roof.  The painful ache in my shoulder, initially caused by emotional upset, and was all but gone, returns with a vengeance.  Thank goodness for my visit to Dr. Cris!

Thank goodness for deep, cleansing breathing . . .

It's difficult for me, a news junkie, to refrain from perusing headlines, but this week, I've resolved to let it all go.  Sure, someone can, and probably will, inform me second hand, but I want out of the circus.  I feel so, so sorry for those who find themselves smack dab in the middle of this disgraceful, chaotic mess.  I'm free to retreat.  They are not.

Maybe you, too, find this whole matter disturbing, destructive and downright nasty.  Here's what I suggest:  If you're not already praying about it, start now.  If you are praying, double down.

God sees.  God hears.  God knows.

Most importantly, God is the ultimate judge.

And while you're praying, remember this:  "Just breathe!"


I have the opportunity to take my granddaughter, Virginia Rose, down to Oxford this coming weekend, so will not have a blog this coming Friday.  Looking forward to seeing you all back here a week from today.  God bless!


  1. Praying you are better soon, Martha. Have a happy visit to Oxford. Why not try Oxford, England, some time?

    Years ago, I was talking with a friend about the state of the world. It seems things have always been bad somehow. He replied wisely, "You don't have to live in this world!" He mentally withdrew from all the bad news and prayed.

    God bless.

    1. Believe it or not, Victor, I have been to Oxford, England way back in my college days - loved it! And what a wise reply your friend gave you, too. We do live in the world, but we don't have to be of it. Great advice!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Spending time with Virginia Rose over us? Hmmmm. Actually it sounds like the perfect medicine to one who is stressed.it is always good to get away from here and see our grandson. And remember to breathe while you are gone. :) Have a great week Martha.

    1. I know, Bill, tough choice - lol! Don't worry, my friend, I won't forget to breathe deeply all the while.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Good morning, Martha! As I began to read your post, I could sense myself taking a deep cleansing breath and releasing it slowly. Thank you for that prompt, for sharing lessons learned, for reminding us that God is in absolute control.

    Therein lies peace ...

    Enjoy sweet Virginia Rose!

    1. Amen, Linda! I'm glad you engaged in that deep, cleansing breath right away, and hope you will do so often. So healing and calming!
      And yes, our ultimate peace lies in the knowledge that God is in control.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I am sitting here "breathing" as I read this. Yes, it is very soothing and comforting to "just breathe"...breathe in God's Spirit and grace and peace, and exhale His grace and love to all we meet. Thank you for this moment of peace in the midst of a very chaotic world. God bless you and Virginia as you travel together this weekend. What a blessing for both of you, and for your mother as I am sure she will be delighted to have you!

    1. Oh, yes, it is so soothing and comforting, Pamela. I'm reminded, too, of the Matt Redmon song with the phrase: "I'm breathing in your grace, and breathing out your praise." Perfect!
      Yes, I'm sure Virginia and I will have fun, and my Mom is so excited that we're coming to see her. It's been almost two months since I've been able to visit.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Did a few of those belly breaths while reading your post, Martha Jane. It is calming! Prayers lifted for you, dear friend!

    1. So glad you tried it out, Terri! It is calming, isn't it? Very healing, too, in the long run.
      Thanks for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha,
    Oh, this past week was difficult personally (hubby in the hospital) and for our nation. Your post, however, is a "breath" of fresh air and a great reminder!
    Feel better, my friend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, Beckie, for your kind words here. And once again, know how relieved I am that Scott is okay after that scary ordeal at the ER. God is watching over you both!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I find it deeply disturbing also, Martha. I learned the beauty of deep breathing years ago in LaMaze class. If it can help with the pain of childbirth, it is capable of getting us through so much more. Wonderful post, My Friend!

    1. Oh, yes, the pains of childbirth . . . what a great comparison this is here to what has been going on in our country recently. I'm glad that learning this type of breathing early in your life helped so much, Lulu. And yes, measured, deep breathing can certainly help us overcome so much.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I have long embraced and encouraged the practice of belly breathing. My in person No Way Cafe gatherings all begin and end with several belly breaths. After decades of stress based shallow chest breathing, I set out to reset my default breathing to belly breathing, the way we breathed when we were born. The benefits are numerous -- physical and emotional. And, as you say, spiritual.

    1. Amen, Galen! My chiropractor explained to me last year that up until the age of about 10, we naturally breathe through our diaphragm - why the change, I wonder? What do we begin to "forget" at that age? All I know now is, that breathing this way is a saving grace for me. Doesn't hurt either that I usually take this time for praying, too.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I need more of those deep, cleansing belly breaths, too, Martha. I am deeply disturbed, too. I keep trying to embrace the truth that God is still in control. Enjoy your time with Virginia! Love and hugs to you!

    1. We all need those deep belly breaths, Trudy, and I hear how you are with me in this most trying time. God is in control, and we can pray that His will be done in all times and in all places. He is our Good Shepherd as you shared in your blog today.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, thank you so much for this reminder to just BREATHE and to BREATHE correctly--from the diaphragm. The deep breathing does work wonders, especially when we turn our focus to the Lord. Simply living in this fallen world is full of challenges and pitfalls--so much ugly, so much hard--is cause of great stress and anxiety. I'm so thankful that Jesus understands this perfectly and is interceding for us with the Father.

    Enjoy your time in Oxford!

    Love and Blessings!

    1. Yes, it does, Kim. And it always, without fail, brings me closer to God. This fallen world, where Satan would wield control, is a danger and a pit, and our emotions can be too easily swayed if we don't rely upon the Lord, the only One who can and will defeat the evil. Jesus is our mediator and high priest through it all.
      I will enjoy Oxford time with Virginia and Mom!
      Love and blessings!

  11. It is an amazing thing what deep breathing can do for you! And I loved your scriptural comparison as well! Praying you have a blessed and very special time with Virgina this week! Blessings and hugs :)

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn, for your kind words here. Yes! Keep breathing!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Prayers and breathing work wonders. Thinking of you during all your trials and praying that you be delivered from ALL your afflictions. I appropriate that Psalm for myself often and it has never returned void.

    Yes, the circus. I’m with you 100%. I’m SO out of here. Ever since I’ve meditated on this, especially. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cw_y3tPXAAIXnAI.jpg

    Did you deactivate your Twitter account, by the way? I looked for you today and could find you nowhere.

    1. Debra, thanks for contacting me via Facebook Messenger yesterday - so you know the score with Twitter. I really wasn't using it that much, and found it to be a cesspool I preferred to no longer swim in.
      Yep, it's been a tough couple of weeks, but the breathing has been a life saver, as have prayers. Thank you for yours!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Have a great trip, making memories with your granddaughter. How fun. and just keep breathing!!

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Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...