Tuesday, October 9, 2018

They Put the "Happy" in Happy Meal

Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Honestly, I can't imagine the fortitude and dedication it takes to maintain a job as a fast food employee.  In most cases, they are overworked, underpaid, and most defeating of all, underappreciated.  I have always been so thankful for these folks, as I spent many years working in the restaurant business, and sympathize with the stress that accompanies this service industry.

What happens to and for me a week ago Monday is reason to celebrate these dedicated people.  I pull up to the McDonald's closest to my granddaughter, Virginia Rose's, school at 10:45.  Her scheduled lunch time is 11:02, and I have promised a Happy Meal as a special treat for her.  As I'm aware that Wendy's starts serving lunch at 10:30, I assume that McDonald's must do the same.

I assume wrongly.

I start to place my order when the young man behind the intercom says, "Ma'am, we don't start serving Happy Meals until 11 o' clock.  Would it be possible for you to wait until then?"

My heart sinks.  I envision Virginia's despondent face if I show up empty handed.  I resolve to plead my case.

"I'm afraid that won't work.  I'm on my way to my granddaughter's school to have lunch with her, and she is expecting me to bring her a Happy Meal.  Her lunchtime starts around 11, so I can't wait until then."

The next thing I know, the voice answers brightly, "My manager just said we can make one for you.  May I take your order?"

"Yes, yes!"  I exclaim.  "And please tell your manager, 'God bless you!'"

I then proceed to place my order:  six-piece chicken nuggets, apple juice, a Go-gurt, and three ketchup packages.  When the cost is confirmed, I drive around to the first window to pay.  The young man who takes my cash is the same one who takes my order.  "Ma'am, just so you know, if my manager hadn't spoken up right away, I would have made sure your granddaughter got her meal."

I beam at him.  "Then God bless you, too!"

When I arrive at the second window, the manager greets me, all smiles, as she hands me the apple juice box drink.  "Thank you for asking God's blessing on me," she says.  "You have absolutely made my day."

"And you've made mine," I assure her, "and my granddaughter's.  I can't thank you enough.  You've put the 'happy' in the Happy Meal, for sure!"

In a few minutes, I'm handed the Happy Meal with the freshly cooked, piping how chicken nuggets, and make it to Virginia's school just in time to have lunch with her.  What a joy!

That evening, I decide to do something I've rarely done:  write to McDonald's corporate headquarters to acknowledge the incredible customer service I'd experienced that morning.  I not only get an instant confirmation that my email was received, but the next day, here comes a personal note from Sarah in customer service!  It reads as follows:

Hello, Martha:
Thank you for taking the time to share your compliment about the staff.  We always enjoy hearing when our customers have a great visit to one of our restaurants.
Every McDonald's restaurant employee is trained to provide our customers with the best-possible restaurant experience.  This includes providing fast, accurate and friendly service, and serving outstanding food quality in a clean and pleasant restaurant environment.
I have shared your compliment with the franchise owner and restaurant team of the location in Canton, GA.  I know they'll appreciate the time you took to share your comments with us.
Again, we know you have many choices when making your dining-out decisions, and we truly appreciate your choosing McDonald's.  We look forward to serving you again soon.
McDonald's Customer Contact Center

Wow!  I'm so delighted that these two stellar and caring employees will be recognized by the franchise owner.  And may God continue to bless them both!



  1. Three points:

    I don't understand why some outlets only serve some items at set times of the day. We have the same problem here in the UK. For example: an English breakfast is made up of eggs, bacon, sausages beans and toast. Some outlets stop serving it after 11:00am Why? They have all the ingredients there. Not rocket science is it?

    God for you for saying "God bless". I often say it to shop assistants when shopping or when on the phone. You should see them recoil when they hear such a greeting. Especially in our secular country.

    It's good for McDonald's to reply as they did. I like the line, "we know you have many choices when making your dining-out decisions," I recently had reason to email a major supermarket chain about a minor, but important to me, complaint. The computer immediately replied: "e-mail received". Just a confirmation automatic computer generated reply. The supermarket in question never bothered to reply to my complaint. I now take my custom elsewhere.

    Good post today, Martha. Thanx.

    God bless.

    1. Victor, thanks for taking the time to describe your own experiences in the UK regarding restaurant service and customer care, or lack thereof. And it is a sad state of affairs when a clerk recoils at a "God bless you." What is society coming to? Well, I shouldn't have to ask myself that. It is precisely the movement away from faith in God and Jesus that has allowed Satan a foothold. Praying for all those who don't believe lest their unbelief mires them in not just a foothold, but a strangle hold.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Good service deserves rightful actions. I nice tip for my waiter. A letter to corporate or filling in a survey. Well done Martha!

    1. It does take that extra effort, Bill, but after this experience, I plan to be more proactive in going beyond just the face-to-face thank you, or in this case, God bless you. We always tip well when dining out, too.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I love this, Martha! Let's bless more people right outloud and to their faces. Let's tell them what we love and appreciate. Let's look for every way we can encourage those who cross our paths. Let's applaud ... and tell them they've made our day.

    You've made mine with your story ...


    1. Thanks so much, Linda, for your kind words here today! We do need to acknowledge others in the name of Jesus whenever and wherever we can. I might have made your day with this story, but know your comment here has made mine!
      Love and blessings!

  4. God's blessings upon you all!! I love this uplifting post, Martha Jane!!

    1. So glad you liked the post, Terri, and may God bless you, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I commend these employees, but also commend you for going the extra step. I’ve worked retail and understand being underappreciated not just by the corporation by customers. A little appreciation goes along way.

    1. Indeed, Larry, we all need to be appreciated for what we do. No task is ever menial when it is done with love and respect for others. We need to take the time to bless those who serve.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha,
    What a fun read! It made me "happy." And may the Lord bless YOU, sweet Martha for taking the time to write to corporate McDonald's.

    1. Oh, Beckie, I'm so glad this post put the "happy" in your day! I know the Lord blessed me the moment I blessed them - funny how that works, isn't it? The more we give, it seems, the more we receive.
      Love and blessings!

  7. You put a happy into my day by sharing this story, Martha. :) Fast food employees truly are often unappreciated. It moves me how God directed it all and gave through you a "God bless you!" at a time when the manager probably especially needed the encouragement. The worker also. God bless you, too! Love and hugs to you!

    1. Trudy, I'm so happy this made you happy! So many people who work hard in jobs considered by too many to be low on society's ladder are working hard to make those extra dollars, to support themselves through school, or are just trying to gain the experience it takes to move up from where they are. They need and deserve encouragement at every turn.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I LOVE this telling, Martha. God bless these employees, and may their example become contagious!

    1. Yes, Myra, wouldn't it be fantastic if the goodness of these two employees went viral? May we all be so considerate of others, and willing to meet their needs so readily.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Oh how wonderful! So proud of those employees who were willing to go the extra mile to help make a little girl's lunch truly a "happy meal". And so proud of you for taking the time not only to bless those who served you, but to go the extra mile to let their superiors know about this at headquarters! What a blessing for all! I love a Happy Ending story!!

    1. I love a happy ending story, too, Pamela, and was grateful from the bottom of my heart that these caring employees took the effort to accommodate my needs. Yes, they deserved a "God bless you," that's for sure! And when I told Virginia the story, she smiled and nodded, understanding that these folks went out of their way for her. Hope the lesson lasts a lifetime!
      Love and blessings!

  10. A "Happy" story to start my day. Bless you for taking the time to compliment them all the way to the top!

    1. So glad this story got your day off to a happy start, Lulu. :) And thank you for the blessing.
      Love and blessings right back!

  11. And you made my day, dear Martha, with another uplifting story. God bless you, sweet soul!

    1. I'm thrilled that I made your day, Debra - it means so much to me, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha,
    Thank you for sharing this very positive experience--so many blessings, so many lives touched. Honestly, this is the way we should live--going above and beyond.

    Love and blessings!

    1. It is precisely the way we should live, Kim. Just imagine what a better world we could have if we all sought to bring God's Kingdom here on a daily basis.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I love this story and how you kept blessing this with the letter to corporate too. My mama would always say be sure to pass on compliments to others it will make their days. You have made my day reading this story. Brought joy to my heart

    1. Jean, I'm so very gratified that reading this made your day! Your mama was a very wise woman, indeed. We do need to pass along good news to others.
      Love and blessings!


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