Friday, January 11, 2019

An Offer You Can't Refuse

Luke 6:38
Give, and you will receive.  Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap.  The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.

As I lean more and more into God and His will for my life this year, I have a recurring idea, on which I happily share with you here.  My six novels in The Glade Series and Adventures in The Glade have sold relatively well over the years, but with the current situation here at home, it's been impossible for me to physically reach out to churches in my community to peddle my wares, so to speak.

But I'm not peddling here . . . I'm offering.

You see, when I first publish my novels, my husband, Danny, generously lays out some hefty bucks for us to see my dreams become a reality.  I'm so grateful for this, and so desirous to repay his gift, that I can't see past charging money for my books.  And truth be told, I become too intent upon the allure of fame and fortune, taking on the glory for my achievements, when it is God alone who should be given every ounce of the glory I so sinfully call my own.

It is the Lord who gives me the gift of writing.  It is God, and only God, who deserves all the gratitude and praise.

So, my friends, here is the offer you can't refuse.  If your church has a lending library, I would like to donate two autographed sets of my novels for other Christians to read and enjoy.  I mean, seriously, who among us has met Racer, Davy, and the entire gang at The Glade, and not fallen madly in love with them?  I want to share that love!

Here's how it works:

  • On the right side of this blog page, click on Author's Website.
  • Click on "contact" to send me a private email with your name and home address.
  • Books will be mailed to you with no shipping charge.
  • Hurry!  This offer ends on February 1st!
Giving, in the name of the Lord, for His glory, feels right and good and freeing beyond words.  I know I've already received.  And if you do take me up on my offer, I know the gifts I give have returned to me in full.



  1. This is a very generous offer, Martha. Well done. May God bless you and your family greatly as a result. Postage alone would cost a fortune. I suggest perhaps, (like other Bloggers), you exclude those readers outside the USA.

    With sincere best wishes and blessings.

    1. Yes, Victor, sadly, I do have to exclude overseas shipments as they are ludicrously expensive. Maybe I'll edit the above post to include that.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Victor - that's thoughtful. Not only can you be quite humorous, but also generous of heart and mind.

      Martha - bless you for your generosity. I'll be sharing your gift on my LinkedIn page. So happy to spread the word ...

    3. Thanks so much, Linda! I appreciate your willingness to share this post on Linkedin. You are so kind and thoughtful to do so!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sandra! I'm hoping many folks will take me up on this offer.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a wonderful gesture, Martha! I'd be honored to receive the gift of your written words … and in turn, pass them onto the ladies at Robinson Springs UMC. Sending an e-mail, as directed! Thank you!

    1. Yes, Mevely, I did get your email, and will be sending the books as soon as I can! Glad to know your church can use them, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Thank you for the gesture to the church I pastor Martha. We have already received ours and will be telling the folks about them. I'm praying God will bless your efforts.

    1. Thank you, Bill! It was thinking about your church when God pointed me in this direction. What an amazing God we serve! Yes, I, too, am praying God will bless these efforts.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Oh Martha! What I sweet offer you're giving. The churches and those who read your novels will be blessed. I will be sharing this, for sure.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Kim! I do hope so many will be blessed by these novels. How can one not fall in love with that rascally Racer? Lol!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh, how kind you are, Martha! This is such a generous offer, and I know it will bless many. I LOVE the verse you quoted today. I just read it to our son, who just did something amazingly generous for someone. God is so faithful, and my Mimmie often said you cannot outgive Him. May He bless you richly, as you continue to bless others!

    1. How my heart is touched, Cheryl, that you shared the verse quoted here today with your son, and that he immediately turned around and did something generous for someone else. Praise, indeed! And no, your Mimmie was spot on: we can't outgive God - ever!
      I'm not sure how old your son is, but no matter what your age, one can still enjoy the books. Let me know if you need a set, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  7. What a wonderful offer! Interestingly I was just talking about you to a friend of mine yesterday, who has been reading your books that I loaned her. She was telling me how much she enjoyed them, and that she hoped you would be writing a sequel to the last one. I told her some of what you've been going through lately and that I didn't think you were quite ready to write another right now, and she said she would be praying for you, as am I praying for you. We know that in God's time you may write another book, but for now to share these wonderful books with more people is a powerful and marvelous blessing. My church doesn't have a library, but I have my set and will continue to share them with people that I believe will enjoy them as much as I have. Praying that your outreach will indeed reach out to young and old alike. Such a wonderful series of books. I loved them all, and miss the characters...although I see "Racer" in my yard often...

    1. Pamela, I can't thank you enough for sharing this testimony here regarding the books! You have done so much, my friend, to promote and recommend them to others, I can't thank you enough for that, and I can't thank you and your friend enough for the much needed prayers. Another book? Maybe one day, but spreading the word about what I've already published makes so much sense to me where I am right now. Thanks again!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, I absolutely love The Glade series. I cannot wait until my first grandson (due in April) is old enough for me to read the books to him. I cannot see a squirrel and not think of Racer!
    Your offer is so amazing. What a blessing.
    May the Lord bless you and all who read the books.

    1. Beckie, I'm so glad you loved my books, as I have loved yours! Yes, it will be a while before your grandson (so happy for you!) will be able to enjoy the books, but it's something to look forward to. I've just now started reading the books to Virginia at age eight. She is enjoying the story!
      Love and blessings!

  9. How sweet! Sadly my church does not have a library.
    Blessings, My Generous Friend!

    1. Yes, that is a shame, Lulu. However, if you'd like to ask any of your friends if there is a library at theirs, I'd be more than happy to donate.
      Love and blessings!

  10. How very generous of you, Martha. :) You once sent me the first one, and I still have fond memories of it. Love and blessings!

    1. I'm so glad you do, Trudy! Let me know, and I will be happy to send you the remaining five, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  11. What a kind gift. Your heart is generous! we do have a library but sadly not many people borrow books from it so I won't waste you kind offer. I wonder if our public library might be a better place. will let you know. Thank you friend

    1. Sorry to hear not many use your church library, Jean. I've often checked books out of ours instead of going to the public one. I appreciate you looking into this where you live - that means so much to me!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...