Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Awe and Wonder

Psalm 136:9
He made the moon and stars to rule the night.
His faithful love will last forever.

Our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is fascinated by astronomy.  Over the Christmas break, I take her to the Tellus Science Museum in nearby Cartersville, where they offer, among other alluring exhibits, hourly planetarium shows.  Right away, when I pay for our tickets, I also include the price for two back-to-back viewings of the heavens; different shows and unique perspectives.  Needless to say, Virginia pays rapt attention, and revels in every moment.  I must say, "Santa" spent his money well!

While we are at the museum, we see advertisements for the upcoming lunar eclipse, guaranteed, as long as skies are clear, to be a momentous occasion for those of us living on the eastern seaboard.  Virginia is thrilled when she reads the announcement.  "Look, Gammie, a lunar eclipse is coming!  What's a lunar eclipse?"

"It's when the moon passes through the earth's shadow," I answer.

"Can I look at it without going blind?"  Virginia is recalling the alarming warnings surrounding the recent solar eclipse we experience.

"Yes, it's completely safe to look at," I reassure her.  "However, if it's going to happen very late at night, you might not be able to see it."

"But I want to see it!  Please, Gammie, tell Mommy and Daddy to let me stay up!"

"I'll do my best," I say with a smile.

Little do I know at the time, that the very weekend of the eclipse, we would have Virginia staying with us.  She is as adamant as ever about viewing this unique "blood moon" occurrence.  But here's the rub:  the event doesn't begin until 11:44 Sunday night.  Way past her bedtime, and mine!  Conveniently, she doesn't have school on Monday, thanks to the Martin Luther King, Jr. national holiday, so we decide to indulge in what could be a once in a lifetime experience.

Virginia dozes fitfully from bedtime until "moon call."  Her sheer excitement will not allow sleep to overcome her completely.  And when that wake-up call comes, she jumps up, ready and raring to go!

Guess who can't rouse up?  Me!  I choose to snooze and lose.  But Papa, who has stayed up until the very hour, and Virginia's Uncle Daniel, save the day.  They bundle her up as the temps are in the frigid 20s, and out they tromp to our deck where Danny manages to get these amazing photos despite having to point the camera with its weighty lens straight up to get the shots.


And Virginia is full of awe and wonder.  The lunar eclipse only bolsters her obsession with the heavens that God has so masterfully created.  She is beside herself, bringing up the subject of her midnight adventure repeatedly throughout the next day, with a smile in her eyes as bright as the sun itself.

My prayer is that Virginia will always be passionate about the night skies, longing to learn more and more about God's infinite creation.  To be amazed by the miracles both in heaven and on earth.

To ultimately know, deep within her heart, that as small as she might feel in light of God's limitless universe, her Father knows her intimately in every aspect of her being and becoming.

And to rest assured that His steadfast love for her will last forever.



  1. Joining you in prayers. You made happy memories to remember many times into the future. Wonderful photos too.

    God bless you all always.

    1. Yes, great memories, that's for sure, Victor. Thanks for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  2. What a great experience... I am glad your granddaughter got to share that with you all. The created world around us (and above us) is spectacular. I need to remember to see the world through the eyes of a child and to experience each day brand new.

    1. Oh, yes, Ryan, looking at the world through the eyes of a child will definitely fill you with awe and wonder. It's too easy for us to grow jaded and miss out on all the miracles God wants to show us every day.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh to have that childlike innocence raging again! "The heavens declare the glory of God and the earth shows His handiwork." Indeed.

    1. Being around Virginia really helps me to see God's creation with childlike wonder, Bill. What a blessing that is!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Yes, breathtaking! The eclipse and our God!

  5. Making memories and teaching her truth--GOOD FOR YOU! She will never forget!

    1. Yes, fabulous memories, Lulu, some I hope she'll treasure forever.
      Love and blessings!

  6. What wonderful memories were made that night!! The photos are amazing!

    1. Yes, great memories for Virginia. I'll be sure to tell Danny that you loved his photos, too, Terri!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Props to Danny and Daniel! Virginia's passion is enviable, for sure. It's been a long time since I can claim that emotion. Oh, what we can learn from children!

    1. Yes, Mevely, we can learn so much from children - I know Virginia has been one of the best teachers I've ever had. So grateful!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Yay for family members who are light sleepers. And double yay for those of us who find it terribly difficult to wake during the o'dark thirty hours.

    Sleep in heavenly peace, friend.


    1. Yes, Linda, hooray for both! Just so thankful that the cavalry came over the hill in the nick of time, so Virginia wasn't disappointed. They are two great guys, and I plan to keep them around for a while!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Wow! Those photos are absolutely amazing! They made me think how the moon, stars, sun, and all are suspended in space and held in place by the Word of God. How awesome our God is! His ways are past finding out. And, yet, He loves us, individually, as small and insignificant as we are. He is so amazing, and how wonderful it is to have Him condescend to desire a personal relationship with us. I have never loved Him more. Thank you for this inspiring post, my friend!

    1. Cheryl, I'm so gratified to know this post inspired you today. And yes, our God is awesome beyond words, beyond the puniness of human understanding. That He cares for each of us so intimately always blows me away, but I'm so thankful He does!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Wow! Such breath-taking photos and special memories for little Virginia to keep in her heart. Oh, to have that childish wonder! I want that! Thank you for sharing this, Martha. Love and blessings to you!

    1. Yes, Trudy, Danny certainly got some amazing photos, and I know Virginia will always treasure this memory in her heart. And you know what? I want to keep that sense of childhood awe and wonder in my heart, seeing the handiwork of God even in the most mundane things.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, I'm thrilled knowing about some of the memories you're making with Virginia! Virginia's energy and enthusiasm for learning is inspiring. The stars really do tell a story--I'm NOT referring to astrology but to astronomy. The prophet Daniel used the stars to teach the wise men in Babylon about the Messiah's birth and more.

    Danny's photos are simply stunning. What an amazing Creator God we serve!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, the God we serve is so, so amazing, Kim! I'm so glad that Virginia does have this longing to learn and a natural curiosity about God's creation. Such teachable moments!
      I will tell Danny that you loved his photos, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  12. What a precious story. We watched it, too, in the Southwest. God's creation is marvelous! All glory to Him.

    1. Thank you so much, Janis! Glad you all got to see this wondrous event from where you live, too.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Awe and wonder. Your post title says it all. It clouded up where I live, so I appreciate the clear and gorgeous photos.

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry you had clouds where you live, Galen, but so glad you could enjoy Danny's photos here! I still can't get over how he had to hold that HUGE lens straight up to capture these photos.
      God's world is ever so worthy of our awe and wonder . . .
      Love and blessings!

  14. Oh that is so exciting! I am so glad Virginia was allowed to get up and watch this amazing occurrence in the heavens. Our God is so awesome, and the more we can teach our children/grandchildren about His greatness, the more they will love Him and trust Him with their whole lives. What wonderful photographs! Amazing!!

    1. Yes, Pamela, the more we can teach the little ones about the awesomeness of our Father, the better off they will be, that's for sure and certain! I know Virginia will always remember and treasure this celestial phenomena she had the privilege to witness. For her, God is great, God is good, and He always will be!
      Love and blessings!

  15. When our kids were young we use to lay in the grass with our telescope and they were full of questions which brought about some research. Of course our bible was the soundest place to get answers. Our kids as adults now still talk about those times. Then we moved to Bolivia , South America in a remote areas with no lights to steal from God's glory. While there we had a teaching come with his high powered telescope and we did the same there but could see much farther and clearer. That blood moon sure causes speculation to crop up in the Christian circles. You are a great Grandma.

    1. Betty, thanks so much for sharing your story about your kids looking at the night sky here. And yes, it would be so wonderful to be somewhere where there isn't "light pollution" so we could truly gaze at God's awesome universe. At least, the planetarium offered Virginia that experience.
      Love and blessings!

  16. wow this matches my new exploration of wonder. Thanks for this insight


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