Tuesday, January 15, 2019
I Love to Laugh!
Job 8:20-21
God does not support evil people;
and he does not abandon the innocent.
So perhaps you might laugh again.
Maybe shouts of joy will come from your lips.
Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all. If you can only remember me with tears, then don't remember me at all. ~Laura Ingalls Wilder
Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. ~Norman Cousins
I can't tell you when I first see this portrait entitled "Jesus Laughing," but I do recall falling in love with it on the spot. I must have it! And as you can see from the photo above, I do just that. Whenever I gaze at Jesus' joyous expression, I am compelled to smile, chuckle even, blessedly assured that the Son of God experienced all the emotions we encounter in our day-to-day lives, while dwelling among us.
Laughter, it is said, is the best medicine. And I would venture, in the trying, divisive and angry atmosphere of our current culture, that laughter is the best antidote to this pervasive malaise.
Lately, my husband, Danny, has been exploring "Dry Bar Comedy" on YouTube. This venue features profanity-free, up and coming comics, who are looking for their big break into the mainstream. Some of these rising stars are great, and some just so-so, but nonetheless, we reap great benefits when the jokes evoke a chorus of belly laughs from us. As Norman Cousins says above, we are jogging internally without having to brave the outdoors. What a great way to "exercise!"
If you haven't made any New Year resolutions, perhaps this should be one of them: To purposefully seek out something every day that tickles your funny bone. It could be as easy as looking in the mirror!
Because when we are in the throes of hearty laughter, we are re-energizing our minds, our bodies, and yes, our very souls. Those grand belly busters that release all the calming endorphins, which God, in His infinite wisdom, has placed into our beings, knowing how life-saving, life-transforming they are, are of invaluable importance to our health and well-being.
God, after all, is the Master Humorist! How do I know? For starters, He created us, didn't He?
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Grace for the Race
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I agree Martha, wholeheartedly. As you know, my New Year's resolution this year is to laugh every day. And I do so when I look in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteLaughter is the best medicine, as you say. It releases dolphins within us who swim freely and tickle us from inside. That's how laughter builds up. It is like some sort of pressure which starts in the diagram, next to the stomach, it goes up the asparagus, and comes out like a loud sound from a hole in the head. From anywhere else and we're in real trouble!
God bless.
And oh, how you made me laugh, Victor, the minute I read your comment! Your sense of humor is tremendous, and much appreciated by all who follow your blog. Yes, let's all resolve to laugh more this year.
DeleteLove and blessings!
I, too, love to laugh. i don't like being around "debby downers" as they are called. I have this sneaking suspicion if you and Danny and I were ever together we would have a laugh-fest. Ryan our youth pastor has been listening to some of the Dry Comedy Bar and played one for us in staff meeting last week. He was funny.
ReplyDeleteYes, laughter is the best, Bill, and it comes as no surprise to me that you, too, enjoy it. What a great coincidence that Ryan played you all a clip from the Dry Comedy Bar! Visiting that site has certainly been good medicine for all of us in the Orlando house. Laugh lots today!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Funny how the collective Mind of Christ works. I was thinking along the same lines earlier today in my quiet place. Reflecting on what makes me smile, what brings joy to my heart…
ReplyDeleteHow true that in the world’s divisive and angry atmosphere we need the joy of the Lord like never before. The joy of the Lord is our strength. He must be telling us to lighten up. Amen?
How will the world be drawn to Christ by his long-faced body of believers?
You are so right, Debra! As children of God, we should be the most joyous people on earth, shouldn't we? And I'm always amazed by the connections made by "collective Mind of Christ." It truly happens more times than not, if we open our hearts to receive it.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Great painting! Have you a cassette player, Martha? I'm going to try and lay my hands on something from my tape library - where my former pastor addressed Jesus' laughing. Quite the comedian (she, our pastor) was (is). I don't have the equipment necessary to make a duplicate but would happily loan it to you ….. if you'd like.
ReplyDeleteOh, Mevely, I so wish I still had a cassette player! Sadly, I don't, because I know I'd certainly enjoy your pastor's sermon on Jesus laughing. Oh, and this looks like a painting, but it is only a print I had framed. As I said in the post, I can't look at it without smiling.
DeleteLove and blessings!
I agree totally! LOVE to laugh!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, My Friend!
And Victor keeps us laughing, does he not, Lulu? We are so fortunate to have this circle of blogging friendship!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh, Martha! I always enjoying reading your posts, but this one is my new favorite. There are so many things to love about it, from the picture of Jesus to the hilarious video. But truth be told, I like that you challenged us to find something that tickles our funny bone each day. I hate to admit it, but I need this reminder.
ReplyDeleteYears ago when I was engaged to my goofball husband, my daddy said, "You know you will have to be the grown-up in this relationship." I replied, "I need him to make me laugh and not take life so seriously. He will keep me young." And Scott has kept me laughing for 30 years and counting!
Thanks again for making me chuckle, dear friend.
Oh, Beckie, what a sweet story about your relationship with your husband! Yes, we must have someone in our lives that makes us laugh. When I fell in love with Danny, much of the reason was his wonderful sense of humor. I so needed that to balance out my tendency to be too serious about things. Looks like you and I both "married up" in this case! :)
DeleteGlad you can count this as one of your favorites, my friend. That means so much to me!
Love and blessings!
Oh, what an uplifting, inspiring post! My husband and son enjoy watching Christian comedians on youtube, too. We all need to laugh. I, too LOVE that painting of Jesus laughing! We are created in His image, so He must love to laugh. I know I do. :) We can find humor in so many things, can't we? Like you said, especially when we look in the mirror! LOL! Thank you for this wonderful post. :)
ReplyDeleteCheryl, I'm so glad you enjoyed this post, and that you, and your family, love to laugh, too! He's way beyond Dry Bar Comedy, but one of my favorite Christian comics is Tim Hawkins. I'll wager you all love him, too. Yes, if we are created in God's image, and we have a sense of humor, we better believe He does, too.
DeleteLove and blessings!
i actually remember the first time I saw that picture of Jesus laughing! It is not something I ever thought of before. My vision of Him was always serious. Of course He laughed!! Of course He did!! I love it and laughter is the best medicine!! Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteTerri, when I first saw the picture, I thought the same thing - why should I only think of Jesus as being serious? I mean, really, the One who asked that the little children come unto Him must have known He could be in for a dirty diaper! He probably laughed loudly, passed the wee offender back to the mother, and chuckled the rest of the day.
DeleteDefinitely, we all need the healing effects of laughter in our lives.
Love and blessings!
This is first time I've seen this art work. Have never thought of Jesus laughing, but of course He did. This was a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad this post blessed you, Susan! Yes, if Jesus wept, He most certainly laughed, too.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh yes, I love that picture of Jesus laughing so much. Yes, I see Him laughing and enjoying life with His friends/disciples...and He delights in us, His children. He loves to see us happy and laughing and full of joy. Thank you for this reminder today.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you love this picture, too, Pamela! Jesus does delight in us, which at times, I find hard to believe, but am ever so grateful that He does.
DeleteLove and blessings!
This is a great reminder, Martha. I love that verse in Job 8. Of all the times I have read the book of Job, it must have slipped by me. I guess I concentrated more on other verses. Thank you for sharing it here. It's so comforting. I just have to tell you a story. We were raised in a church where it felt like laughter was a sin. Thankfully we know differently now. Anyway, my mom was unconscious and dying, and some of my siblings and I were sitting in the room when someone brought her a liquid lunch. We were shocked speechless. Then my youngest brother picked up the bowl of jello cubes and sucked one up with his mouth, making a loud slurpy noise. He passed it around to the rest of us. We all started laughing that belly laugh we so needed in the moment. As my brother said, it's what our mom would have wanted. We also surrounded her bed and sang hymns she loved, but that special moment of laughter helped us through a heavy weight that was threatening to crush us. Thank you for bringing this truth to light. Love and blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteOh, Trudy, how can I thank you enough for sharing this so personal and intimate story as to how laughter ebbed your family's sorrow at the time of your mother's passing? Your words here convict me that she would have wanted you to celebrate her passing, not mourn it in any way, shape or form.
DeleteLaughter, a sin? So difficult for me to comprehend, but I do know that my father's upbringing, which included no dancing, no movies, and dare I say it? Probably not much laughter, either, although my Dad did have a great sense of humor throughout his life.
Surrounding your Mom, singing the hymns she loved, and laughing to ease the pain did lift that ponderous weight for all of you. I'm thanking God, right at this very moment, that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, have been acceptable in God's sight, and in yours, dear friend.
Love and blessings!
Love the portrait of Jesus and this post so much, Martha! Jesus is normally depicted as somber or barely a grin if at all. I could look at that image all day. And, yes, it makes me smile from ear to ear...a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon. We all need laughter more in our present world. And God wants to put a smile back on our face and joy back in our heart!
ReplyDeleteAmen, Karen! So glad this portrait brought a smile to your face, my friend. Yes, we all need more joy and laughter, especially in this day and age, and that's precisely what I try to do each day.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Martha, thank you for this great reminder about the importance of laughing. I know that I don't do it often enough. God, I believe, has a sense of humor.:)
ReplyDeleteI remember with great fondest one of my friends from my undergraduate days. He didn't take himself or life too seriously--he was always great for a laugh or two.
Love and blessings!
Yes, Kim, I think we can fall into that trap of taking ourselves, or our situations, too seriously. Life is too short NOT to find something to laugh about, even, and maybe especially, when the going gets tough. Hope you will start laughing more, my friend! It will do you a world of good.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Such a good reminder Martha to find laughter as part of our daily routine, in some form or fashion! Thank you also for sharing that there is a clean outlet for humor to be had on youtube, I will look for it! Blessings and hugs to you today :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you'll be checking this site out, Marilyn! Like I mentioned, there are some "duds," but for the most part, the comedians are clever and entertaining. Another Christian comic that we love, and you probably already know about him, is Tim Hawkins. He has lots of great routines on YouTube, too.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Laughter can be so healthy for the body and the soul. Hadn't heard of that you tube channel will check it out. That picture of Jesus is one of my favorite too and hangs in my office.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting to know that you have the same picture of Jesus hanging in your office, Jean! Mine hangs in the room that was once my "retreat," but since my son has been living with us, that's become his space. I hope seeing this daily reminds him of how much Jesus loves him.
DeleteLove and blessings!