Friday, January 31, 2020

Different Gifts, Same God

Romans 12:6-8
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.  If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

I've always loved these verses from Romans 12!  It assures me that God has provided each one of us with unique gifts and talents to develop, share and employ for His glory.

I'm so thankful my Father saw fit to grace me with a penchant for writing, has allowed me to pen and publish six novels, and now allows me, through this blog, to encourage others in their walk with the Lord.

Our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is demonstrating, at the age of nine, how God has blessed her with artistic skills.  Just as I had a passion for books and writing as a child, Virginia loves, loves, loves to draw!  First photos shown here are ones she creates from her imagination.

And the next batch?  Virginia uses internet images to draw these creatures free hand.

Okay, friends, I know I maintain a hefty Gammie bias, but honestly, I do think these drawings display a precocious aptitude for art with Virginia.  It is my hope and prayer that she will continue to pursue her passion, polish her skills, and do it all in thankfulness for this amazing gift God has given her.

What gifts has God blessed you with?  Please share in the comments!



  1. Yes, this is a good passage from Romans; and one we should take to heart. It is good that you continue blogging, Martha, because blogs like yours, proclaiming the love of God, are like beacons shining light in a very dark and sad world. I encourage you and other Christians to persevere and continue in this endeavour. We never know who visits our blogs without commenting, and for them, what we write may well encourage them to find out more and experience God's love. What a privilege for you to have led someone to God.

    As for my gifts? I like to sit down and rest. Or lie down and rest. Or sleep and rest. In fact I have perfected rest. Maybe I should run classes on how to rest? Also, I have a great love for pizza. What a gift that is!

    God bless you and your family, Martha. Always.

    1. Victor, you crack me up with your expertise about rest and pizza! I love both of those, too, but I know God has graced you with an amazing talent for writing, and spreading His Word through your books and blog. Yes, as Christians, we need to pray that our message about Jesus' love will touch someone's heart and lead them into a relationship with the Savior.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I would agree with you that she has an aptitude for art. Keep fueling it. I think my gift is the gift of prophecy-which I take to mean the gift of speaking not what is commonly called prophesying (which I seriously question and doubt). I'm also glad you kept blogging Martha. I look forward to reading it (as I did your books).

    1. Speaking is an amazing gift, Bill, and one that certainly doesn't come naturally to me, though I did get better at it during the years I taught school. Might I venture to say that you also have a gift for writing? I always look forward to reading your blogs, my friend, as you always convey pearls of wisdom to carry on our Christian walk.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Wonderful! Yes, Virginia does have a great gift for artistic ability. I do pray she will continue to nurture that gift as she grows and matures. When I was young I loved to draw much like Virginia, but as I grew older I allowed other things to take away my time and interest in drawing, and now I do not seem to have that same ability.Perhaps it would come back if I tried...but I no longer have the drive to try. So my advice would be to encourage her to keep it up and provide whatever materials she may need to keep going. She definitely has talent and that is a wonderful gift. It would be a shame to lose that to other "things". Her lion face and elephant are exceptional!!

    1. I thought the lion and elephant were exceptional, too, Pamela. Like you, I loved to draw as a child and teen, but taking art in high school made me realize it wasn't a true gift worth developing. I sure hope that this passion sticks with Virginia and, believe me, we will continue to encourage her in all her efforts to become a better artist.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'm no expert, but yes. I wholly believe your Virginia has a natural talent! She's so blessed to have you as an encourager.

    Ironic. Our ladies Bible study recently concluded a study on recognizing one's personal gifts and using them to further the Kingdom. Do you think this (book) is something you'd like to read? I'm happy to pay it forward!

    1. Oh, Mevely, you are too kind! Yes, I'd love to read that book. And I'm so glad you think Virginia has artistic talent, too. She is one very special young lady, if I say so myself.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Thanks, Martha! We're already 'in' for the day, but I'll drop it at the PO on Monday morning. Hugs!

  5. Very talented indeed. I'm always amazed by such natural talent. My sister is an artist and definitely got all the artistic genes in the family.

    For me, I would say based on what others have reflected to me, that I am a gifted teacher. Which is lucky because being a teacher has been a big part of my life and I love it. I also seem to be a skilled negotiator, and was grateful for this gift many times in my life.

    1. Those are amazing gifts to have, Galen, and I know, as an attorney, both have served you, and others, well.
      I, too, am amazed by natural talents like Virginia's. My aunt was an incredible artist, but unfortunately, I didn't inherit her genes. Still, happy and content with the talents God has given me.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Well, I know one gift I DON'T have and that is drawing. :) But yes, Virginia definitely has it! Her drawings are very good. Thanks for sharing with us and encouraging her. God can use all our gifts!

    1. Amen, Lisa! God can, and does, use all our gifts when we offer them back to Him. Glad you enjoyed Virginia's drawings!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I am always in awe of people who have creative talent in the arts. My hubby is an incredible artist and musician. Never had a lesson in either one. As a young man he was a back up bass player for Elvis. Now his art hangs in many galleries. My handwriting is so bad I can barely read my grocery list. But I am a great cook along with many other talents.

    As you said, each of us have our own talents and the beauty of their expression is when we give them away.

    Your granddaughter is talented and I hope she can continue to pursue that.

    1. Oh, wow, Carol, a bass player for Elvis? Your husband can certainly know his contribution of talent has influenced many generations down the line! You do have many talents yourself, my friend, cooking being one of them. Everything done in love is worthy of praise! And just think of how many others, who have benefited from your culinary concoctions, have been blessed beyond measure.
      Love and blessings!

  8. VR, does have a special talent. I hope she continues to develop it. I guess if I have talents they would be in the form of writing, acting, speaking and singing. My singing voice has deteriorated over the years, and I’m in constant prayer in regards to leaving choir. I also do some painting. I enjoy painting crazy Santa gourds and other types of gourds too. I loooove to cook too.

    1. Nells, I share with you the loss of a pristine singing voice as the years increase, but I'm so gratified that I was able to contribute, along with Danny, harmony in our leading of contemporary worship at our church in years past. Keep praying, and God will answer in His time. Glad to know you love to paint and cook! You are welcome at the Orlando Cafe any time! As I'm an average cook, I love how Danny turns ordinary meals into the extraordinary on any given occasion. Yes, I am blessed by this. Gratified that you agree that Virginia has a special talent for art work. May it serve her well in life!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Your granddaughter is indeed talented, Martha Jane! Keep encouraging her along those lines! Do you have an art museum near you? The one I worked for had lots of classes for kids and even a children's gallery. I am excited for her! I wanted to be an art teacher at one time. Don't let her lose her passion!!

    1. Oh, Terri, coming from you, an art expert, means the world to me! I will definitely pass your encouragement on to Virginia. I'm not sure that we have a children's museum of art, even in Atlanta, but that is certainly something I could look into. I truly would love her to take some art lessons, although both her parents have the gift, so I'm hoping they can help her for the time being.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Your granddaughter does indeed have a gift and talent that she needs to pursue and continue to develop. I loved to draw when I was young and ended up working in graphic arts for years. I have done portrait painting, landscape and pet portraits in the past. I now stick mostly to colored pencils. I also write, but that is a gift I have developed only in my older years. I have also written quite a bit of music over the years. As far as spiritual gifts are concerned, I do have the gift of teaching and prophetic prayer which I believe comes through in my books and in my sharing at church.

    1. Diane, God has given you so many wonderful gifts, and I know you celebrate those each and every day as you share those gifts with others. Thank you for your kind words about Virginia's art - yes, I will keep encouraging her to develop those skills!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Your granddaughter certainly has been blessed with artistic talent. My oldest grandson loves to draw too. He is 8 and uses online tutorials as inspiration too.

    1. I think it's wonderful that your grandson enjoys drawing, too, Laurie. I will have to look into those online tutorials for Virginia - anything to inspire her!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Very well done... My daughter also likes to express herself with drawing, painting, decorating, etc. She is 18 and plans to pursue a career in the arts.

    Encourage her to keep it up!

    1. Three cheers for your daughter, Ryan! I'm so glad she has decided to pursue her passion in life. And yes, I will continue to encourage Virginia.
      Love and blessings!

  13. WOW! Great job, Virginia!!! What talent you have! I hope you will pursue it, too, and keep honing those God-given skills!

    1. I'll be sure to tell Virginia that you liked her drawings, Cheryl! Yes, we will continue to encourage her to practice her skills.
      Love and blessings!

  14. That is one awesome elephant drawing! I definitely agree that Virginia has the talent and aptitude for art, drawing in particular.

    My talent? Needlework. Been sewing since I was 9 years old. It is truly a gift the Lord has given me for blessing others and giving me a creative outlet when I need to relax.

    1. You do have an exceptional gift for needlework, Barbara, that's for sure! Your designs always intrigue me, as that's NOT a gift that I have, but so admire the intricacies of the craft.
      And the elephant drawing is my favorite, too!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Oh Martha, what an encouraging post. YES, YES, YES Virginia does have an aptitude for drawing. My hope is that education doesn't suffocate that natural talent out of her.

    My gifts? Encouraging others, preaching, teaching, writing. (I also seem to be stellar at procrastination too!)

    Love and blessings!

    1. I will certainly pass your encouragement on to Virginia, Kim! And I do love your gifts; I fit you with the encouraging, teaching and writing, but not the preaching - you really do so remarkably well with that, my friend. Procrastination? You know, sometimes it can be useful in an odd way, because it makes us stop and think things through before beginning anything.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...