Friday, January 10, 2020

Miracles in the Mundane

Romans 12:1 (MSG)
So, here's what I want you to do, God helping you:  Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around-life - and place it before God as an offering.  Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.

Daily routines.  Few of us would argue that these aren't a necessary part of life, but many would confess that said routines can become stale and boring in their constant repetition.

Making coffee, showering, dressing, making the bed, breakfast, prayer time, email correspondence, blog reading, Bible reading, gym . . . And that's just my morning!

Then it's errands, checking more email and the news, feeding the birds, filling the water purifier, bathroom sprucing, dusting that room, sweeping another, laundry when needed, dishwasher loaded/unloaded.

And the beat goes on!

Now, your daily routines may look totally different from mine, as we are all unique in our needs, wants and obligations.  But I'm willing to go out on a limb in saying that all our must-dos have one adjective in common:  Mundane.

Even if we pray and read God's Word in a detached, scheduled framework, it can take all the inspiration and meaning out of what should be a joyful, rejuvenating practice.  God forbid that these should ever devolve into ho-hum to-dos!

So, how do we elevate our daily physical chores and spiritual encounters to a God-blessed level?

We place them before Him as an offering.

Giving thanks that we are healthy and able to accomplish what needs doing.  Grateful for hot, running water in which to take a shower, wash dishes, do laundry.  Thankful for a comfortable home, food in the fridge, a car to allow mobility, finances to afford a gym membership, the freedoms afforded by our amazing country to pursue our religious practices without retribution, and the technological advances that allow us to reach out and communicate with others whom we've never personally met, yet feel so close to because of blog-bonding.

And in it all, treasure each breath we take, each move we make, as a blessing from our Father in heaven.

Let us serve Him with joy, even in the most ordinary of tasks, knowing that it is the best thing we could ever do for Him.

Because there are always, always miracles, awaiting discovery, in the mundane.



  1. Yep ... I agree with all you say. Sometimes when I take some time to myself just to pray, or to think about praying, I am interrupted by yet another "to do" which must be done here and now. So prayers are said on the go. As I do one task after another. It makes me guilty that I postpone the most important task - saying thank you to God for all I have.

    Thank you Lord. And sorry for all the times I forgot to say thank you. I owe you over a million thanx.

    And thank you, Martha, for this wonderful timely reminder.

    God bless.

    1. Boy, Victor, I sure hear you on that one! Life can absolutely get in our way when we're making other plans, but we should ever be grateful to God for all that we have and for all we are able to do because of His gifts to us.
      Glad to know this reminder spoke to your heart.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I love the title, I love the idea, I need to begin loving the practice...
    The mundane, can.... if allowed, suck the joy out of life.
    But as you say, there is so much to be thankful for, so much to be excited about, so much to give praise for.

    My simple coffee brewing routine has recently taken a twist.
    I have begun measuring my pre-ground been and heating my water on the stove. I have begun using a hand grinder to encourage a consistent grounds every time. I recently received a pour-over brew pot which allows me to control the temperature and pour of the water into those consistent grounds...
    Does the coffee taste better? I think so, but more importantly it is an opportunity to break up the monotony of life even if for just a few minutes and take part in life, not just live through it.

    Thank you so much for this message this morning, breath of new life.

  3. I love this story regarding the "shake up" of your coffee routine, Ryan! Sometimes it's the simplest things in our daily lives that can reawaken our senses and sensibilities. Best of all, by being thankful in all that we do, the mundane no longer has the power to "suck the joy" out of our lives. Glad you found today's message inspirational, my friend!
    Love and blessings!

  4. Einstein said that either everything is a miracle or nothing is. Sometimes I have to remind myself to change "I have to..." to "I get to..." and be grateful for everything.

    I read somewhere about the idea of a "miracle walk." Just walk around outside and look upon everything you see as a miracle, with discrimination in favor of some things over others. Good practice, and fun.

    1. I love that saying from Einstein, Galen, because it is absolutely true! And thanks for sharing the idea of a miracle walk - I know I'm going to indulge myself in that one more frequently.
      Love and blessings!

  5. What a great reminder! This is something I am working on this year - being mindful in the moments. Thanks Martha!

    1. That's a great thing for all of us to focus on, Jean - being mindful in the moment. It reminds me of Paul's exhortation to pray without ceasing. Seems impossible at first glance, but it truly isn't when every moment is seen as a gift for which to be thankful.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I love the concept of placing our days before God as an offering, no matter how mundane they may be. I am going to begin practicing that mindset today! Thank you, Martha.

    1. Laurie, I'm so glad this post today inspired you to practice this mindset! So many times in the past I've measured my to-do days as a colossal waste of time, but no more. Every moment can be made precious when we are thankful and mindful.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Even in retirement, I'm a slave to routine. But! There's a certain comfort to be found in the mundane. In all things, give thanks!
    Thank you for this wonderful reminder, Martha.

    1. Absolutely, Mevely! We can find comfort in routines, especially when we are in a thankful mode. I know I'm thankful to be retired, too!
      Love and blessings!

  8. We have it so good Martha. I recently watched a documentary on the rigors kids have in other nations with chores and walking 2 hours 1 way for school. It gave me a real appreciation for the things I take for granted. So true that in the mundane times we need to give thanks. I will remember this and know it will lift my spirit!

    1. Yes, Valerie, we really have it "made in the shade," so to speak, and need to be mindful of how blessed we are. May we never take anything for granted, that's for sure!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Yes, I do take joy in the "mundane" each day...I think moving to a new home this year has helped me appreciate a lot of the mundane things we do each day because it is all still kind of new here and I find myself thanking the Lord when I open the blinds in the morning and see the pond and geese swimming around...and when I fix a cup of tea for me and coffee for hubby, I am thankful that our kitchen is closer to our living room than before, and I don't have so far to walk balancing a hot cup of tea...little things like that...I can hear hubby in the living room when I am in the kitchen too, and that makes a huge difference each day...I am not so isolated as before. LIttle things that do help me rejoice in the everyday new things we are enjoying. I don't want them to become mundane...I want to be thankful and rejoice in what God has done.

    1. Oh, yes, Pamela, to be ever thankful and rejoicing in what God has done is the best way to embrace and enjoy each day! Isn't it marvelous that we can find pleasure and His presence in the seemingly mundane? I know that is something for which I live and in which I have my being. My tag line for this blog has long been "Meeting the Miraculous in the Mundane," and that has proved to be true, time and again. Love that your new home is working out so well for you both!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, dear Terri! May we embrace the everyday things with joy and praise.
      Love and blessings!

  11. So simple, yet so profound, Martha. Make the mundane an offering. Thank you for this!

    1. Thanks so much, Diane, for your kind words here. May we all know that our smallest gesture, done in love and faith, turns the mundane into the miraculous!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Amen, and amen! SO true. I am doing a fast that our pastor does every January, and along with it, we do a devotional each day. Today was about gratitude and his thoughts echo yours. Thank you for another wonderful post!

    1. How amazing is that, Cheryl? But I shouldn't be surprised by any God-incidence! When He wants us to hear a message, He'll often present it in multiple venues. Glad this spoke to your heart today!
      Love and blessings!

  13. This is a wonderful post and such a good message. I remember from time to time how I felt when I had a serious injury that required surgery and 6 months of physical therapy. Many of the mundane things in my daily life had to be done by others for me, or managed awkwardly by myself. That experience woke me up to gratitude for the ordinary blessings that weren't so ordinary after all!

    You phrased all of this so very well, Martha!

    1. Thanks, Barbara, for sharing your story here - isn't amazing how much we come to value ordinary, everyday things when we can not do them easily? We should never take them for granted. So gratified that you enjoyed this post!
      Love and blessings!

  14. How true this is Martha, such a wonderful post. Earlier this week I was reading Psalm 50:14 where it says Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God. How fitting.

    1. Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God . . . How I love that, Marja! So happy to have you on board here at Meditations of My Heart!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I love that interpretation of Romans 12. It always makes me smile when I read it. And this: "We place them before Him as an offering." May I do that with my routines this year too!

    1. It certainly made me smile, too, Lisa - The Message translation of the Bible always makes it feel more approachable and understandable. May we all offer everything we are to God with thanksgiving.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Beautiful & thought provoking post. Do all things as unto The Lord!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. So happy to know that this post spoke to your heart, Loralu!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Well said Martha. Gratitude makes all the difference in the world. it definitely takes the mundane and gives it meaning.

    1. Yes, Bill, it certainly does! Being thankful in all things holds its own joy and peace.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Martha, thanks for sharing this. Yes, the mundane can get so...wearying...and so...well, mundane. :) I frequently ask the Lord to keep me focused on Him while I'm doing those "mindless" tasks.

    Living sacrifices (from your Scripture above), are interesting things--while it's important to do it, those sacrifices have a way crawling off the altar. Our entire life as an offering blesses God and us.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, those sacrifices do have a way of crawling off the altar, Kim. Submitting to and trusting in the Lord help us to keep our focus off us and on Him. We do bless God when we offer our all to Him.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...