Friday, January 17, 2020

Life 360? How about Life 24/7?

Psalm 139:7-10
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

My husband, Danny, downloads the Life 360 app to our phones in 2018 when his son, Giovanni, is making the monumental move to New Mexico for his Air Force assignment in Albuquerque.  For those of you who might not be acquainted with this convenience, it allows sharing of location and movement as a loved one travels.  We are especially worried at the time because of possible inclement weather that Giovanni and his wife, Hope, could be facing during their arduous trek.

Happy to say, they make it safely, but not without a few nail-biting moments on our part!

While we delete Giovanni from our circle after his successful arrival, Danny and I continue to track one another.  This is of particular comfort to my MIL, who toward the waning days of her life, grows extremely anxious when her son leaves the house to shop or go to the gym.  It gives her such peace of mind knowing where he is, and when he might be home.  She just feels safer and more secure when Danny is in the house, and I certainly could never fault her for that.

Enter Danny's brand new phone!  Yes, we want to continue using Life 360 to monitor each other's movements, especially when I embark on the long journey to my mother's house, but the app decides to be balky and inconsistent.  Danny has to reload it repeatedly.  Luckily, it does work seamlessly during my last trip to Mom's, but the following day?  Nada!  What's up with that?

We are concluding that the app simply needs a nudge here and there, a reentering of the password, to convince it to work reliably.  A pain?  Yes, but necessary if we wish to keep the connection going.

What a relief it is to know that when it comes to God, we never need to download an app or reset a password to be connected to Him!  He always knows where we are headed and where we will end up.  Even in the precarious places, His steady hand is there to guide us and hold us fast.

The Lord is Life 24/7 when we submit to and put our trust in Him

Here's to the journey!



  1. Good post and a great message. Sadly, many people have this app but make sure that God is not connected to it because they do not wish to follow Him, or get to know Him as a friend and Saviour.

    God bless, Martha.

    1. So sad, but true, Victor. Praying that those who are asleep at the wheel would wake up and realize that God is their true guide, and the only hope of salvation.
      Love and blessings!

  2. To tag off of Victor... I was thinking along those similar lines. God never needs a reboot, reset, or password entry... but sometimes I do.

    1. Sometimes, we all do, Ryan, even the most faithful of us. We are human, after all, and God is God. We are the ones who get lost, but He never does.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Danny! I thought you'd enjoy this one. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. It s reassuring to know we can call on God and He is always ready to direct our steps! In a time where things mess up and malfunction, so glad He is a God that is true to His Word and never changes...especially when hard times hit!

    1. Yes, like you, Valerie, I'm so grateful to serve a God who always keeps His word, and never changes, no matter what.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Yes! Amen!! Thank you, Martha Jane.

    1. You are more than welcome, Terri!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Blessed assurance! Our Lord is never taken by surprise, so why should we fret?
    I'd not heard of Life 360, but will be sharing with Tom and loved ones. (Granted, I'm probably the only worry-wart in the lot, but still …)

    1. Life 360 is a great antidote to the worry syndrome, Mevely, when a loved one is on the road, that's for sure. But the Lord is our safety net at all times, and that is something we can always be sure and certain of.
      Love and blessings!

  7. perfect example with a great spiritual lesson. Love it

    1. I'm so gratified that the lesson spoke to your heart, Jean. That means so much!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Yes, thank heavens connecting to God does not require any technical expertise. I would be out of luck! that app sounds wonderful. I am going to check it out.

    1. It is a really handy app, Laurie, but like you, I'm so grateful that God requires no technology to be in touch with Him!
      Love and blessings!

  9. using the idea of 24/7 seems to be so much meaningful since it gives the idea of a day to day awareness. Not that Life360 isn't because it is helping one keep track of another, but that can sporadic. I like the idea of God's eyes on me at all times.

    1. Yes, I love that feeling, too, that God is always watching over each and every one of us. He never fails!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Technology amazes me. It makes me consider how even more amazing the sovereignty of God is. It is His power behind the sun and perpetual motion. And the Being that can speak all of life into existence? Too much to grasp with this feeble made mind.

    1. Too grand for my limited mind to wrap myself around, too, Floyd, but I'm so happy to let God be God, and me be His child!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I was recently told a story of a grown man tracking his grown children and grandchildren 24/7. Then he asks questions as to the why's etc about where they have been. My friend, his daughter in law, would not download the app think it was intrusive and inappropriate for him to be tracking all of them.

    As with much in the cyber world, all apps have positives and drawbacks. When I am traveling, I do wish someone was making certain I safely arrive at my destination. Someone sitting and tracking me just because they are bored, nosy, or don't seem to have a life is over the top.

    I AM thankful God is tracking me, but what is truly amazing is He knows before I ever head out--where I am going and the minute details of the trip. What a God we serve!

    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Oh, Loralu, the story you shared here reveals just how invasive and intrusive technology can be. The Life 360 should only be shared when all parties agree to it. If you do a lot of travelling solo, though, you might want to see if a trusted friend might be willing to join this circle with you, and use only when one of you is taking a long trip.
      And yes, how grateful I am that God knows where I am at all times, and is willing to travel with me on every journey I take!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Like other commenters, I can see the pros and cons of such technology in human hands. Quite different when we are reassured that we are always in the knowing presence of the divine.

    1. Oh, yes, Galen, always pros and cons with anything dealing with technology, that's for sure. Since I travel frequently alone to my mother's house, though, I'm so grateful that Danny can track me and know I'm safe. Thank goodness God is there with us every step of the way, no matter where we go in this life.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Oh, praise the Lord that not only is He available 24/7 but chooses to walk with us 24/7. Indeed, nothing can ever separate us from the love of our Father!

    1. Absolutely, Beckie! Nothing can separate us from the Father and His love, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Hi, Martha. I finally figured it out. Thanks!

    3. So glad you're back here, Nells!!!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Great post, Martha! I loved the analogy. SO thankful our Lord knows where we are at all times, and His eye is always upon us!

    1. So glad you liked this analogy, Cheryl. Yes, God is with us wherever we go, and that's such a comfort!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I have never heard of that app, and I guess I haven't thought I'd need it since hubby and I are scarcely ever apart from each other anymore. (Except when we go to Walmart and get separated from each other and can't find each other! I finally bought my hubby a cell phone for Christmas so I can call him when we are in Walmart! LOL) But yes, what a comfort that God is with us ALWAYS...and He never lets us stray too far off course. Praise God for that peace that He gives us each day.

    1. As the saying goes, Pamela, you learn something new every day! Sounds like it's not something that John and you need, but I'm glad you got him that cell phone. Danny and I have texted each other in Walmart or Costco on many occasions when we get separated. It really helps!
      And yes, we can't thank God enough for always being there with us wherever we are.
      Love and blessings!

  16. It seems there is an app for almost everything! I'm glad you found one that can bring such peace of mind to everyone. But yes, I'm grateful too that we don't need an app to stay connected with God! And especially don't have to use a password. :)

    1. Yes, there does seem to be an app for just about everything these days, Lisa. There's no end to them!
      But thankfully, no app or password needed to stay in touch with God.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Interesting post, Martha! I'm so glad that we're connected to God is a very personal way--no apps or tech of any kind. The tracking apps are concerning to me, they could be used in so unkind ways.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, that could be a downside to these tracking apps, because we really don't know what entities could be "listening in." However, I'll just trust that God will be the ultimate protection and guide.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...