Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Charmed by Charmin!

Psalm 119:72
The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

Mother's Day sure was different this year, wasn't it?  Ordinarily, my husband, Danny, and I would travel down to my mother's house for the entire weekend, bearing lots of gifts, and preparing special meals for her during our stay.  But current circumstances make that impossible.

Yes, we did order Mom some special treats online, which she received and loved; that's all well and good.  And since we don't want her going anywhere she doesn't need to, especially to the grocery store, my brother, Bill, has set up an Instacart account for her.  She gives him a list each week of the items she needs, he places the order, and these are delivered right to her doorstep.

Mom has, for the most part, gotten everything she's requested.  With one exception, and I'll bet you all can guess what that is:  toilet paper!

Ahh!  The soft, heavenly commode-ity we've taken for granted for countless years has suddenly come to be more precious to us than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.  And at this point, I think many of us would be willing to pay ten times as much for it than it's worth, just to make sure we have a ready supply.

Danny attempts to locate toilet paper online so we can have it shipped directly to Mom.  Site after site after site comes up empty, but he perseveres.  Hooray!  Finally, he discovers one site where he can pre-order the paper, and the company will not charge him until it is in stock and shipped.  Sounds like a fair deal.

But after weeks of waiting, with Mom running a tad low on this necessity, Danny cancels this order and starts a fresh search.  Bingo!  This time, he hits pay dirt!

Twenty-four glorious rolls are winging their way to Mom's doorstep.  We are elated, of course, but even more so when we discover the day of their promised arrival:  Mother's Day!  Can you believe that???  What marvelous timing that is!

Who, in their wildest imagination, would have ever dreamed that a gift of toilet paper for Mother's Day would be the perfect one?  Ten times better than flowers, candy or cards.  And oh, so practical!

As for Mom, she is absolutely charmed by the Charmin.

And we are so thankful to God that we still have a mother we can treat as queen for a day, every single day.



  1. I really can't understand where/how this story of world shortages started. Social media has so much to answer for. I cannot think of a link between this virus we are suffering and the shortage of TP of all things. Here in the UK too, we suddenly had everyone rushing to buy TP as if the world would end and they did not want to be caught sitting on the throne!

    I remember years ago we had a general strike in the UK. Road hauliers, or railway strike, or something like that. Suddenly there was a shortage of salt with everyone buying more salt than they'll need for a lifetime.

    I am going to start a rumour that there will be a world shortage of common sense. I wonder what would happen then.

    So glad you managed to find some TP for your Mom. Wishing you, and her, and your whole family all the best, Martha. Take care and stay healthy.

    God bless you all.

    1. I'd sure like to start that rumor with you, Victor. Boy! This world could sure use more common sense, that's for sure. Yes, I'm very grateful we could find some for Mom - we are still laughing about the irony of it being delivered on Mother's Day. And we all need a good laugh, don't we?
      Love and blessings!

  2. OH, what a great story!!! "Charmed by "Charmin"...Mr. Whipple came to the rescue! (remember him?) I am sure your mother was elated to receive such a welcome package. I know I have been happy when we can find some. My DIL found me some good stuff a week ago, and I am so thankful for it. Who would have ever thought we'd be talking about this, especially for Mother's day? Wow. What a crazy world we live in!!!

    1. Yes, these are definitely crazy times, Pamela, and I DO remember Mr. Whipple, now that you mention him. Mom was grateful, indeed, to get the toilet paper, and we are still laughing that it arrived on Mother's Day. God does have a great sense of humor, doesn't He?
      Love and blessings!

  3. Never would we dream of the changes in ordering and supplies that would happen due to this virus. Glad mom was able to get her necessity- who would have ever dreamed ordering toilet paper online-on Mother’s Day. The nation has been rocked but for the Believer it will be an interesting time going forward on how God shifts the nation in preparation for the new changes ahead. I know we have clung to the Lord deeper and out of this may He infuse new mandate assignments ahead. I know you are eager to see mom and hopefully soon this will be possible.

    1. Yes, Valerie, we really, really want to be able to visit with her! We do talk every day, but it's not the same, as you well know. I am thrilled that Georgia and so many other states are moving forward, not in fear but in faith that we can make this work in spite of, or maybe because of, all the changes. God will see us through!
      Love and blessings!

  4. so true! Funny the things we take for granted isn't it and won't for now on. One Mother's Day I asked my mom what she wanted and she said a toilet brush. Yep that i what she got and she was thrilled. LOL

    1. Lol! That's a great story, Jean! Yes, I've been doing lots of thinking about the things, every day items, that we too easily take for granted. Not anymore!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Funny, yes, and sweet. And also an opportunity to be aware of all the assumptions that underlie our "reality." And all the things we take for granted.

    1. Yes, it was, and still is, funny, Galen. We do make so many assumptions in our daily lives; it's time to rethink a few things.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Commode-ity? Hahahaha! This is, hands down, the best Mother's Day story EVER! Early on in this "C" season I had to resort to what was available at Dollar Tree … but thankful for it. Not a week later I scored some Charmin at Wal-Mart, but didn't notice it was the 'Strong' variety. Ugh! I hope that which your mother received was the normal 'Soft' we love to squeeze.

    1. You caught the pun, Myra! Good for you! Actually, the toilet paper we snagged for Mom isn't Charmin per se; Danny had to take what he could get, but at least we know it's two-ply. Twenty-four rolls will last her forever!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh, wow, I just had a big, long comment typed out and lost it all. Oh, well, suffice to say I imagine your Mom gave Charmin a good squeeze when she arrived at her door!

    1. Yes, she did, Cheryl! It was a relief for her not to have to worry anymore about getting from the store. So sorry you lost the previous comment!
      Love and blessings!

  8. You made me smile with this one, Martha. The comments were a hoot, too!

    1. The comments have been so good here today, Beckie; so glad the post made you smile!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Lol. You're right, Martha--who could have imagined this gift would be so special? :) I'm glad you were still able to get gifts to your mom. I got gifts in the mail from my daughters this year (even though we did break quarantine on Sunday and get together for the day).

    1. I'm glad you broke quarantine for Mother's Day, Lisa. You go, girl! I think as this drags on, more and more of us are going to show our daring-do spirit, and simply act responsibly and carefully as we move back into a new normal. We can't stay isolated forever, and I can't wait for the day when I can visit with Mom and go see my daughter, son-in-law, and the grands.
      Love and blessings!


  10. "Who, in their wildest imagination, would have ever dreamed that a gift of toilet paper for Mother's Day would be the perfect one? Ten times better than flowers, candy or cards. And oh, so practical!"

    Ha! Yeah, who'd have imagined. This is the stuff of fiction. Who'd have imagined TP would be the charm? The paragraph I quoted above is a hoot. But in the midst of this trial, your comic relief made my day. Hugs from NC. Hope to resume our conversation soon. xox

    1. Debra, I'm so glad this blog gave you some entertainment and relief in these crazy times! If we can't find the humor in things, then truly, we are lost. God created us in His image, and we must realize that He, too, cherishes a Charmin good laugh now and then! :) Yes, let's talk soon!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Yes, it is amazing that it takes a tragedy to wake us up to how blessed we really are. I’m delighted that you found your mom the TT that she needed. It is a wonderful thing to experience that kind of giving. You and Danny are sweet and thoughtful offspring. Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mom. God bless you both. ❤️❤️

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful words here, Nells. It is sad that it takes a tragedy at times to truly count our blessings, and stop taking ordinary things for granted. Let's just hope we can carry those feelings of gratitude into the future, one that I'm sure God has planned beautifully for His children.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, what an interesting post...when I saw the title Mr. Whipple immediately came to mind (and the pun was great too). Sometimes it's the most simple of things that make the best gifts.

    Mother's Day 2020 is one that is full of unique memories.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Unique memories, indeed, Kim! I'm glad you remember Mr. Whipple, too. Quite the character in his day.
      This Mother's Day did give us the great reminder that sometimes the simplest gifts are the best.
      Love and blessings!

  13. This certainly was a Mother's Day like no other. So sorry you couldn't go visit your dear Mom. It is a sign of the times that the best present you could give her is 24 rolls of TP! :)

    1. A sign of the times, indeed, Laurie. We are looking forward to June when we can loose the bonds and go pay her a visit. Sure miss her!
      Love and blessings!

  14. This has certainly been a year of strange events, isolating families from each other, so tough. Thankful your mother's needs are being well taken care of. Praying that you are able to visit with your mother again very soon!

    1. I'm so hoping we can visit with Mom sooner than later, Marilyn. Yes, this event has been tough on everyone, and I'm praying for relief, as I'm sure you are, too.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Good ol' toilet paper has finally found its way to our area, friend. One thing this pandemic has taught me is to appreciate the smallest gifts, the daily graces and supplies that we've often taken for granted.

    I'm learning to appreciate every good thing God is giving us. Especially the relationships that continue to pull us closer to His loving heart.

    Like you, friend. Thank you for your sweet encouragement during this rocky time!

    Bless you.

    1. So happy to hear that toilet paper is finally available in your neck of the woods, Linda! Yes, all those mundane items we so easily take for granted have certainly taken on more meaning in our lives. I hope when all this is over, we will continue to appreciate the simple things, "every good thing God is giving us."
      Love and blessings!

  16. Jehovah Jireh - the LORD will provide. Praise His name, yes blessed indeed to still have your darling Mother to spoil. Loved your post!
    Thanks for Sharing, Martha, May God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post, Shaz, and yes, we are so blessed to still have my Mom with us. Looking forward to seeing her as soon as possible!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...