Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Come Near

James 4:8
Come near to God and He will come near to you.

I post about our neighborhood turkeys this past October.  Mother, with a not-so-little and growing one, visits our squirrel "table," relishing the bounteous supply of seed found there.  As my husband, Danny, and I observe, the two are inseparable.  The youth is often seen struggling to realize he can use his wings to mount the same fence rail his mother has just accomplished so he can follow her back into deeper woods.

He is, even as he matures, her shadow.

During their intermittent visits, both turkeys seem wary and skittish when they hear unexpected noises or see a human encroaching upon their space.  Their instincts warn them of the inherent dangers in a suburban neighborhood, no matter how many sheltering trees it has.

The arrival of spring heralds a noticeable absence of both birds.  Danny and I assume the female is nesting.  Then one day, here comes Major Tom, as we've nicknamed him, strutting through our yard all on his lonesome.

We even spot him roaming in different neighborhood yards during our walks.

He is no longer disturbed by human proximity; in fact, he seems unfazed.  Just look at him relaxing in our yard!

When Danny goes out to feed the birds the other day, Major Tom is feasting underneath the feeders.  As Danny gets closer, the turkey only takes a few steps away, and watches intently as the seeds are generously spread before him.  As soon as Danny turns his back, Major Tom is on it!  I really think that if we offered him food in a gloved hand, he would take it.

But would he really come that close up?  Trusting without a doubt that we wouldn't harm him?

In the verse above, James states that God is right there, waiting for us to come to Him, for us to make the first move.  By doing so, we can rest assured that our Lord will come close to us.  He simply wishes to be invited.

I'm reminded of these lyrics from a song our children's choir performed ages ago:

Jesus is a gentleman
Who never forces His way in.
He'll stand knocking at your door
Until you let Him in.
Jesus is a gentleman
Who waits so patiently and then
He prays you will ask Him in
To make your heart His home.*

Have you come near to Jesus?  If you haven't, will you draw near to Him today?


*Lyrics from the musical, We Like Sheep, composed by Kathie Hill


  1. Major Tom has become a major tom! WOW! I'm wondering if his mom became someone's Thanksgiving meal. But on to other thoughts. I love your application here Martha. We need to be so relaxed in the presence of God that if He offered to feed us from a gloved hand we would not shirk away. Thanks for the good thought to start my day.

    1. I'm so glad this post got your day off on the right foot, Bill. And yes, Major Tom is so BIG! And we do have to wonder how many times God has been waiting on the other side of our door, and we've failed to let Him in . . . May we all draw near to the Lord today.
      Love and blessings!

  2. The thing is ... have you noticed how often I start with the thing is? It gives me time to think what to say.

    The thing is ... just like the turkeys, most of us are wary and frightened at first to come close to God. We may have heard about Him. Read the Bible even. But is He really our thing? Is He for us? Or just for those religious types you meet every now and then?

    We need to make the first step, Martha. In blind faith. The first step.

    God bless. Thanx for a good post today.

    1. The first step, in blind faith - Exactly, Victor! The Lord never forces us to love Him; it must be our choice. And that's what the "thing" is here. :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. Excellent post. I love seeing the turkeys, and am glad that "Major Tom" has come to visit you. It appears that he is quite comfortable in the neighborhood setting. Apparently he is getting fed quite well. But sometimes that is how we are as well...we get fed quite well at the best churches in town, but do we ever completely come close to God and truly encounter Him personally? That's the key to living fully in Christ...allow Him to come near as we draw closer and closer and finally accept Him for our own. Major Tom is like a lot of "christians" today. Or should I say, like a lot of "church-goers"...maybe not really a Christian just yet.

    1. Church-goers vs. Christians - great food for thought here, Pamela! We are well-fed by the Word, but are we acting on it? Do we really enjoy a personal relationship with Jesus? Thanks so much for sharing your most worthy thoughts here today, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  4. There is a hummingbird in my back yard that reminds me of your turkey. He hovers nearby as I hang up the refilled feeder. As soon as I back away he is on it. Love that verse.

    1. How I wish we could attract hummingbirds here, Galen, but we have no bright flowers to let them know they have a food source. Yes, this little guy sounds like a brave one, indeed! The verse is one of my favorites, too.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I love this, Martha. The verse and further reflections and the photos and analogy of the turkey. I am amazed by God's endless patience with us. Oh Jesus, make our hearts Your home! Love and blessings to you!

    1. God's patience is truly endless, Trudy, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. So glad you enjoyed this post in so many ways, and may we all welcome Jesus into our hearts!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh, what a thrill seeing mom and youngster … then Major Tom all grown up! Is there, perhaps, another book in your future featuring one, or both? As ever, I so enjoyed your easy-to-visualize analogy and song's lyrics. (I'm going to see if that's not on YouTube.)

    1. It is on YouTube, Myra, and it's really such a lovely song. Look up "Jesus is a Gentleman." I don't think there will be a turkey book in the future, but I sure am enjoying Major Tom's presence. He even sat on the railing of our front deck today!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Excellent analogy, Martha. I love the name Major Tom!

    1. Thank you, Beckie! We chose Major Tom from that old David Bowie song, "Ground Control to Major Tom." Not sure if that's actually the title, but the line is sure in the song.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Oh my goodness, so cool! I think he will come closer...

    1. I think he just might, Marja. We found him today perched on the railing of our front deck! Danny got several photos of him, and I put one on Facebook if you want to check it out.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, this is a beautiful analogy about Major Tom and our life with the Lord. So it makes these lines so powerful: "God is right there, waiting for us to come to Him, for us to make the first move. By doing so, we can rest assured that our Lord will come close to us. He simply wishes to be invited." Yes, Lord, we invite you in!

    1. I'm so glad these particular words spoke to you, Karen! May we be ready, every single day, to invite Jesus into our hearts anew.
      Love and blessings!

  10. So interesting! This reminded me of my neighbor who raised turkeys. One winter one of them got on the roof of the house and froze to death overnight. They never figured out how it got up there.

    1. Such a sad story of the turkey freezing on the roof. When the two turkeys were still together, they did fly up to our roof one day when it was extremely cold, but didn't stay long. They certainly don't like to fly, but they certainly can if they choose to. Glad you liked the post!
      Love and blessings!

  11. This is a beautiful and interesting post, Martha Jane. Those turkeys! They are very interesting. We've seen one or two lately in our drives out in the country. I, too, wonder if Major Tom would be so brave as to eat out of a gloved hand. But I wouldn't try it lest he lose all sense of politeness and become a nuisance about it.

    1. That's true, Barbara, he could become a nuisance, indeed. Just a thought about hand-feeding him, but in reality, we won't try it for the very reason you brought up here. Glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, I love the pictures of the turkeys. We have lots of wild animals that come into our yard. They are so beautiful in their wildness and I’m always surprised that they run away when we are the ones that feed them...makes we wonder if God feels that same way about us??? Blessings and good health to you and Danny.

    1. Such a great point/analogy you've made here, Nells! How does God feel when we run away from Him when He provides our every need? Let us willingly open the doors of our hearts to welcome Him in.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Such a great analogy! Thank you so much for sharing, Martha!

    1. Glad you liked the analogy, Cheryl!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Wow! Major Tom is practically a pet! I can't believe a wild turkey is so trusting. Thank you for sharing the song lyrics. They are beautiful and go along with the "turkey story" perfectly!

    1. Major Tom is practically a pet, and the neighborhood mascot, Laurie. So glad you enjoyed this post!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Oh if we would but draw near! I bet the Lord calls to many to draw near but they lack the confidence in His unconditional love. Your analogy reminds me of daily coming to God and trusting Him more with our life. I await the day to see good ‘ol turkey eating from your hand. A reminder to come to the table of the Lord as He always welcomes us with open arms. Love the pictures and how cool to have a turkey regular strutting through your yard!

    1. We do love our turkey buddy, Valerie! And yes, we need to draw near to the Lord each and every day, trusting completely in Him to guide our hearts and minds in His ways and His truth. He simply wants to be invited!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Amen Martha.. have seen the same here with our birds.. little by little. Even now can hear them very noisy and raucous in our yards in our neighbourhood. Chuckled at name major Tom.
    Im praying wuth all heart that souls would reach out to Him at such a time..
    Thanks Martha you're and encouragement 😊 and so grateful to have your friendship through blogland!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X 7

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. I'm glad you laughed at the turkey's name we gave him, Shaz. He is certainly entertaining, and a witness to God's incredible creation. And I agree that we need God more than ever in these times. Let us open the door and welcome Him into our lives each and every day!
      Grateful for your friendship, too!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Wonderful post Ms. Martha. While working with a client up in CT last October, I was thrilled to see a whole "herd" of turkeys (sorry, not sure of the term), 17 of them in fact, gathered outside the conference room (with one-way glass). While they couldn't see me, I sure enjoyed watching them. Your post made me thankful that God doesn't place one-way glass between us. He is always near; we just have to remember to look up and see Him with us. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. That's a great story, J.D.! And I think they're called a "flock," but I could be wrong. I'm so thankful, too, that God doesn't put a one-way glass between Him and us, but is as accessible as we choose to make Him, each and every day.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Martha, the photos of "Major Tom" are amazing. It's interesting how wild life does some times draw near to humans (especially humans bearing FOOD). How much more important it is for us to draw near to the Lord.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Glad you liked the photos, Kim! Just today, Major Tom was in our yard, not too far from me, when I was taking out seed to spread on the ground for him and for the squirrels. He eyed me, but instead of retreating, he cautiously approached as he seemed to know he was about to get fed. Boy, did he gobble it down once I took a few steps of retreat! And yes, how SO much more important it is that we draw near to our Lord and Savior!
      Love and blessings!

  19. love this. You and I both are into watching our foul friends. Such lessons we learn from nature

    1. Jean, there are boundless lessons to be learned in God's creation, and I love watching birds as much as you do!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...