Tuesday, May 5, 2020

We Wonder, Why?

Exodus 20:3
You shall have no other gods before me.

Many of you reading this are probably old enough to remember when alluring prizes arrived in cereal boxes.  As kids, we longed for those precious toys much more than the cereal itself.  I recall when my brother and I, huge fans of Mighty Mouse, begged our Mom to purchase the brand offering such a reward.

Back in those days, my parents were on a tight budget.  That Mom even caved to our persistent desires still amazes me today.  But what surprises me more is that I can't, for the life of me, recall what cereal held this cherished gift, only the disappointment in the gift itself.

Months ago, the memory, for no reason I can fathom, emerges.  God is amazing like that, isn't He?  And out of that recollection, a poem is born.  May we have no other idols, no other longings, but to worship God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.

My Daddy plumbs for promised toy
In chaotic cereal mix
Mighty Mouse to win the day
Stunts, heroic, hurts will fix
And when the treasure is revealed
Underwhelmed, we wonder why
We hoped upon a promise false
Wonder why grace passed us by.



  1. This post is very relevant to today's society, Martha. People these days, more often than ever before it seems, search for happiness in possessions. Good job, big house, big car and so on. (Coincidently a theme I picked up on my blog post today).

    I believe that God right now is trying to tell the world something. But I doubt many people are listening. We'll go back to our old ways!

    Maybe I am just cynical.

    God bless; and thanx.

    1. I hope people are rethinking their priorities in these times, Victor, and that many will begin to hear God speaking to their hearts. But sadly, many times when a crisis is over, folks do revert to their old ways of behaving, don't they? We can always pray that this time is different. Looking forward, as always, to reading your blog!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh, how I remember those empty promise cereal box. Just like the decoder ring in the Christmas Story full or promise but empty. Your poem is, as Victor says, very relevant to today.

    1. Yes, Bill, the infamous decoder ring! That's a great parallel to the lousy prizes in those cereal boxes. Seems like so many folks are looking for love in all the wrong places.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Poetry from a cereal box... now that's a prize!

  4. My mom rarely bought cereal, and never the fun kind. ha. But I do remember looking for toys in Cracker Jack boxes. :) You're right that the prizes were often disappointing. Looking for them was the most fun part. ha.

    1. I'd forgotten about those chintzy little toys in the Cracker Jack boxes, Lisa. And when I was a mom, I have to confess, I bought all the healthy cereals for my kids. I'm sure they didn't appreciate that - lol!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Oh my, I hadn't thought about those cereal box treasures in decades! Isn't it crazy when, despite all my brain gymnastics, a memory will elude me. Then, when I give up and go about with my life, the answer appears. Beautiful reminder how God's always working in the background!

    1. God is ever at work in the background, Myra, that's for sure. Believe me, I have my fair share of senior moments; they always make me a bit nervous when they happen, but like you, if I just go about my business, the thought I had does eventually return. So all is not lost!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh, I remember doing that, too! Such happy memories!

    1. So glad the memories you have are happy, Cheryl. The happiest part of this memory for me is that my Dad, as busy as he was in his job, took time to put this rinky-dink toy together for my brother and me.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I can't quite remember if our mom ever got cereal with prizes in them, but I do remember that Cracker Jacks had a prize in them. This is so relevant to us as adults, too, isn't it?
    "We hoped upon a promise false
    Wonder why grace passed us by."
    May God sweep our hearts clean of all the idols!
    Yes! May we "worship God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength." Love and blessings to you, Martha!

    1. Trudy, in a previous comment, Lisa mentioned the Cracker Jack toys, too, something I'd totally forgotten about. Probably because we were rarely treated to this snack. And it is relevant to us as adults - are we placing idols, our wants and desires, ahead of our longing for God in our lives? We're never too old to ask that question, and to return to Him.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, what a great post and so relevant. Our idols today are different, yet the same as idols in the Scriptures. Idols do tend to fail and disappoint us.

    And yes, I do remember toys/prizes in cereal boxes. By the way, "Mighty Mouse" pictured above made me smile. I'm not super familiar with him; I favored other characters. :)

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm glad Mighty Mouse made you smile, Kim, even though you are much to young to recall him with fondness. I mean, those Saturday morning cartoon fests weren't complete without episodes of this character's bravery and heroism.
      What we need to remember is that God is the true hero as demonstrated in His Only Son, Christ Jesus. We need not have or entertain idols in our lives because we have the everlasting promise of salvation in Him.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I remember most of those prizes in the cereal box being a disappointment. On the other hand, our God supersedes our expectations.
    Beautiful poem and reminder, my friend!

    1. Yes, God never lets us down, Beckie, unlike the transient idols we may "worship" in passing. Perhaps, I recalled this incident because of the let-down involved by hoping in something other than the Lord.
      So glad you enjoyed the poem!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I tried to respond to this from my phone, but it didn't go through, so now I forget what I wrote, and it was so good too! LOL. Your posts are always an inspiration. Yes, I remember the little prizes especially in the Cracker Jacks boxes. They never were very good, but it was still fun. We need to remember that with Jesus as our Savior, we have the biggest and best prize of all, and He will never fade or go away. Jesus is the answer for the world today! Thank you for your thoughtful poem and post.

    1. Sorry your first response didn't go through, Pamela, but I'm gratified to know that you were willing to try again. And yes, Jesus IS the biggest and best prize of all, hands down! Nothing in this world can substitute for Him or satisfy our longing like He can. So glad you liked the poem!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I can still sing most of the Mighty Mouse song! I always thought he would come save me if I was in trouble. And yes, I remember throwing away LOTS of cereal to get to the cheap little plastic prize in the box. Loved the post and the comments/responses, especially your memory of your dad putting together the little toys. So sweet.

    1. It's so cool that you mention here recalling the actual song, Galen. Made me realize I can do the same thing! Yes, always thought Mighty Mouse would save the day, but now I know who truly does. Glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  12. I used to tell my mom I was going to marry Mighty Mouse when I grew up! :D Your parents must have been kind. You have good memories!

    1. Oh, that's so funny, Laurie! I think I thought the same myself. :) Yes, my parents were very caring, and not a day goes by when I don't think of my Dad.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Funny how your thoughts work! My new book is actually about the 2nd commandment and in it I recall some childhood memories as well.

    1. How cool is that, Marja? Yes, our childhood memories can float to the surface when we least expect them to.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Martha, you took me down memory lane. I remember those prizes in cereral boxes and how me and my sister would fight over who got it first until the next box was purchased. Such a great analogy and powerful poem, friend. Love it!

    1. My brother and I had our share of spats, too, Karen, over those prizes, but since he was three years younger than I, I'd more often than not let him have the first go at a toy. So glad you liked the analogy and the poem!
      Love and blessings!

  15. yes grace is everywhere if we pay attention. even to cereal boxes and unwritten poetry buried in our souls. Love the Mighty Mouse logo too. Made me smile!

    1. Amen, Jean! Truly, grace is everywhere when we take time to pause and drink it in. Glad the Mighty Mouse logo made you smile!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...