Monday, September 12, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II


"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master's happiness!'" ~Matthew 25:21

The past week brought with it an unexpected turn of events that have plunged the world into mourning.  Queen Elizabeth's death at 96 years of age, though not entirely unexpected, marks the end of an era highlighted by the civility, duty and devotion she displayed to her country in love and selflessness, throughout her 70-year reign.  There is no monarch, past or present, who can hold a candle  to her longevity and exemplary dedication and service to her country and to her God.

The passing of the beautiful Queen also stirred up memories of losing my own mother, who was born in 1928, just two years after Elizabeth's presence graced this world.  I'm propelled back in time to the wonder and strength, faith and fortitude of the greatest generation, the one passing away before our very eyes as the days progress at a speed beyond our control.  We deeply miss our loved ones who promoted the values of common decency, truth and responsibility which all of us should don as the mantel of our life's purpose.

As the entire world mourns the loss of Queen Elizabeth II, I am reminded of her well-known quote:  "Grief is the price we pay for love."  Yes, your Majesty, indeed, it is.  And you were loved as greatly as you loved others.

Rest in peace, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, and share joyfully in your Master's happiness.



  1. When we grieve someone's absence it is because their presence was positive in our lives. May she rest in peace; and thank you your Majesty.

    Thank you Martha for this post.

    God bless.

  2. We so admired Queen Elizabeth here across the pond. She will always be remembered for her calm demeanor and stalwart dedication to her country. She was such a positive influence for all of us.
    Love and blessings!

  3. She was a fixture in this constantly changing world. We knew this day would come, as it comes for all of us, but it seems at times light a light has gone out.

    1. Yes, Glynn, I agree that we knew that this day was inevitable, but oh, how we hate to say good-bye to such a light that was Elizabeth. May we count ourselves blessed for being able to be a part of history so influenced by her.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Well said. I suspect many who know you will have much the same to say about your life redeemed Ms. Martha. Folks like us may not have lived our lives in the public eye or on public display as the Queen did, but we can impact our families every bit as much. I'm grateful to see how you are leaving a legacy of love ma'am.

    1. Yes, J. D., leaving a legacy of love is something that each and every one of us has the ability to do, and it should be front and center in our lives. I pray that when people one day remember me, they will know me by my love I gave to them.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, she will be missed and she kept going straight all those years. Not always easy with events in her family and around her going on.
    It is quite refreshing to see those age old cathedrals and medieval beauty being preserved—just like she preserved all those traditions and living up to it till the end.
    Far better than anything coming out of Hollywood...
    May she R.I.P.

    1. Amen, Mariette! Whether or not you are a supporter of the monarchy, you need to respect history and tradition as the new generations evolve. Queen Elizabeth was a unique and courageous woman who will be remembered with love.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Stunning image you've chosen, Martha! Even in these divisive days, it seems we can all agree that the Queen was a Class Act. I don't think we'll see the likes of her again.

    1. Yes, Myra, a class act doesn't even begin to describe this amazing Queen. How blessed we are to have had her in our world for such a long time! Between her death and the anniversary of 9/11, I've been plunged into a time of grief. May we all aspire to be more like the beautiful Elizabeth.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, didn't realize your mom was born close to Queen Elizabeth. I agree, no one can touch her devotion and loyalty for such a long reign as her. God bless!

    1. Made her passing even more poignant for me, Karen, as I mentioned. We are witnesses to the inevitable passing of the Greatest Generation. May we honor them well and faithfully, and learn great lessons from their sacrifices.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Amén.

  9. Thank you for this tribute to the Queen, Martha. My Dad was from Scotland and we grew up feeling like the Royal Family were extended family. She has a legacy that few can match and will certainly be hard to follow. Strength, discernment, fortitude, class. She made me honored to have British blood flowing in my veins.

    God save the Queen!

  10. With all my relatives being tied in one way or another to Britain, Ireland and Scotland, I grew up feeling the same way, Linda. She was, indeed, one of a kind, who will be sorely missed by millions.
    Love and blessings!

  11. Olá Martha
    Que linda homenagem. A vida dela foi um exemplo de amor, que bênção. Um forte abraço.

  12. Yes, the Queen was so remarkable, and she is a testimony to duty, love and faithfulness to God and to her people. May we all live with such integrity!
    Love and blessings!

  13. She really was something else, wasn't she?
    The world grieves her loss.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Martha 🌹🙏

    1. Yes, Veronica, I so agree that the majority of people on earth are grieving her absence. What an inspiration she was in every way!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Thank you for this moving tribute to Queen Elizabeth. We've grown up in a world where she was always there as the seems very strange that she should not still be a part of our world...but she certainly has left her mark on us all in a positive way. I believe we are seeing the end of an era and the beginning of a changing world that we may not always love or recognize. Praying for our countries as we go through these adjustments. May we continue to live in peace and prosperity...but deep down I know change is coming that will not be so peaceful and prosperous. I continue to pray for the King of kings to come soon and take us all "Home" to His glorious Kingdom forever....

    1. "Yours is kingdom and the power and the glory forever."
      I'm anxious, too, for blessed Jesus to return in all His majesty for the sake of this fallen world, Pamela. Like you, I know change is on the horizon, and the kind of change I see is neither hopeful or encouraging. Only the Lord can put all to rights. Let's keep praying, and give thanks to the Only One who can truly set us free from sin and death.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Queen Elizabeth left a legacy of decorum, humility, self-control, wisdom, faith and more. She remained steadfast in her duty and lived honorably. How many leaders can say the same?

    1. I can't think of a single leader that could claim those honors so steadfastly, Nancy. Our having her presence in this world has enriched each and every one of us. May she rest in peace, and may her legacy continue to live for generations to come.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Replies
    1. She was loved, indeed, and she will be missed.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...