Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"Jesus Loves the Little Children . . ."

Luke 18:17
"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Nothing brightens my day more than a visit from my granddaughter, Virginia Rose.  She always enters the house with a winsome smile and unflagging energy, ready to run from pillar to post, delighting in everything she sees.  Rejoicing and reveling in the present moment.

Being with her always awakens my inner child.  Releases me from the chains of the adult world - the mundane, the worrisome.  Launches me into the rejuvenating realm of dreams and hopes, possibilities and promise.

She hands me the keys to the Kingdom . . .

Take joy in the simple things.

Be observant and aware.

Make silly faces!

Marvel at the miracles all around.

Know that, even when it feels like you're crawling, God is working on giant steps just for you!

Laugh with abandon!

Dance as if no one is watching . . .

Hug your loved ones every chance you get!

Can you become that child within you once again?

Can you know peace?  Know joy?  Know yourself?

Know God?

I pray He will give you the keys to the Kingdom . . .
Will you climb up on Jesus' lap today and welcome the hugs He has waiting for you?

Please pray with me -
We thank You, Father, for claiming us as Your children.  Help us to come before You with a child's heart so that we might see Your Kingdom.  Let us spread Your Good News to a broken and hurting world, and offer to others a love which, like a child's, gives freely and openly, expecting nothing in return.  Amen.


  1. Awww... Whose day wouldn't be brightened by that super cute face of Virginia Rose??? She's just too cute! Cute! Cute! Cute! Did I just say cute already??? ❤

    Praise God for these kids who remind us to be childlike when we seek God's Kingdom.

    Thank you for this delightful post, Martha. You not only blessed me with your beautiful reflection. You made my day brighter because of Virginia Rose's photos! God bless ❤ :-)

    1. Aw, Irene, you are too kind! I'm glad her sweet face brightened your day, too, just as it does mine.
      May we all remain childlike and trusting as we seek the Lord's Kingdom.
      Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!
      Blessings to you!

  2. Live in the moment. This is something I struggle with the most, yet it's the very thing that I want to accomplish the most. I have an 18 month-old and it is so easy to focus on how much more work there is to do than it is to actually learn from him. Thank you for reminding me.

  3. Live in the moment. This is something I struggle with the most, yet it's the very thing that I want to accomplish the most. I have an 18 month-old and it is so easy to focus on how much more work there is to do than it is to actually learn from him. Thank you for reminding me.

    1. Oh, yes, Jennifer, the little ones teach us so much! It is hard to see it sometimes when we are busy raising them, but it's great to take time out, sit back, and simply watch them at play.
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings to you!

  4. I love this post ~ children are so loveable and huggable too. Most of the time, when I feel so much pain and distraction, I'd go to my nieces and they'll just tell me, "Laugh" or "Jump with us Tita!"...

    They are so full of energy and joy!

    I love those images of Virginia :D esp. the dancing part ;) She's truly beautiful!

    I pray with you for all the children in the world and for us 'adults'. May we learn to be 'little' like them, more trusting and open to God's love.

    1. Isn't it amazing how children can give us a whole new perspective and attitude about the joy of life? So glad you have your nieces to give you that joy and, of course, the little ones you teach on Saturdays. :)
      Oh, and the dancing one of Virginia is my favorite, too. I was so amazed when Danny was able to capture this because she moves so fast!
      Thanks for visiting, my friend.
      Blessings to you!

  5. Such a sweet post Martha and the pics are truly adorable. I love this magical ability in children which transforms us to a different world altogether. I somehow enjoy becoming a kid once again with them forgetting for a moment how old I am !!


    It is truly fun to become a child once again and laugh with gay abandon with not a single worry in heart!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Me!
      Oh, yes, it is wonderful to find that inner child and celebrate her. :) Age doesn't matter . . .
      Glad you enjoyed the photos of Virginia - Danny always gets the best shots.
      Blessings to you!

  6. What a sweet little girl! I love this analogy and I love being a child. I'm grateful that spiritual things are simple. I like simple.
    Sending love to you Martha. Your inspiration is contagious.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Leah!
      I'm right there with you in the simplicity of it all . . . I can't recall the name of this famous theologian who when asked what Christianity was all about, answered, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Yep! Says it all doesn't it?
      And, even little children can understand that fact. :)
      Love and blessings your way, my friend!

  7. Children always tap the inner essence that is lying dormant within us. They force us to abandon our comfort zone and cajole us to think from their perspective. I just wish that all children remain so without ever growing up. Ain't that lovely? Another wish . . .

    Joy always,

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Susan!
      Another wish, indeed, and one I wholeheartedly share with you. I know I wish I could freeze-frame my granddaughter right where she is and capture that innocence and mirth forever. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.
      Blessings and joy to you!

  8. she is beautiful!!!
    to be child like, not childish....

    1. Thanks so much, Annmarie! I know you are looking forward to your first grandchild soon - oh, how you will love that time!
      And, yes, childlike, not childish - always.
      Blessings to you!

  9. Just seeing the joy in her eyes made my day. Such a beauty she is... nothing better than the sound of a child laughing.

    1. Aw, Brenda, that's so sweet! I'm glad looking at Virginia's sweet face makes you happy.
      And, I agree, there is nothing sweeter than the laughter of a child . . .
      Thanks for coming by!

  10. you know what i love about blogging?! I am not a christian but yet I am moved and open to you and others that write with such passion about their faith. Children, humans we are so alike its easier to see the similarities than the differences. Thanks so much. xoxo

    1. So glad you stopped by today, Adrianna; thank you!
      It's gratifying to know that you are keeping an open mind and are touched by the passion in the posts by different Christian bloggers. Speaking only for me, yes, I am passionate about my faith and love nothing better than spreading the good news through my Meditations.

  11. "laugh with abandon" ah... I love it! She has such a sweet, precious smile from the gut that I found myself smiling a my computer screen.

    Lovely post, Martha... I so enjoyed my visit!

    1. Thanks for dropping by today, Amy!
      Glad my "little bit" made you smile today; speaking for myself, I can't stop grinning and laughing whenever Virginia is around. She is truly a tonic for my heart and soul.
      Glad you enjoyed the post. :)

  12. Oh the lessons we can learn from the little ones! Can you parcel out Virginia Rose to India for a few days, Martha? I promise to return her. ♥

    1. Lol, Corinne!!! I think the photos will have to do for now. This is not the first time I've wished we lived closer together, and I know it won't be my last . . .
      And, yes, the children have so much to teach us if we only let them.

  13. The little ones DO hold the keys to the Kingdom of God Martha. She is the apple of your eye, just as you are the apple of His. These children are such precious gifts, and how much they teach us about wonderment and living in the eternal now.


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...