Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Unless the LORD Builds the House . . ."

Psalm 127:1(a)
Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.

Recently, my husband, Danny, and I travel up to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, to attend a Habitat for Humanity home dedication.  The reason?  This particular group in Rutherford County has partnered with Energy Star; they are committed to meeting the qualifications for energy efficiency and sustainability in all their building projects.  As Danny is their regional Energy Star coordinator, it is fitting that he attend, and he is delighted to be the keynote speaker.

Danny knows it is not an easy task meeting Energy Star standards.  It is anything but the inexpensive, cut-the-corner routes too many builders opt for. But, in the long run, it pays off for both homeowner and energy provider.  The less energy used, the lower the bills for the consumer.  In turn, this places less pressure on the providers to rely solely on non-renewable resources like coal and natural gas; it gives them the option to explore renewable fuel sources such as wind and solar power.

It's a marvelous trade-off.

But, more importantly, by practicing sustainable building practices, Habitat for Humanity and its sponsors honor the Lord and the earth He has created.  They are serving this generation in light of the generations to come.  They are paying it forward.  With love for God and for their neighbors.

The mission statement of Habitat for Humanity sums it up:  "Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope."

Hope . . .

For a better home.  A better environment.  A better future.

Because, as the Energy Star slogan confirms, "Better is better!"

Here are some photos taken at the dedication and blessing of this new home.

Sign recognizing corporate and individual sponsors

Presentation of a brand new Bible to go with a brand new house!

Danny with the proud homeowner and her son

Addressing the gathering

Cutting the ceremonial ribbon!  Welcome home!

Will you consider contributing your resources and/or your time to a Habitat for Humanity organization in your community?

Will you pray with me?
Father, please bless and keep all those who are involved with Habitat for Humanity throughout the world.  May they continue to be the hands and feet of Christ Jesus in this world.  May they shine the light of your wondrous love upon all whom they serve.  Amen.


  1. Wow...I think this is so great! It's a win-win situation for everyone involved. A family gets a new home, the environment is considered and honored and God is given glory! It also brings people together to help others and that is a beautiful thing...acts of compassion tend to be contagious and have the power to transform communities and the world.

    Great post!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jessica!
      Yes, all of what you have said here is so true. I was deeply touched by this ceremony and the deep faith and commitment all those in attendance shared. Oh, and the joy on the new homeowner's face? Priceless!
      Blessings to you!

  2. What a great story to start my day!! You all should be proud of the work your husband is doing!! as Jessica wrote a win win !!! Sometimes God needs a little help from his friends :)

    1. Yes! God does need our hands and feet, our love and compassion, right here in our own backyards. And, I am so proud of Danny's work - he certainly feels blessed to be a part of Energy Star.
      Glad the story got your day off to a great start, Jim. Thanks for visiting!
      Blessings to you!

  3. yes! we are all called to be stewards of the earth! My husbands brother was very involved with this wonderful organization. good for you for your example of putting into action the meaning of aiding others!!

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Annmarie!
      How neat that your brother-in-law has been heavily involved with Habitat for Humanity. It is a marvelous organization and I'm happy, too, they've taken on the responsibility of being good stewards.
      We really witnessed God's love in action here!
      Blessings to you!

  4. such a beautiful story :)

    Thanks Martha for sharing this.. I am sure you must be feeling so proud after seeing the pictures.. and we all are too !

    1. Thanks for visiting, Me!
      It was, indeed, a blessed experience and one I will always remember. I'm thankful the photos turned out as I was using Danny's complicated camera - lol!
      Blessings to you!

  5. What a wonderful initiative taken by your husband.
    Good luck for the future too.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Janu, and for your kind words. It is something Danny loves and is so happy to be a part of.
      Blessings to you!

  6. This is such a great idea, Martha. You must be so proud of the work Danny is doing.

    1. Just busting with pride! :) Can't help it and just so happy that Danny is doing the work he loves.
      Thanks so much for coming by today, Corinne!
      Blessings to you!

  7. Dear Martha,

    Congratulations! You must be very proud!

    Thank you for sharing! XOXOX

    1. Very proud of my Danny! This whole ceremony brought tears to my eyes . . .
      Thanks so much, Linda, for stopping by!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Yo Danny, kudos man! Great steward of the earth and humanity; the world could use more of you.

    1. I passed it on to him, Debra! And, oh, yes . . . the world could use so much more stewardship. I pray our voices are heard . . .
      Thank you so much for coming by.
      Love and blessings, my friend!

  9. Thanks everyone for the great comments. It is my honor to try and forward the cause of sustainability for the only planet we have and which we depend upon. It was a cool event.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Danny! Because of what you do, I'm able to get the word out here.
      Love you!

  10. What a wonderful post, Martha. I already do Habitat once yearly and will probably do it next year with a friend of mine who builds in New Orleans.
    I am always in awe of how each individual sees that structure as a castle. It is always a most humbling and wonderful experience.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Kathy!
      Oh, that is so wonderful that you volunteer for Habitat each year. Witnessing this blessing and dedication made me want to do the same. :)
      Blessings to you!

  11. Martha, this is a wonderful initiative. God has given you so many insights about carrying on his work. You and Danny are a blessing to many.

    God bless.

    Joy always,

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Susan!
      Habitat is a tremendous organization that blesses so many. I was just honored to be in attendance for this event.
      Thanks for your sweet words.
      Blessings to you!

  12. I love the mission of the Habitat for Humanity: "Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope." and the slogan of Energy Star: "Better is better!"

    God bless all the people who work to make the world a much better place! God bless you and Danny for taking good care of God's creations! ❤ :-)

    1. Thanks for dropping by today, Irene!
      Glad you liked the mission statement and the slogan. They do say it all, don't they? :)
      We were so honored to be a part of this event. What a blessing!
      Blessings to you!

  13. It's such a blessing to have so many creative people around. This is such a wonderful moment too. Thank you for sharing this. I pray with you and for us here, that we may learn and be inspired with the message God brings through you and Danny.

    Lots of love Martha :*

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Melissa!
      This entire event was, indeed, a blessing to us both. I'm just so glad I could share the story here.
      Love and blessings!

  14. I love Habitat for Humanity! I signed up on the local volunteer list right when it was formed but never heard anything back from them because they didn't have any projects yet because it costs sooooooo much here. I must have fallen off the list somehow because I know they started doing some things... Thanks for the reminder to look into that. :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Rachel!
      That's such a shame that a Habitat project couldn't get off the ground (yes, a pun!) due to expenses. Living in the south, things are not as outrageous and there are continual Habitat projects going on. Maybe things will get better where you are . . .
      Blessings to you!

  15. I thought of this verse recently because I just signed closing documents on a triplex that two of my daughters will live in. We have been looking for months and I even had contracts on two other places. But prayer and paying attention to inner guidance told me those were not the right places. So we kept looking. Then, the place I bought wasn't even what I thought we were looking for, but I knew it was right. Now we are moving forward and all excited. You have to wait for the Lord.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Galen!
      Yes! We do have to wait for the Lord in all things. So happy that He helped you find the perfect home for your daughters. I know they will enjoy it. :)
      Blessings to you!

  16. What you and Danny are doing is amazing. I'm so proud of you guys. I love your hearts...so open and full. I will make a point of doing something for Housing for Humanity...either by donation or time. Probably donation;) LOL!! Sending love sweet Martha, to you and to Danny, and the lovely little family that now has a new home.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Leah, and thanks for your sweet compliments.
      We are so fortunate and blessed by events such as these, and were so happy for this young woman and her son who finally had their own home. Glad you plan on donating! :)
      Love and blessings!

  17. I've helped build with Habitat and it was an amazing experience. More than helping, I felt I got double the blessings upon seeing the joy on people's faces after their houses were built. I'm sure you experienced the same thing, if not even more. Thanks for sharing it here.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Anne!
      I have never done a Habitat build, but sure plan to in the future. How wonderful that you've given your time and energy to such a worthwhile cause!
      Glad you had double the blessings, too!
      Blessings to you!


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