Friday, October 5, 2012

" . . .My Run, Run, Run, Run, Runaway . . ."

1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

I'll be the first to admit it.  I'm not an exercise junkie.  But, I go to the gym at least four times a week.  Weight machines for ten minutes.  Cardio, either treadmill or elliptical, for thirty.

Many mornings, I'd much rather lounge at home.  Sipping coffee, reading e-mails and the news, or making the blog rounds.  But, I force myself to break away from my comfort zone, don the work-out clothes, and head out.

What's my motivation?  There are several reasons why I routinely exercise.  Naturally, the first is, I want to stay fit.  The second, I always have more energy and can think better on the days I work out.  And, third, I do it because it helps combat my osteoporosis.  That last reason alone should be reason enough, don't you think?

All in all, I'm staying in shape and, I hope, running in such a way as to get the prize - a healthier, happier me!

While maintaining physical health is important for all of us, so is the nurturing of our spiritual health.  And, I dare say, there are as many ways to keep our souls fit as there are exercise machines at LA Fitness!

These are some of the things I do to grow in the Spirit -

  • Read the Bible.
  • Meditate on God's Word.
  • Pray for my needs and those of others.
  • Listen to Christian contemporary music (mostly, when I'm at the gym).
  • Attend a weekly Bible study.
  • Participate in worship every Sunday.
  • Read the devotional blogs of others (there is a wealth of inspiration out there!).
  • Write Meditations of my Heart.
What about you?  How are you feeding your hungry soul?  Keeping fit for the Lord?
Will you share some of your spiritual practices in the comment section?

Please pray with me:
May we run this race of life, Father, ever focused on the prize of salvation and forgiveness offered by Your Son, our Savior, Christ Jesus.  Keep us sound in body, mind, and spirit.  At all times and in all places, may we love and serve You.  Amen.


  1. A wonderful post Martha and I must admit if I look at your list I fall short! Interesting I dreamt about Bibles last night. I received them from friends :)Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks for stopping in today, Nelieta!
      Oh, what an interesting dream you had! Maybe, God is trying to tell you something. :)
      Blessings to you and have a great weekend!

  2. I would say I read your blog :)

    And apart from that I read some other lovely blogs, some nice interesting books, visit a temple daily and listen to devotional sermons too.

    I agree like our body our soul / mind also needs exercise from time to time to stay healthy or else it has the fear of getting rusted!

    1. Me, you are too sweet! So honored that my blog is a part of your spiritual routine.
      And, yes, we need to exercise our minds, body, and spirit if we wish to stay healthy and well-rounded.
      Thanks so much for coming by today!
      Blessings to you and have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Words of wisdom delivered with intelligence. I have a spiritual moment every time I am out in nature or I see a bride & groom celebrate their love or photograph a young childs smile!!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Jim!
      Isn't it wonderful when we can experience the spiritual in the simplest of things? Sounds like you look at all of life as a miracle. That's the way to truly live!
      Blessings to you!

  4. I just started writing down a few things I am grateful for each morning when I wake up. :)

    1. Good for you, Rachel! It is the best place to start, being grateful for each new morning the Lord provides. It is what He wants from us . . .
      Thanks so much for coming by and blessings to you always!

  5. Beautiful list. I am working on getting myself back on track these days, I have several devotionals and definitely read those spiritual and uplifting blogs. As you know, I've been one of them in the past and am getting ready to implement them again. Thanks for always stopping by my site and leaving such thoughtful and encouraging comments. Have a beautiful and blessed weekend.

    1. Mitzi, I love your site. Your photos and thoughts offer so much inspiration to me. I am a better person because God led me to follow you.
      You will get back on track . . . He is there for you and has never left your side. He is clearly at work within you through your blog. I see it. I feel it.
      Love and blessings to you always!

  6. hey Martha - yes, reading spiritual and God-centered bloggers is a good dose of spirituality:)

    We take care of our bodies, our teeth, our cars and even our plumbing in our houses(haha) but what about our soul? Glad you brought this up and explored ways to honor the spirit. I love meditation, prayer, silence and visiting spiritual sites to awaken the spirit.

    1. Thanks so much, Vishnu, for visiting today!
      Yes, all too often we nourish every part of us except for the spiritual when that is the most important part of who we are for eternity. I'm so glad you are honoring your soul with the practices you mention here. Great spiritual training! :)
      Blessings to you!

  7. I actually do brisk walking instead of jogging or running. And I use the stairs instead of escalators and lifts.

    It's good to take care of both body and soul. It needs a certain balance that most of the time I fail to recognize.

    I spend time with the Scriptures and supplements to Christian faith; pray and visit the BS, write my reflections, spend time with the children, receive Sacraments...

    I pray with you and re-echo your prayer to the soul, focused on the goal of winning the prize, loving God faithfully.

    1. So happy to see you here, Melissa! Thanks for coming by!
      Sounds to me like you're on a balanced track of taking care of body, mind, and spirit. Like you, I don't run, but use either the treadmill for fast walking or the elliptical in the gym.
      Thank you for joining me in prayer - may our true prize always rest in our love for the Lord.
      Blessings to you!

  8. I've always found exercise boring - unless you're doing it for a purpose. Once I played basketball in a church league for guys over 30.
    Now, I officate high school football (in 16th season) and that helps me keep fit.
    Also, walking my three dogs is great cardio as well as inspirational. When I'm with them, I can commune with nature and God in the beautiful mountains of western NC.
    Nice post, thanks for helping me to stop and appreciate what I have.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, FCEtier, and welcome!
      Honestly, exercise is boring for me, too. If I didn't have my music on my Ipod, it would be grueling, indeed!
      I like what you are doing for exercise, both physically and spiritually . . . western NC IS God's country, I'm convinced. :) Appreciating God's creation is a wonderful way to grow in the Spirit.
      Blessings to you!

  9. Martha, I didn’t know you had osteoporosis. Yeah, that IS reason enough to work out routinely. Here’s another scripture that would work well with this post.

    For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value in all things, having the promise of the life which is now, and of that which is to come. ~ 1 Tim 4:8

    I wish I had your steadfast will to exercise. Pray for me, I need to get back in shape; I’ve gotten SO slack lately.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Debra!
      Luckily, my condition has really improved over the past few years and I am holding my own. The exercise does help a lot!
      Thanks for sharing this scripture from 1 Timothy - it so fits this!
      I will pray for you, my friend, and have every confidence you will get back in shape. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. I TRY and start my morning by asking Jesus to stay close to me all day and TRY at night to ask for his forgiveness on my daily neglects.

  11. For me it starts and ends with solitude. I have a couple of "sacred spaces" - one on my back porch when the weather is good, the other in my den. More importantly I have "sacred time," which is usually first thing in the morning.

    I practice journaling, mostly by writing continuously for 20 minutes - literally whatever is going through my mind - Julia Cameron's "Morning Pages" have really shaped my writing and processing world for the last near-three years.

    I also do planned-ahead Bible study - mostly daily.


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...