Friday, February 24, 2017

Have-To or Get-To?

Mark 6:31
Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

Ah!  At long last, the weekend is here!  For many of us who work long hours outside the home during the week, or who juggle kids and schedules, cleaning and cooking, while the spouse brings home the bacon, the weekend looms like an oasis of rest in a desert of busyness.

Even though I'm no longer a nine-to-five breadwinner, I tend to be much more occupied by all the "have-tos" during the week than I am on the weekend.  There are trips to the grocery store and various appointments, the gym and endless errands, writing up blogs and reading so many lovely ones delivered to my email each day, and often times, babysitting my granddaughters.

Oh, and then there are those pesky, revolving-door house chores; the ones I make myself do because as much as I detest cleaning, I love a clean house.

Whew!  There are simply too many days when the "have-tos" win, and the "get-tos" lose.

So for me, it is crucial to carve out space on Saturday and Sunday to simply chill.

To slow down.

To rest.

Whether it be curling up with a good book, spending more time in prayer and Bible study, or just relaxing with my husband, Danny, these respites are a balm for my soul.

Even my emails seem to understand my need for a break, as they are few and far between on the weekends; and most of my blogging buddies never, ever post on Saturday or Sunday!

And as I reread Mark 6:31, I am struck by that life-strangling, chaotic stream of hectic demands, which preclude Jesus' disciples from even partaking in a meal.  How many of us are guilty of grabbing something "to-go," and stuffing it in our mouths in haste as we run from one meeting or appointment to another?  Or, how many times do we skip that necessary nourishment because our crammed schedule leaves no space to accommodate something as basic as eating?

Jesus tells His disciples, just as He is telling you and me, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."  I don't think this is a suggestion.  It's an order.  A loving, caring, restorative order that our Lord gives because He knows what's best for us.

If today you find yourself wrapped up in a whirlwind of activity, will you stop and listen to Jesus' voice?  Inviting you to come away with Him?  Promising to give you quiet and rest?

Because all our "have-tos" don't matter in the long run.

But that we "get-to" spend time with Jesus, does.



  1. Oh yes! I so agree! This past week we were busy with our grandson, doing all the fun stuff that grandparents do with a grandchild that we only get to see maybe once a year because he lives so far away...and so we crammed a lot into a little bit of time...and now I am ready for some down time and rest and peace and secret garden is beckoning me to come and sit a while and "Be Still and Know that I AM God" I hope to be there soon... But I am saying a prayer for you today first. May the Lord meet you right where you are...and give you peace. Blessings to you today my friend.

    1. Pamela, I can't begin to tell you how much your prayer means to me today, that the Lord would meet me right where I am. Honestly, this has been a day where Satan decided to make a full attack on me and my family, and I know better than to fall for his lies, but I've needed every reminder that God is right there with me, guiding and protecting and loving.
      So glad you had fun times with your grandson - grands are such a blessing, are't they? Sometimes, God needs us to be busy with them just because they are so deserving of our love and attention, and we wouldn't want it any other way!
      I will be looking for the next rest time in the Secret Garden.
      Love and blessings!

  2. This is such an important shift. If I think "I have to..." I feel resistance and low energy. If I think "I get to..." I feel anticipation and gratitude. If we can catch ourselves every time we say or think that we have to do something, and switch it to we get to do something, our lives will be full of gratitude, which follows your post about gratitude! Lovely.

    1. Thank you, Galen! What you have stated here is so true. Everything we get to do is a privilege full of grace, filled, as you stated, with anticipation and gratitude. When I do my daily Bible readings, I center myself on that very perk - I get to have alone time with Jesus. What more could I ask for?
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, Perspective really does make a difference, doesn't it? When I do those not so fun chores of adult life, I frequently remind myself that I get to do this--that I can do for myself and don't have to hire everything done. And yes, quiet and rest are so important to the whole of our beings.

    Love and Blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, reminding ourselves that the Lord has given us the health to "get-to" do each and every thing can generate much peace and joy within us. And that quiet and rest? Oh, so tantamount to our healthy spiritual selves!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Hi Martha! Your weekends sound wonderful, and create a good balance between the week and the weekend.
    It's good to be able to tell the difference between your 'get-to' and 'have-to'. I think a lot of trouble happens when we can't figure out which is which. I have an ironing board staring me in the face right now, but I'd much rather be here with you!

    1. Lol, Ceil, the dreaded ironing board! I only use it when I'm starching/ironing white linen napkins, and that hasn't been for ages since I've either had constant back pain (much, much better now) or suffering from the creeping crud that simply refuses to let go.
      And it is so important for us to determine the difference. Being with Jesus should never be a "have-to" and always a "get-to." That will be a large focus of my Lenten season this year.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I'm trying to do better with weekends but no too successful yet. one of my goals this year.

    1. And that's an excellent goal to have, Jean. We all need a rest, whether it be on the weekend or in the middle of the week. Trying to hold on to that myself, especially during Lent.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...