Tuesday, February 7, 2017

On the Brink

Psalm 31:7
I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.

Recently, I pen a post recounting my bouts with revolving door illnesses that don't seem to quit.  While these "thorns in the flesh" dissipate and lessen with each passing day, there is one, which returns.

With a vengeance!

It is the pressing, debilitating pain in my upper back and shoulders.  As I haven't done anything out-of-the-ordinary strenuous, I am confused as to the cause, and disheartened by its oppressive grip.

And after several days of suffering, making me wish I owned stock in Bayer, my husband, Danny, suggests, "Schedule a massage tomorrow (Monday).  Maybe that will soothe your symptoms.

I'm only too happy to comply, and am fortunate to nab an empty slot that very morning.  Oh, but it feels so good!  As the young woman's hands work their magic, I literally feel my body, and my back, easing, relaxing.  And when it's all over?  Relief at last!

For all of thirty minutes . . .

The smothering pain slithers right back into place as it had never left.  By Wednesday, I'm desperate; even with pain killers, I can barely sleep.  Danny makes not a suggestion this time, but a demand.  "Call a chiropractor tomorrow and get the first possible appointment.  I think that's the only option you have at this point."

I've never seen a chiropractor, though Danny has.  I know that treatment worked for him, and although I'm still a bit leery about whether it will work as well for me, I'm in too much excruciating discomfort to argue.  Happily, I connect on Thursday with a chiropractic practice not five minutes from our house, and I'm seen that very morning.

I find out my affliction is much worse than I could ever have imagined.  Without going into the anatomical details, suffice it to say, it will take months to right my spine's wrongs.

Do I care?  No!  Because just after my first treatment, I feel so much better, I quit taking aspirin right there and then.  And as I write this post after three days of back-to-back (pun intended) treatments, the results are miraculous!

Am I sore and stiff?  Yes!  But the sensation is more akin to muscles pulled from engaging in weekend warrior activities; ones I can count on to heal.

And as I reflect upon the sudden intensity and urgency of this pain, and recall the kind doctor's words, I am convinced that God's hand is all over this.  Had I decided to go the traditional route, doping my body, alleviating the pain without getting to its source, it may have been too late for chiropractic care of any type.

I was on the brink.

God pulled me back from it in a HUGE way by allowing me to feel such anguish, knowing all along that Danny's words would convince me to see a chiropractor.

Just in the nick of time.

Oh, how I am glad, rejoicing in the Lord's great love for me!

Thank You, precious Father!  Thank You!


Has there been an instance in your life when you knew God pulled you back from the brink?


  1. So happy for you that this treatment has brought such comfort already. Praying that your back will be healed and strengthened as you learn to truly relax and rest under God's healing hands. We are such complex people...and God has many ways to bring healing when we yield to His control and leading. Thank you for sharing this with us. You will be in my continued prayers.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers, Pamela. I can use every one I can get!
      Day by day, the discomfort is lessening, and I am so grateful to God for His healing power. And as we both know, there's nothing wrong with rest and relaxation, is there? God often uses circumstances to slow us down and redirect our focus on to Him.
      Love and blessings!

  2. So glad you shared this experience of yours with us. Many are experiencing pains and illnesses of all sorts. God is always one step ahead of us leading the way. For those that are yielded to Him and recognize that He sheds His loving light for us, that we will not stumble along the way. I too have experienced excruciating spinal and other pain, and steadfastly refused to give in to prescribed pain medications as the answer. It took a lot of arduous physical therapy and time to heal in which to get out of pain, but one morning I awoke to 'no pain'!! What a miracle and God's great blessing to not be in pain that I had lived with for years. I know from firsthand experience that He does provide the resources to us, if we will reach out to receive healing that our own bodies need for healing itself from within. Be well, be healed my friend is my prayer to The Father for you. May you look for opportunities and avenues during the daily to see Him healing and being there with you and others each step of the healing process.

    1. Thank you, Bren, for taking the time to share your own experience with that debilitating pain, and how God worked to heal you from the infirmities. The road to healing, as you've described, is not always quick with results, but may take our perseverance, along with God's help, to get us to that pain-free point.
      As of posting this today, I'm already light-years past the discomfort I felt just this past Saturday, and for that, I am eternally grateful! Each new day is a fresh start!
      Thanks so much for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, Thank you for sharing your experience with back pain. Back pain can be utterly miserable! While I have back pain (generally mid to upper back)--I've gone with stretching (gentle), changing position/activity, Advil (as needed but at limited doses), and ice (sometimes heat) for relief. While at the same time, I've been praying too! Thus far, I've avoided going the chiropractic route.

    I'm sure that God has brought me back from the brink numerous times. One time, it was to move me out of an environment that was "deadly" for me. (The environment was " toxic" in a metaphorical sense.)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, Kim, I'm so sad to hear you've had recurring back pain, too. Sometimes, as you describe above, it can be treated gently and sensibly. I do hope you will keep aware, though, of when something more, like chiropractor visits, could be helpful.
      And those toxic situations? Wow! So glad God removed you from that one, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Oh Martha, I am so sorry to hear you are in such pain. It's constant presence is so debilitating, so exhausting.

    Yet, your soul sounds strong and full of hope. I'm praying for you right now even as we speak.

    Peace, peace ...

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Linda!
      As I write this, I am enjoying the least pain of any day since first going to the chiropractor. What a blessing!!! God is with me, that I know, and will see me through all this healing.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I'm so sorry for your pain, Martha. I'm so happy God is easing it through these treatments. It's really amazing how complex our bodies are and what happens when our spines are in alignment and no longer allowing nerves to be pinched. I hope the treatments help you further! After we have endured pain, we appreciate the easing of it so much more, don't we? Love and hugs!

    1. Oh, yes, Trudy! After being in such horrific pain, even the slightest improvement over these past days has brought enormous relief. I am so thankful to God! And as I wrote to Linda, today is the best day yet on the pain scale, and I'm looking forward to another visit to my chiropractor tomorrow morning.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Hello Martha! I'm happy to meet you in blogland! I was encouraged to read your testimony of how the Lord met you and helped you in this difficult journey of pain! My husband suffered terrible neck spasms earlier this year and a visit to the chiropractor helped tremendously, as well as stretching exercises, heat, and some essential oils that helped ease the pain. I am so thankful to hear the praise report of how the Lord has helped you through the hands of the chiropractor, praising the Lord with you today! I'm happy to meet other like-minded women who love the Lord :) Blessings and hugs to you today!

    1. I'm so happy to meet you, too, Spicing Up, and so gratified someone pointed you in the direction of my blog!
      Thank you for sharing all that your husband went through, and how he has definitely improved with time. That is so encouraging!!!
      And with you, I'm praising the Lord today and every day for all the good things He has done and is continuing to do in our lives.
      I will be sure to check out your blog, new friend!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, I'm so glad to hear that going to the chiropractor has helped you. A dear friend of mine is married to a chiropractor. It is quite a rewarding profession because many come to him so desperate and receive relief.
    Hooray God for leading you to help!

    1. Thanks so much, Beckie! Yes, with each passing day, and treatment, my pain has diminished so much, and I am so grateful to God for this. Chiropractors are absolutely awesome, I agree, and I don't know where I'd be right now without mine.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Oh Martha, I am right with you in this pain you experienced. I was in physical therapy for two months for muscle spasms in my shoulder and back. It was awful. I'm SO glad you found relief through your chiropractor. My husband says I should see one, but I'm kind of leery. I've never seen one before.
    Right now I'm on muscle relaxants and doing much better. May God keep us in the palm of his hand, and bring us to his healing!

    1. Before I visited this chiropractor, Ceil, I was skeptical, too. But the difference in just one week? Amazing! I think your husband is right - it might be a good idea to see one in order to keep your back properly aligned if nothing else.
      So sorry you had to endure so much pain, too. We both know it's not fun in the least! But praise God for His continued healing touch in our lives.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Praise God! Sometimes we husbands DO have wise counsel to share. :) Good encouragement of God's faithful love, Martha. Thank you!

    1. Don't sell yourself short, Jason! I think husbands often have the perfect advice for their wives because they know them so well. I'm so glad God chose to speak through Danny to get me the help I needed.
      Love and blessings!

  10. The photo made me gasp. Don't jump I wanted to say. My hubby experienced the same thing with the same results. I never held much value in chiropractors until I saw his results. It was the only thing that really helped him. Taught me another lesson in keeping an open mind. Glad you are doing better

    1. Jean, I certainly hear you! Years ago, Danny's back was really flaring up, and the only hope for him was the chiropractor. Fortunately for him, it only took a few visits. In my case, I will be going for months, but I am more than happy to do so.
      We do have to keep our minds, and our hearts, open to how God wishes to work in our lives. As I write this response to you tonight, I have NO PAIN! That is miraculous, as of a week ago, I was in agony. Our God is an awesome God!
      And I'm with you when it comes to this photo - the last thing I EVER want is to be close to a precipice; I have vertigo so badly! But it was the only illustration I could conjure that came close to how close I came to the edge that divides illness from healing.
      Love and blessings, and let me know when you wave! :)

  11. So glad you are feeling better. When you share something like that many people want to share their own stories or offer advice. So here's my suggestion. Read "Pain Free" about the Egoscue method of realigning everything so that our bodies can do what they were made to do. And like all advice (except from your husband!), feel free to ignore it!

    1. Galen, thank you! This sounds like a must read book for me. And never worry about giving advice - I love to hear from folks about what has worked for them. In fact, my hairdresser told me today that she was having chronic shoulder/back pain until she started sleeping on her back instead of her side. I'm going to give that a try tonight!
      Love and blessings!


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