Friday, January 25, 2013

Inviting Allie In

Romans 8:39
Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Allie arrives at Danny's home years ago when his boys are small.  She is a stray. An outdoor cat looking for a home.

Feeling sorry for her, Danny begins feeding Allie outside and makes sure she has fresh water.  The boys are smitten with this gorgeous kitty.  They beg their father to take her in.

"A cat in the house will drive the cockatiel crazy," Danny tells them, "but we can make her a comfortable place in the garage."

Everyone is pleased with the arrangement.  The boys shower Allie with lots of love and attention, making sure she goes outside with them when they play in the yard.

And, Allie seems perfectly happy and content to be where she is, even though it means being separated from the family more often than not.  She grows accustomed to it.

When Danny and I are planning our wedding, we discuss the pet situation.  I am bringing my dog, Maggie, who never met a cat she didn't like, and cat, Jordan, who never met a cat she didn't hate.  We are hoping beyond hope that Jordan will make an exception when it comes to Allie.  Since the bird is no longer with us, we would like nothing better than to have all our pets together.

So much for that hope . . . You can read all about Allie and Jordan's strained relationship here.

So, poor Allie remains in the garage, and Jordan gets the run of the house.  We go out of our way to spend time with Allie, but I think it's never enough.  I hate that she is separated from us, but what alternative do we have?

Then, as many of you already know, we have to put down a very ill and elderly Jordan this past December.  I am heartbroken.  I weep while cleaning her food and water bowls for the last time and bag up her litter pan for the trash.  The house seems so empty without her . . .

Danny offers comfort.  "Let's wait a week or so for Jordan's scent to fade, and then we can try Allie in the house.  What do you say?  Don't you think it would make you feel better about losing Jordan if you had Allie to keep you company?"

"I'm sure it would," I say, "but, after all those years in the garage, will Allie be able to adjust?"

"We won't know unless we give it a try.  I'm game if you are."

I am.  We invite Allie in.  And, this much beloved cat adjusts beautifully!

Indeed, we are blessed!


Are you going through the pain of being separated from a loved one?

Will you pray with me?
We are so thankful, Father, that nothing and no one can ever separate us from Your love which is in Your precious Son, Jesus.  Comfort those who cannot be with the people they love at this time.  Reassure them that they are cradled in Your loving arms.  Amen


  1. Hi Martha:
    Once again the old adage proves true:
    God closes a door and opens a window. Love this story.

    1. Oh, yes, He certainly does, Chris!
      Thanks so much for coming by today!
      Blessings to you!

  2. Everything is an opportunity :)

    That's a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Yes, everything IS an opportunity when we view it correctly.
      So glad you enjoyed the story and thanks for coming by, J. R.!
      Blessings to you!

  3. Awww so glad she loves sharing the inside of your home with all of you! She looks quite content!

    1. She is very content, Jessica, and loves our bed so much that I sometimes can't get it made until late in the day. Lol!
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Blessings always!

  4. Awww, I'm glad she finally made it in the house! We definitely can't help but be separated from those we love at times. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Rachel!
      We're glad she's inside, too. She is such a love!
      Blessings to you!

  5. Oh this touched me so deeply... it's not that I've lost anybody at this moment... but my mom begged off to take my little niece for a while because our house is under renovation. And my niece will not stand the dust here...

    And I remember the kids who I cannot meet for Saturday neither...

    I reflected that sometimes, we grow so accustomed to keeping one person or some 'close' people beside us and we cannot make space for others because of intolerance...

    I have read your stories from the past...and somehow, I remember how I also became very careful of my friendships because of a friend's death...

    Perhaps, there is wisdom in what Danny said... "to allow the 'smell' to wear off for a bit"... there are lots of people out there waiting to come in and be a part of our/my life...

    I pray with you always...lots of love!

    p.s. welcome to Allie :*

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Melissa!
      Wow! You certainly did identify with Allie's (and our) situation in things happening in your own life. Certainly, changes and circumstances sometimes force us to let go of one thing, but we shouldn't be hasty to grab onto another simply to take its place. You are so insightful, my dear!
      Blessings and prayers!

  6. What a touching story, Martha. It's amazing how God provides for us - when we're open to letting Him lead us.
    I found Melissa's comparison very moving too.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping in today, Corinne!
      Yes, the Lord most richly provides in all things. And, I agree - Melissa's comparison was very touching . . .
      Blessings and love!

  7. what a story! I am an Allie fan! I am sorry about Jordon.

    1. Hooray! Allie has a fan club! :)
      Yes, it was difficult to make that decision, but Jordan was suffering so, it was only a matter of time.
      Thanks so much for coming by, Annmarie! Blessings to you!

  8. I love this story! We can learn a lot from Allie about being patient and accepting. She waited for the time to be right for her to come inside. Until then, she was happy to have love and a safe place to be.

    1. I love your analogy here, Galen, how we can all learn to wait in God's time.
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Blessings and love!

  9. Martha, I enjoying reading your blog, you always touch my heart. God bless you sweet Sister. Susan

    1. Thanks for coming by, Susan, and that this post touched you.
      Blessings to you!

  10. Thanks for sharing some very sweet and touching moments of your life. I am very sorry for your loss - so hard to lose a beloved pet, but God always provides a way to heal. Blessings to you.

    1. Yes, Suzy, it was very hard losing Jordan, but Allie has become a sweet companion for us. God does heal our hearts.
      Blessings to you!


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