Friday, January 11, 2013

Sweet, Sweet Music . . .

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.

My stepson, Giovanni, works at our local Wendy's.  His foremost station is what's known as "back cash".  He takes the money from the customers at the first drive-in window.

Because he has been at the job for over a year now, Giovanni's smile and attitude is appreciated by the many regulars who come by the restaurant.  Management has told him that when he has a day off, these patrons always ask,  "Where's Giovanni?"

It's a good feeling to be appreciated.  And, missed when you're not there.

That's all the reward, in addition to his paycheck, Giovanni needs.

So, imagine his surprise when a favorite customer pulls up to his window.  Not only does she give him the money for her purchase, but also hands him a gift bag.

"I know it's late for Christmas," she confesses, "but, we wanted you to know how much we care.  Enjoy!"

"Thanks so much!"  Giovanni is genuinely pleased.  He has to wait until he goes on break to examine the contents of the bag.

When Giovanni arrives home from work, he is beaming!

"Guess what?"  he tells us.  "One of my customers gave me presents today.  I got a Visa gift card and this!"

He holds up a book proudly.  It's a brand new Bible!  My husband, Danny, and I are thrilled to know someone cares so much for our son, and even more thrilled that Giovanni is excited about it.

"Think I'll read some of it," he says.

Music!  Sweet, sweet music to our ears.

Because, although he has told us he is a Christian, never once has Giovanni shown any interest in seriously reading the Bible.  But, now, the thoughtful generosity of one beautiful soul may have changed all that . . .

May God's love story be a lamp for your feet, dear Giovanni, and a light on your path!


Do you take time each day to read your Bible?

Will you pray with me?
Father, we thank You for those who joyfully and generously spread the Good News of Your Kingdom to all who need to hear it.  Bless them and keep them, dear Lord, and may Your light ever shine through them.  Amen.


  1. Our God is an amazing God! He always seems to put people in the right place at the right time :) I will include Giovanni in my prayers Martha ♥ May he continue his reading and studies!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Mary, and for your prayers for Giovanni. Yes, I'm hoping this does the trick for him!
      Blessings and love!

  2. How wonderful, a true gift of light and love.

    1. Oh, yes, the perfect gift!
      Thanks so much for visiting, Jan!
      Blessings and love!

  3. This is a wonderful testimony, Martha. God so loved the world and gave his only son. Even he chose to demonstrate his love by giving us a gift - the gift of Jesus Christ. Similarly, it's wonderful to appreciate by acknowledging and giving a gift. So very thoughtful of them and I'm happy for your lovely son as well. He is blessed and a blessing.

    Joy always,

    1. Thanks so much, Susan, for your kind words and for stopping by today. Yes, Giovanni is certainly blessed and he is a blessing to us every day.
      Blessings and joy and love!

  4. WOW what an awesome testimony :).. I have to admit it had been a long time since I had opened my Bible... it was dusty and coated with nicotine... it is no longer dusty or coated in nicotine.. I have picked it up again.. and have had some really good talks with a friend about different things in that bible.. thank you for this post Martha.. loving you .As always....XOXOXOXOXOXO

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Bonnie!
      I'm so glad you have gotten back into God's Word, my friend! Ironically, I just wrote a post for next Friday about my Lenten discipline to read the Bible, front to back, with the help of a marvelous book - 66 Love Letters. Watch for it! :)
      Blessings and love, my friend!

  5. wow!!! everything about this post is fabulous!!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Annmarie! Thanks for stopping by!
      Blessings to you!

  6. What a wonderful story, both about your stepson who obviously shines his light to others, and about the people who responded to him and generously showed their appreciation with such a meaningful gift.

    As for reading the Bible, I've been exploring all the verses in the Bible that involve "wait," my word for the year. I like to take a word like that sometimes and look up all the verses that have it. I learn a lot that way!

    1. Oh, I love what you are doing with your word of the year, Galen! That is a marvelous idea and a great way to learn, for sure.
      Glad you enjoyed the post; thanks so much for visiting!
      Blessings to you!

  7. Martha,

    When I shared my conversion experience on my blog the other day ( I didn't mention the catalyst for that experience. Just before the retreat in January, my grandmother gave me a Living Bible. It was right after it was first published, and I was completely intrigued and interested in reading it. I think the Lord used it to turn my heart to a place of openness to Him.

    I am praying the same kind of thing will happen in Giovanni's heart.

    1. Wow, Andy, thanks for sharing this about your gift of the Living Bible. With you, I'm praying that Giovanni will, indeed, begin reading God's word and be convicted in his soul.
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
      Blessings always!

  8. There is always a way that God chooses to send a message to us as simple as saying I AM THERE - loved the way he got the message !

    1. Oh, yes, what a great way to get the message, indeed!
      Thanks so much for visiting today, Me!
      Blessings and love!

  9. This is one of the most beautiful surprises Martha. And the seed is growing in Giovanni. Someday, I pray, the kids would also allow this seed to grow in them...

    And I also pray for that person who gave Giovanni the Bible, what a very beautiful and apt gift...

    I'll be writing a bit of this sweet music in my Early Retreat series...I do love to hear it everyday...

    I pray with you with all my heart...and thank you for feeding my soul. Your blog is an extension of my spiritual reading each day :*

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Melissa, and for your sweet words. I'm praying, too, that the seed has been planted and that it will grow and flourish both in Giovanni and in your children.
      Glad you visit here as part of your devotions each day. What a blessing you are to me!
      Love and blessings, my friend!

  10. Love this blog of yours. Good...spititual and sopund.
    I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Stan, and welcome! I checked out your blog and will be back.
      Blessings to you!

  11. Wow, Martha!
    You HAVE to be proud of Giovanni! Knowing you are respected in your community is always a blessing. Knowing you are loved is amazing!

    Giovanni is two for two. Excellent story! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, Chris, Giovanni is two for two! I pray that this seed planted will grow and thrive in him and that he will become a blessing to others.
      Blessings to you, my friend, and thanks so much for visiting!

  12. Dear Martha,

    Lovely. I take time each day to read some form of inspirational spiritual literature (sometimes it's your blog post!) Often it is the Bible.

    Thank you for sharing this sweet story ;-*

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Linda! And, thanks for sharing what you do to feed your spirit each day. I can't begin to tell you how many devotional blogs I visit each day. LOL!
      Blessings and love to you!

  13. Just checking back in case you have posted since my last visit. The invitation to follow is still open and always will be.

    1. Thanks so much! Just signed up as a follower, Stan.
      I post every Tuesday and Friday. You can follow me, too!
      Blessings to you!

  14. Martha - I truly enjoyed reading this and thanked God as I read it that Giovanni is finding himself. I remember your concerns about him last year. It's amazing how a 'disinterested' adult who cares can make such a difference to a young person's life.

    1. Yes, Corinne, he seems to be blooming into a wonderful young man, and we are so grateful for that. I pray he will continue to grow in the spirit.
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
      Love and blessings!


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